Zodiac Signs Who Are Mortal Enemies
These signs simply do not jive.

Although the idea of everyone getting along is lovely in theory, it’s just not how things work in the real world. People like, love, hate, loathe, and even have mortal enemies. Aren’t human beings just the most pleasant species on the planet?
While some of these feelings for each other can be blamed on actions or words, a lot of it can be blamed on personalities, and we get much of our personality from the zodiac sign, or star sign, under which we’re born.
Who are the biggest zodiac enemies in astrology?
Depending on a sign's specific personality traits, influenced by their date of birth as well as their element, astrological modality, and other placements in their birth chart, there are other signs they won't mesh well with.
For example, signs like Cancer and Pisces, Gemini and Scorpio, Libra and Virgo, and Sagittarius and Capricorn don't get along, but they aren't necessarily mortal enemies.
In addition, there are certain signs that can fight, like Scorpio, Leo and Taurus; this may make it difficult for them to form friendships or relationships with others.
Additional reasons signs may not get along with each other can be due to their anger or level of danger.
Scorpio is said to be one of the angriest signs in the Zodiac, and holds grudges, making them standoffish to acquaintances. And as for Aries, they are particularly dangerous when things don't go their way.
If you’re wondering which zodiac sign is your absolute mortal enemy that you should avoid like the plague, you don't need to check your horoscope or wonder any longer.
Here are the zodiac signs who are enemies and have sworn to hate each other forever and ever.
1. Gemini & Gemini
If there was ever a sign who couldn’t stand themselves, it’s Gemini.
Two personalities wrapped up in one sign and walking the fine line between sanity and madness — that’s a Gemini.
When you have two Geminis, you have two possible situations: best friends, or enemies for life or longer. There is no gray area when it comes to Gemini.
2. Scorpio & Aquarius
If we’re to be totally honest, Scorpio really doesn’t have any friends in the Zodiac because, well... that’s just the way Scorpio rolls.
But if we narrow it down to one sign that Scorpio just can’t stand and all but spits fire at, that would be Aquarius.
The problem here is that Aquarius is so laid back, so open-minded, and so whimsical that it drives Scorpio nuts. In fact, Scorpio’s rage for Aquarius is so evident that it’s the one sign that Aquarius actually can’t stand either, basically making them a match made in... Hell.
3. Libra & Aries
Although Libra may not have quite the free spirit that Aquarius has, they do tend to have their head in the clouds with little to no worries. In their world, everything is beautiful and balance is key.
While this works with the other signs, where Libra will come to fisticuffs is with Aries.
The clash of personalities — the flighty sign that wants to maintain peace up against the stubborn sign who’s always right — is practically a war of the worlds type of situation.
But while they are, for the most part, mortal enemies, they do respect each other because they understand each other in ways that other signs don’t. Go figure.
4. Leo & Taurus
While Leo and Taurus might make for a great couple because opposites attract, pulling off a friendship is hard for these two.
Leo’s need to be loyal contrasts with Taurus’ need to do whatever they have to in order to get what they want.
Also, Leo’s courage and the stubbornness of Taurus don’t really mix well either — they’re too similar, yet still worlds apart.
5. Cancer & Pisces
Both Cancer and Pisces are highly sensitive signs. Each one is so sensitive that they could be categorized as hypersensitive and, because of this, it sort of makes sense that they’d be buddies, right? Wrong.
Despite the fact that the two are equal in their sensitivity, it’s how they show their feelings that divides them. While Cancer is content to keep their feelings inside, Pisces lets it all out, not shying away from letting anyone and everyone know what they’re feeling.
Because of this, these two zodiac signs are enemies simply because they can’t stand the way the other deals with their emotions.
6. Aries & Aries
Gemini isn’t the only sign in the Zodiac that can’t get along with itself!
Even more lethal than two Gemini are two Aries. Why? Because, holy hell, when you have two rams together, neither of whom will back down or admit they're wrong, you have a total disaster.
These two could go head to head hating each other for decades and decades... and some actually have! Two names: Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Don’t know who they are? Google them. Now.
Amanda Chatel is a writer who divides her time between NYC and Paris. She's a regular contributor to Bustle and Glamour, with bylines at Harper's Bazaar, The Atlantic, Forbes, Livingly, Mic, The Bolde, Huffington Post and others. Follow her on Twitter or visit her website.