The Most Dangerous Thing About Each Zodiac Sign
Warning: Danger ahead!

You may present as someone who follows rules and never does anything out of line, but the truth is there are parts of you that are dangerous. And when we look deeper at astrology, the most dangerous thing about each zodiac sign becomes clear.
Every single person has some danger to them — a bad temper, a need for revenge, bullying tendencies, or maybe they have a disregard for the law. And because there are dangerous zodiac signs out there, it's best to determine when it's a good time to leave them alone or take a chance of being burned.
Being dangerous isn’t always a negative quality; in fact, some things that are dangerous are needed for survival — a snake’s venom, a tiger’s fangs, or speaking about things that people are afraid to hear.
Not all danger is obvious, especially if that danger is the emotional kind. If you have had your heartbroken by the same kind of person over and over again, and you meet someone who has a lot of the same qualities, you know they’re a danger to you. Do you take a chance that this time things will be different, or do you turn around and run the other way?
If your gut tells you that someone is a danger to you, even if it seems impossible, you should believe it. If you decide to ignore the red flags and warning signs, you need to take responsibility for allowing that danger into your life. We are all dangerous, but it’s up to you to decide if it’s a danger you can live with.
The Most Dangerous Thing About Each Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The most dangerous thing about Aries is their unexpected emotional outbursts and their impulsiveness.
Of all the zodiac signs, Aries are the ones who are most likely to commit a crime of passion.
When they get angry they lash out, and sometimes it's not just their words that hurt people, it's their actions. Aries doesn't always think before they act and can do a lot of damage before they cool down.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The most dangerous thing about Taurus is their stubbornness.
If they make up their minds about something, it's tough to get them to change it or to compromise, which means they can get into terrible arguments and fights with people.
It may take a while to fully anger a Taurus, but once there, their anger burns red hot. Taurus tend to have a very dominant personality and will do just about anything to get their own way.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The most dangerous thing about Gemini is that they're unreliable and disorganized.
Sure, they're probably not going to rob you, but they may lose your favorite necklace when they borrow it, or they may blow off a parking ticket until they have a warrant out for their arrest.
It can be dangerous to get into a conversation with a Gemini when you're short on time because it won't matter how often you check the time on your phone. If Gemini wants to discuss something, they won't notice that you need to leave.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The most dangerous thing about a Cancer individual is their mood swings.
If you hurt them or make them mad and it hits them a certain way, they'll overreact in a big way.
If they have even the slightest idea that you've dissed them or weren't respectful of their emotions, they'll cut you out of their life so fast you won't even know it. Their emotions can overwhelm them and cause them to be unstable and irrational.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
The most dangerous thing about Leo is their passive-aggressiveness.
They will stay in relationships that aren't good for them or do things that are on the shady side if they think it will ultimately benefit them.
They seem to be strong and brave most of the time, but there is a side to them that is insecure, needy, and lonely. They need a lot of attention and will manipulate others to get it.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
The most dangerous thing about Virgo is their mastermind mentality.
If they want to kill someone, it will probably be the perfect murder because they'll research every detail.
Luckily, white-collar crimes are more Virgo's thing. They're more likely to steal or commit fraud than murder someone. However, if you suspect a Virgo of some kind of crime, know that they're very capable of doing it.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
The most dangerous thing about Libra is how they tend to hold their emotions back and then one day they snap.
When they lose it, watch out, because there's no telling what they might be capable of — stealing vast sums of money, gambling, or experimenting with illegal substances.
Libras are also capable of having scary emotional meltdowns and saying things to people that they normally wouldn't say.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
The most dangerous thing about a Scorpio is their need for revenge.
This sign does not come to play when it comes to being vindictive. They'll come up with the perfect plan and then wait for however long they need to so that the object of their vengeance won't know what hit them.
Scorpios rarely forget when someone has wronged them, even if that person apologizes. Scorpios are sensitive but that won't stop them from making someone pay for hurting them.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
The most dangerous thing about Sagittarius is how blunt they can be.
They can cut you down without even realizing it. A Sagittarius may think they're just being honest, but they seem to be unaware of the damage that they can do with their words.
They're very impatient, so if you slow them down for any reason, prepare to get ripped a new one.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
The most dangerous thing about Capricorn is their lack of empathy.
Sometimes Capricorns are cold and stingy. If you need someone to give you a loan, don't ask a Capricorn or they'll give you a lecture on how you should never ask to borrow money, nor should you lend it to anyone.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
The most dangerous thing about Aquarius is their inability to see the big picture.
If something or someone can't be of use to them right now, then Aquarius isn't interested.
They tend to make decisions without taking into consideration long-term consequences. They want results right now, and if they have to do something not on the level to get them, they can live with that.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The most dangerous thing about Pisces is their predilection for addiction.
From alcohol, gambling, drugs and painkillers to food, Pisces don't like to be deprived of anything, and if they like something, they're going to fully indulge themselves.
The word "no" isn't something they like to say to themselves, and watch out if someone else tries to keep something that Pisces craves away from them. It can get ugly fast.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and astrology lover. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Woman's Day, and is a contributing writer to Ravishly, I AM & CO, and YourTango. Check out her website or her Facebook writer's page for more.