What To Do (And Not Do) During The Transformative 2024 Eclipse Season Between Now And October 2, According To An Astrologer
The fall eclipse season is upon us.

The fall 2024 eclipse season begins on September 17 with a lunar eclipse falling at 26 degrees of Pisces. It will be followed by a solar eclipse on October 2, 2024, at 11 degrees of Libra.
Eclipses are like wildcards and we often learn how and what we need to change so our lives can evolve more rapidly. An eclipse can bring good events or negative ones, depending on what it aspects in your personal chart. An eclipse is often dramatic, revealing important information if it aspects a significant point in your chart and can present news pertaining to some of life's most significant events.
Unexpected information frequently comes to light under eclipse energy, and at this time, something may be eclipsed completely out of (or into) your life. The energy of an eclipse begins in the weeks before the eclipse and lingers for at least a month, if not much longer.
Let’s take a look at some of the things we should do and not do during the 2024 eclipse season.
September 17 partial lunar eclipse in Pisces
The Pisces full moon lunar eclipse is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. This moon conjuncts Neptune, the planet of spirituality, creativity, the collective and individual consciousness or unconscious feelings. Neptune is also the planet of lies, illusion, and deception, so it is truly a double-edged sword.
What to do:
1. Work on any creative project that you may have in the wings.
2. Try and release negative feelings, energies, and past hurts that have held you back so you can turn the page and begin a new chapter if necessary.
3. Attend to or explore any spiritual needs, feelings, or connections that arise at this time, and show compassion to others.
4. Work on manifesting the things you want most.
5. Let your imagination soar.
6. Delve into the metaphysical realm if this attracts your interest. Healing, readings, and channeling are all perfect outlets if you are inclined in this direction.
What not to do:
1. Wear rose-colored glasses when dealing with others, especially in romantic or financial relationships.
2. Believe anything that seems too good to be true.
3. Contact exes that things didn’t work out with before or decide that person was the love of your life and you want them back.
4. Invest in new opportunities that haven’t been highly vetted or get involved financially or otherwise with someone you just met.
5. Indulge in vices such as alcohol, as Pisces is sensitive to these habits.
6. Become careless on the water or while boating.
October 2 solar eclipse in Libra
The October 2 solar eclipse is an annular solar eclipse not visible from the US, except Hawaii. This eclipse is in Libra, ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, money, and values. Venus is focused on love most of all, along with marriage, relationships, and partnerships of all types. Unfortunately, this eclipse squares Mars, creating the possibility of arguments, accidents, upsets, and breakups.
What to do:
1. Focus on personal attractiveness. New clothes, makeup, hairstyles, and healthy lifestyle habits are good.
2. Spend quality time with loved ones.
3. Attend social gatherings and social events.
4. Network, network, network.
5. Work on manifesting love (if this is what you want).
6. Release negative energies, past relationships, and old traumas.
What not to do:
1. Issue ultimatums in relationships or try and make others jealous.
2. Overspend on personal items or items of beauty.
3. Gaslight or lead others down a false path — and don’t allow yourself to be led, either!
Events connected to eclipses can happen out of the blue, and you may have little to no control over certain things that happen.
Eclipses often seem to speed up our sense of time. They're not all negative, but can bring to fruition sudden events meant to shine a light upon certain aspects of your life so you may know the truth and move forward in ways that are appropriate to yourself. Keep an open mind.
Eclipses may show you the truth or true nature of another person that may not always be what you hope for. If this is the case, accept what you learn rather than brush things under the rug to deal with later.
Our emotions are often triggered during an eclipse, so don’t do or say things you will live to regret in a moment of passion or anger. Remain calm during eclipse periods because many others could be experiencing a crisis of some sort and you may need to be the voice of reason for yourself or others.
Eclipses repeat themselves every 19 years, generally at about the same degree. If you want to have an idea of what an eclipse might do in your life during this eclipse cycle, an eclipse table can show you the dates we last experienced a Pisces / Libra eclipse cycle so you can think back on what was happening in your life at that time.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.