Love Horoscope For Tuesday, October 17, 2023
See things in a different light.

With Venus in Virgo, we see how practicality impacts love on October 17, 2023, including our love horoscope for Tuesday.
What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Tuesday, October 17, 2023:
Temptation can get the best of you regarding love, Aries. When you're in love with someone, during Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, your heart can easily overrule your mind. You may delight in doting on a partner. Anticipate lots of PDA and open expressions of love.
There's a positive side to being sneaky when it comes to love. You may enjoy planning a special surprise for a partner who suspects nothing. Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo can have you imagining ways to catch a partner off-guard to give an ultimate surprise.
Being a homebody can be a fun thing to do when you're with the right person. During Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, your dark passion is staying home in your comfort clothes, curled up on the couch, watching shows. Calling in sick at work can be tempting if your partner has the day off and plans to be home. Consider the pros and cons of this type of decision if you are considering doing so.
Trusting someone with your deepest secrets can bring you both closer together. During Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, you may wish for your partner to really, really know you. As much as it's sweet to share your past, you will also want to consider the impact of disclosing parts of yourself you may not want anyone ever to know. Tread lightly.
Money is meant to be used for a good cause, so don't gamble it away with the hopes of making it big without talking it over with your partner first. During Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, you may be tempted to spend money on scratch-off tickets and the Powerball, hoping to solve many financial problems. Be sensible with shared income if spending it could impact your budget or ability to pay expenses.
Doing things for yourself is never a bad idea. It's self-love. During Venus conjunct Lilith in your sign, you'll want to indulge in the little things that help you feel a strong sense of wholeness and rest. A long bubble bath or an hour at a salt spa. If you have time, it's the perfect day for doing a couple's message.
If you don't want to let something go, holding a grudge could be a weak point for you today. During Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, it can be hard not to see the negative side of a person who has betrayed you in the past. Try not to allow your mind to fester over past offenses. Today is best for cutting ties and recognizing that for something to change truly, things begin and end with you.
Friends can have motives, Scorpio. You may have someone in your life who wants to love you more than just a friend. During Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, a person's advances can feel awkward, especially if the emotions aren't mutual. It's best not to 'be nice' to avoid hurting feelings. If you never intend to cross lines or get involved intimately, you will want to be clear about your own intentions. Whenever Lilith is involved, miscommunication can take place.
Work secrets can create problems, so to avoid becoming part of the office gossip, it's best to keep certain things to yourself today. During Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, the green eye of envy can be alive and strong. People who dislike anyone enjoying things they don't have can act out a bit more. Avoid gossipy coworkers or situations where stories can run wild.
You may discover that you desire to learn more about astrology from the standpoint of relationships and couples' synastry. Consider taking a class online or purchasing an astrology book on the topic. You don't have to jump in all the way. Baby steps to studying the subject can be an enjoyable way to start.
Sharing your heart with someone can leave you feeling vulnerable and exposed. During Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, you may feel tempted to dump all your past history on the table so that a person 'knows' you. But it's better to be reserved with what you share and do so when it makes sense. Resisting the temptation to overshare is wise.
The idea of commitment may appeal to you a bit more than usual. You may treasure the idea of being single at times, but today, you might feel like letting that idea go. During Venus conjunct Lilith in Virgo, your desire for closeness can feel compromised if your autonomy is sacrificed. Feeling like you have the ability to choose gives you the best of both worlds.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.