How Mercury Retrograde In Virgo Majorly Affects Each Zodiac Sign From August 5 - 14, 2024

Mercury will station retrograde on August 5th and will station direct on August 28th.

woman's looking for mercury retrograde horoscope for august 2024 Hiki App via Unsplash / sickmoose, AnnaViolet via Canva

Mercury will station retrograde on August 5th and station direct on August 28th. The planet of communication will first retrograde in the sign of Virgo before re-entering Leo on the 14th. During this transit, both mutable and fixed signs will feel Mercury retrograde's impact the most as it pushes them to excel and understand their limits. 

Mercury in Virgo is in domicile, however there will be conflicting energy from the other planets in mutable signs. The collective is enduring the wave of stressful transits from planets in mutable signs, so Mercury is asking us for patience as we get back to stabilizing. Mercury in Virgo wants us to be practical about our choices and decisions. It is a time to observe and be more structured with our communication and planning because there is no need to rush during this time.

@aspensuniverse mercury retrograde begins on August 4th or 5th, 2024 (depending on where you live) and will conclude on August 27th or 28th. every time a planet retrogrades, it is merely shifting into a feminine state, asking us to direct the planet's energy inward and utilize it for restoration, awareness, and reflection. Mercury retrogrades three to four times a year, so it's not something we're unfamiliar with. mercury retrograde is a time for inner reflection, for us to consider where we're directing most of our mental energy, how we're communicating with others, what thoughts we're allowing to repeat, and what our priorities are. retrogrades are a time to re-evaluate and redirect. this retrograde begins in Virgo at 4° and will travel back to 21° Leo. it will be having us address how we can establish or reestablish boundaries with others, ourselves, and our work so that we can honor our authentic selves with greater intention. this is also a time for us to review how we've perhaps overextended ourselves in an attempt to do more than we are physically capable of, which has perhaps pulled us away from inspiration, fun, and our hearts' true callings. this is a time to reconnect with the authentic self. however, there may be a tendency to become overly dramatic when expressing one's opinion or thoughts during this time, which may not be received well by others, as mercury retrogrades can be a space in which miscommunication is more prevalent. it will be important to speak from the heart, keep a level head, and try to stick to the facts rather than becoming overly theatrical when trying to make our point. that being said, this is a time to reconnect with the inner child, soften our perfectionistic or overly critical sides, and get back into the feeling of creativity and authentic expression. DOS state your intentions, feelings, thoughts, expectations, boundaries, etc. from a neutral and matter of fact place. it's possible to get your point across without dramatizing the situation! focus on YOU! consider how you have or have not been honoring your inspiration and authentic expression. where have you been too serious and rigid? where can you make more room for fun and play? simplify your thought process. if it's not a hell yes, then it's not for you. you know the answer! DON'T get involved in the drama. there's gonna be a lot of "i, me, my" and the selfishness or self-centeredness that others may usually suppress may be revealed.don't say things you don't mean. with mars in gemini and mercury in leo for the majority of a this retrograde, we may speak out of turn, share secrets we intended to keep, or spread gossip without meaning to (or maybe you do).once mercury re-enters virgo, we will likely have to answer for the things that were said during the retrograde...choose your words wisely.don't let ego and pride sit in the drivers seat. we may feel the urge to push our opinions, perspectives, and desires, really wanting others to agree with us. recognize that your truth doesn't need to be validated by others to be true to you, but do consider whether your truth is being written by the heart or the ego.if you have questions about this retrograde, feel free to leave them in the comments! don't forget to go subscribe to my newsletter, 17°, and if you're interested, i have personal readings available through the l!nk in my b!0. get ready for august, because she's gonna be wilddddd #authenticself #leoseason #leoszn #augustastrology #mercuryretrograde #mercury #retrograde #virgo #leo #innerchild #ego #gossip #drama #miscommunication #astrologyvibes #summerastrology #summer2024 #firesigns #earthsigns #mercuryrx #authentic #heart ♬ original sound - 🪐aspen || astrologer🪐

How Mercury retrograde in Virgo majorly affects each zodiac sign from August 5 - 14, 2024


aries mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5-14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


Revising the work you do now will prove beneficial. Because you enjoy starting new things, it is advised for you to diligently focus on what’s on your plate right now and don’t get too carried away. Mercury retrograde wants you to become aware of your limits, so be practical and patient because rushing through these transits will have you redoing everything and starting over. 

