2 Zodiac Signs Start To See Endless Abundance During The September 17 Full Moon Eclipse

The September 17 lunar eclipse brings disruption — and beautiful, cathartic transformation.

woman experiencing abundance september 17, 2024 Photo: oo verthing | Design: YourTango

If you follow astrology, you've surely heard that something big is happening in the coming days: a lunar eclipse on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, and Wednesday, September 18, 2024. And as always, that means one thing for zodiac signs: transformation.

When the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, change happens. The Full Moon's light is shone on things we don't normally see, while others pass into the shadows as the eclipse progresses. This brings not only evolution and renewal, but often the laying to rest of chapters of our lives, aspects of our relationships, or patterns that may no longer be serving us.


At the same time as we head into the eclipse, the moon will also be in opposition to Mercury, conjunct Saturn and square Jupiter — all aspects that bring disruptions and shake-ups. But out of disruption comes metamorphosis. And for two signs in particular, this process is likely to be particularly intense in ways that may be challenging, but promise to be exciting, beautiful, and fruitful in the end.

Two zodiac signs likely to experience abundance in their relationships during the eclipse on September 17, 2024.

According to astrologer @nedatheastrologer on TikTok, the coming eclipse is a time of transformation and gifts, especially in relationships, for a staggering six signs, including Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, and Cancer.


These signs "are about to have their love life flipped upside down in the best way," she said. But the impact will be particularly strong for two other signs, especially if you're single.

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1. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs experience abundance relationships during eclipse september 17, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


The moon is in Pisces at the time of this eclipse, and a Full Moon in Pisces tends to bring about a bit of confusion and conflict. But whether that's a good or bad thing is all about intention and perception, and in this case, Nedatheastrologer says Pisceans, who will feel the impacts of the eclipse the most, are in for happy endings.

She predicts not just "emotional breakthroughs" and "clearing past issues," but "opening up deeper, more fulfilling connections" with the people in your lives.

And when it comes to romantic partnerships, whether you're in a relationship or single and looking to mingle, the eclipse is likely to bring about some serious good vibes.

If you're partnered, Neda says the eclipse is likely to bring clarity to the nature of your partnership, giving intimacy a major boost.


And if you're single, get ready: "The eclipse is going to bring serendipitous romantic opportunities, introducing someone who connects with you on a deep emotional level," she said. Yes, please!

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2. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs experience abundance relationships during eclipse september 17, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Arguably the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac, Scorpios are often perceived as being… well, difficult and intense. But that's because Scorpios feel very deeply, with an often profound intuition and understanding.

And that, in the end, is how we humans ultimately learn, grow, and transform — which is exactly what Scorps can expect during this eclipse, @nedatheastrologer says.

"You are going to experience deep emotional transformation," she said. It's going to make you confront emotional issues that have been blocking intimacy." That might sound daunting — and as fits a lunar eclipse, it might be a bit challenging. But the rewards will more than be with it.

"It's going to bring emotional healing," Neda added, and that means deepening connections with those you love, especially your partner.


And if you're single? Buckle up, because Neda says you're likely to be magnetically drawn to someone "extremely spiritual and emotionally connected." And for magnetic, intense Scorpios, that's just what the doctor — or the stars, as it were — ordered.

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John Sundholm is a news and entertainment writer who covers pop culture, social justice, and human interest topics.
