Astrologer Reveals The 2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Hear From An Ex During Mercury Retrograde From Now Through August 28

It's your choice to either let go or reconnect.

woman hearing from ex during mercury retrograde Olena Kamenetska via Unsplash | corelens, sparklestroke, sickmoose via Canva

Whenever Mercury is retrograde, chaos is often around the corner. While Mercury retrograde is most known for causing technological mishaps and miscommunication, it also often causes exes to reappear.

"Retrograde Mercury often coincides with things breaking down, which can include machinery, ideas, technology — and even relationships," astrologer Leslie Hale has explained. "Retrograde Mercury seems to have fated effects, like all retrograde planets. Sometimes this transit can bring people back together who are meant to be. Sometimes it ends relationships that are meant to end."


During this cycle, we assess our past and go as far as to reconnect with others (whether we want to or not). So, don't be too shocked if you find your ex texting you out of nowhere — especially if you're one of the following zodiac signs.

According to astrologer Haley Comet, there are two zodiac signs most likely to hear from an ex during Mercury's retrograde phase in August 2024.


It's almost Mercury Retrograde and you know what that means...hearing from people from your past season - ESPECIALLY if you're one of these signs! If you're curious on WHY they reached out, IF you should reach out and IF they will reach out, I deeply recommend going to where I get my personal readings, Keen. You can use my link to get your first 5-minute reading for $1. Thanks for sponsoring this TikTok, Keen.

♬ original sound - Haley Comet 💫

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1. Pisces

pisces most likely to hear from an ex during mercury retrograde, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva

If you're a Pisces, don't be surprised if one of your exes pops back into your life this month. According to Comet, "Mercury will most likely be retrograde in your seventh house," meaning that you'll be doing a lot of "reflecting on past partnerships," explained Comet. She added that "Mercury aligns with Venus," so the interaction between you two could be a "friendly hi."

With "Saturn on your side," Comet urged Pisces to be cautious of where you choose to invest your energy. Because if your ex isn't actively supporting your future, then you're most likely wasting your time on the wrong relationship. 


RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs Experience Significant Change During Mercury Retrograde From August 5 - 28, 2024

2. Aquarius

aquarius most likely to hear from an ex during mercury retrograde, Gabrielle Scarlett and D GraPX / Canva

"Aquarius Risings, you will also have Mercury retrograde most likely in your seventh house," Comet said. But, "with Venus in Leo will square off with Uranus in Taurus," some of you could hear back from an ex "out of the blue." 


Now, this might be frustrating since your ex most likely "fell off the face of the planet," said Comet. However, keeping your cool and basing your decision on logical reasoning is your best bet!

Finally, Comet added that this magical energy could turn into full-blown conversations with your ex or might just be you simply thinking about your ex. It could be a time when you learn to let go or you put away your pride to reconnect. But it's always a good reminder not to get too caught up in your past relationships and remember what this period is truly about: reflection and "contemplating the past."

RELATED: Mercury Retrograde Significantly Affects Relationships For 3 Zodiac Signs Between August 5 - 11, 2024


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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.