Another aspect of this transit is to be more patient with the people around you. Be willing to listen and lend help if needed.

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taurus mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5-14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


Protect your heart during this transit, because things can get messy. Mercury retrograde in Virgo wants you to show up for yourself and your needs. This means that love should be slow and steady as well. If there are any conflicts with a partner, try to work it out and listen before reacting. 

Single folks may want to pay attention to potential partners before giving their hearts away. This is a time to be very protective of your energy and not to share it with those who don’t deserve it.

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gemini mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5-14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


As a mutable sign, this transit can feel tough, especially since your ruler is retrograde. Be methodical about your moves during this time and don’t try to rush through your duties. 

It is easy for you now to feel your ego inflated but Saturn can bring you back to reality. Be prepared and try to look at things from a disciplined standpoint. Don’t try to rush through responsibilities because it can come back to bite you. And of course, if you mess up, make sure to hold yourself accountable.

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cancer mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5-14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


While you stay firm on your commitment, the transit may bring unexpected changes that will challenge your cooperation with others. Being more disciplined with your communication is essential now. 

Thoroughly research any moves you plan on making. With Mercury now retrograde, you can expect to see work being redone or reworked. Of course, once you are able to get through the hurdles, you may expect some recognition for your work coming your way.

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leo mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5-14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


The transit can bring up themes focused on your commitments and desire for accomplishments. This can be a confusing period with moments where patience will need to be required, especially on the romantic front. However, your relationships will surely thrive if you are prepared and willing to compromise and listen to what your partner wants. 

As Mercury prepares to re-enter your sign, you can see how those dynamics shift but will get better once the planet of communication stations direct.

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virgo mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5-14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


Cycles come to a close for you during this meaningful transit. It can be challenging now to balance your relationships with your work, but you know that with hard work and effort, you can expect a decent outcome. 

Mercury is also your ruler, making this a chaotic time. Nevertheless, you are usually successful when it comes to brainstorming potent ideas that can help you overcome. The transit now will have you becoming a better communicator. You are also more willing to prioritize your needs and see the value you hold during this period.

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libra mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5-14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


Resting can be favorable for you now as you are presented with a moment to relax and take in everything from a different perspective. But you are also going to experience some changes within your circle of friends. This can be a time when you will uncover some new information or have the opportunity to reconcile with someone from the past. 

Mercury stationing direct helps you make plans and prioritize your to-do list. If you neglect getting things done, you may feel more energized to accomplish these pending tasks.

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scorpio mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5-14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


The past few weeks, your career or school may have taken center stage. Mercury retrograde will bring you more clarity when it comes to your goals. But this will be a very good period to make plans that can prove beneficial for your advancement. 

You are learning how to be a good listener and be there for others. Mercury will allow you to practice those diplomatic skills and to be a mediator when needed.

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sagittarius mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5 - 14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


You are learning how valuable confidence is. The Saturnian transits along with the challenging squares between the mutable signs may have made you feel out of place. However, now it is your time to patch things up and try again. 

If you felt like you were not accomplishing much, Mercury retrograde can help you get back on track and have faith in yourself. Keep your eyes on the prize during this transit and don’t let any setbacks deter you from accomplishing your dreams.

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capricorn mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5 - 14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images


As the planet of communications stations retrograde in Virgo for the next few weeks, you will probably feel disillusioned with your career goals or relationships. But remember that this is only temporary. 

The transit also wants you to focus on where you need to build, grow, and continue to improve. While you may center on the past, you also need to learn that each lesson you acquire will help shape your path and strengthen your motivation.

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aquarius mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5 - 14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images

It is a period of reflection and deep analysis because Mercury wants you to see your own evolution. As you continue receiving messages that help you protect your boundaries and toughen your armor, you may view this transit as a blessing. 

This is a time to keep track of your accomplishments and the obstacles you have overcome. Show your appreciation for the people who have been guiding lights for you. The support you receive from others allows you to shine.


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pisces mercury retrograde virgo horoscopes august 5 - 14, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images

The period now will be a time when you may want to reflect on those relationships from the past and view them in a more positive light. Mercury retrograde brings you a lesson plan so that you learn how not to repeat the same mistakes while Saturn’s opposition to Venus adds more stress to your relationship house. 


But through these transits, you can expect breakthroughs and discover your power. Mercury allows you to find essential tools to continue creating long-lasting connections.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
