15 Of The Nicest Things You Can Ever Do For Your Partner
The nicest kind of love is often shown in subtle ways.

When it comes to love languages, one thing I’ve noticed is people show affection differently. Some tend to be more verbal when it comes to love, while others tend to be doers rather than talkers.
The problem a lot of people have is they often don’t realize someone is showing them affection until it’s too late. After all, a lot of actions are way more subtle than people realize.
If you want a treasured relationship, then you need to make sure you're doing the nicest things you can for your partner and to get you started, here are some ideas.
Here are the nicest things you can ever do for your partner:
1. Make small gestures, even if it's inconvenient
Do you always do small things like keeping them near the door, cooking Sunday dinner for them, and more? These small gestures take effort, and every little time they do them, it’s them saying you care.
2. Provide for them without expectations
Assuming you are not abusive or manipulative, people don’t usually provide for others they don’t care about. If you regularly give them things with no strings attached, or if you always make a point of bringing home the bacon, that’s done as a sign of love. People tend to be providers to people they care about.
3. Talk to them, a lot, about everything
Branislav Nenin via Shutterstock
When you love someone, they become your confidante for just about everything. You tell them about incidents at work, talk to them about how annoying the next-door neighbor is, and even gush about your favorite shows to them.
Studies from The Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy showed if you are talking a bunch, it's definitely how some people show love.
4. Choose to commit, be loyal, and stay by their side
People who are really in love have no issue committing and will have no issue staying loyal. If they have to beg and plead for either, you don’t love them.
5. Nurture and deepen your intimate bond
People who have fallen out of love often lose any attraction to the person they lost their love for. If you no longer ask for intimacy, chances are you stopped loving them a while back. If you still ask after years of being together, there’s a good chance you still love them.
6. Focus on solutions when there are problems
People who are in love with someone will work out problems with their partner before their partner is about to walk out the door. People who truly love their partners don’t wait until the pot’s boiling over to do something. You broach the subject as soon as you believe they might not be totally happy because you want to see them smile.
7. Believe their concerns and fix the issues
A person in love will do almost anything to keep their partner. If they say they have a problem with something, a person who loves them will try to work things out with them, even if you don’t fully understand why it upsets them. (Of course, this is always within reason.)
8. Keep working with them, even when things aren’t too rosy
It takes a lot of love for a person not to leave when things aren’t good. If you stick by them when they are sick, depressed, or broke, you are showing you love them.
9. Make necessary compromises and don’t hold compromising against them
Compromise, whether we acknowledge it or not, is an act of love. It takes a bit to admit you’ll put someone else’s needs before your own or even meet them halfway.
Psychologist Margaret Paul explained the difference between compromising and abandoning yourself in a relationship, "To know when you are compromising for loving reasons and when you are abandoning yourself by compromising, tune into your feelings. If the compromise feels good inside, then you love yourself.
But, if you feel bad inside — anxious, depressed, angry, ashamed, less-than — you are abandoning yourself. There are certainly times in any relationship when one person really wants something or wants to do something, and the other person goes along with it out of love and caring — even if it's not what they really want."
10. Listen to them and remember their words
Every person hears what their partner says, but few actively listen. Do you hear them and reply to what they are saying? Do you hear them, understand them, and work with them? Do you remember what they say? If so, you are listening and loving them.
11. Be comfortable around them and comfortable for them to be around
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People generally only feel comfortable around others who they love and trust.
Licensed therapist Terry Gaspard encouraged people to, "Create a more trusting relationship with a partner by giving yourself permission to be vulnerable and take risks. One where you can be comfortable sharing your dreams and being your authentic self. Intimacy can be an important source of comfort and provide predictability in an uncertain world."
12. Take care of yourself, so you can show up completely
I believe most people are aware of how not caring for yourself will eventually turn off even the most caring person. If you stop trying to keep yourself well in the relationship, then it might be a sign you have stopped caring about what they think — and about them.
13. Keep them in mind, heart, and your plans
This is yet another important way people show they love someone. When someone loves another person, you plan to be together for the long run, according to research from The American Psychological Assocation. If you stop keeping them in the picture, it’s a sign you fell out of love.
14. Don't tolerate someone speaking poorly about them
I learned this the hard way. A person in love will never allow anyone to speak badly of their partner, not even family. The reason why is people have the urge to defend what they care about. If you don’t want to defend them, you probably don’t care enough to love them.
15. Put up with their harmless annoying traits
We all tend to cause drama. Whether it’s financial woes due to shoe shopping or a little bit of whining cause you missed their favorite show, it’s hard to deny we all have flaws.
If you put up with the negative sides they have without making a huge deal of it, that’s a way of saying you love them without saying you love them.
Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, Newtheory Magazine, and others.