Powerful Impacts Of The Aries Solar Eclipse On Each Zodiac Sign Starting March 29, 2025

We are learning to give ourselves more chances when it comes to love and romance through this eclipse season.

aries zodiac sign solar eclipse march 29 2025 Photo: Oğuz Yağız Kara | Design: YourTango

The powerful solar eclipse on March 29, 2025 is exalted in the sign of Aries, which brings radiant, beautiful, and courageous energy that leaves lasting impacts on each zodiac sign. 

While Aries has many great qualities, this energy can promote tension and a little chaos. It is best to control our anger and find positive methods to clear out the building stress. The ruler of the eclipse is Mars in Cancer, which is in its fall. Additional challenges will build through this period since Mars is not as fluid in this sign. Again, patience is essential.


Nevertheless, this Cardinal energy helps us move forward to find our confidence since it will receive support from this Venus retrograde transit in the sign of Pisces, which is where Venus is exalted. An exalted Venus makes love once more the dominant theme for this transit and of the year. 

We are learning to give ourselves more chances when it comes to love and romance through this eclipse season. While each zodiac sign will face challenges, there are still positive things to look forward to. Through the storm, we will find a guiding light, giving us the opportunity and confidence to navigate our destined path.


Powerful impacts on the Aries solar eclipse on each zodiac sign starting March 29, 2025:


aries zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango

Prioritize taking care of yourself and learn to take breaks since this eclipse might make you feel fatigued, unmotivated, and a little tense. Make sure to rest up if you can and slow down. 

The ongoing message during this time is to review as much as you can — revise those emails, proofread again before hitting send, and make sure to back up all of your technological devices if possible. 


Learn from Libras for the next several weeks and aim for balance, peace, and tranquility. Be serene and diplomatic with others; listen and think before you speak.

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taurus zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


Much of the energy now is centered on how you build on your connections. Aries season is teaching you to protect your relationships. Right now Venus, your ruler, is in the sign of Pisces, centering the energy on friendships. Expect to see positive changes and shifts within your circles. 

This retrograde is now going to help you to close those chapters, reconcile, and move forward. You also have the opportunity to meet new people who continue to inspire you and illuminate you with new ideas that help you achieve what you want in the future.

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gemini zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


A very important part of this eclipse energy will be focused on improving your communication skills and network more efficiently while learning why there is a need for community. Aries season is teaching you to be mindful of responsibilities and not to slack off. 

Be disciplined and strict with what you need to accomplish, and don’t give up on your dreams. This eclipse will enhance that even more. Be honest with yourself and learn how to take breaks when you need them if you become overwhelmed.

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cancer zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


Are you being true to yourself? After having Mars in your sign for the last several months, this is a question that you may have to ask yourself. The planet was also retrograde in your sign, so this eclipse can be very grounding. Topics from earlier in the year will be easier to tackle. 

This is also a time when it may feel easier to have important discussions with Venus adding support to your sign. You're writing new stories, and the eclipse wants you to be comfortable with this new version of you. Take on these new responsibilities with a lot more optimism and passion because Aries’s energy will make you headstrong and courageous — you’re going to feel powerful.

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leo zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


There is an awakening happening within for all fire signs during this time. The eclipse is helping you discover the beauty that resides within you. Expect to experience an awakening with your creative energy. 

These retrograde planets are making you mindful of how you're using your energy — you benefit greatly from this, so make sure to protect it. Be honest with your needs and treat yourself because it may help you feel balanced and energized because Mars is ready to enter your sign in the next several weeks.

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virgo zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


Now is your moment to evaluate all things pertaining to love and romance with the eclipse in Aries. There are still many exciting things happening that will make you feel very optimistic about the future. You have the opportunity now to meet new people aligned with what you expect in either a partnership, a friendship, or a business. 

Of course, once Mercury stations direct, if you want to catapult a new project, you’re open to do whatever you want. But right now, this is a time for you to analyze and understand your connections with the people entering your life. Enjoy this moment to relax and have fun!

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libra zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


The eclipse is happening in your partnership house, and there are so many layers to this moment. You may feel overwhelmed because your ruler is also retrograde and in a new sign. However, because it is in Pisces, this is a groundbreaking moment for you to learn new things about yourself and see how you can improve your relationships moving forward. 

The energy now is also centered on how to strengthen your armor and be more comfortable with yourself. You're building upon your courage and strength to continue to make your dreams flourish. So trust this process and don’t give up on your dreams.

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scorpio zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


This eclipse is very beneficial for you. You’re learning how to gain the confidence to tackle all aspects of your life. You’re flourishing with Venus giving your sign optimism and hope. Your character is building through this Mars transit as well as the Venus retrograde. 

This romantic energy is connecting you with your creative side and fulling you with joy — allow yourself those sweet moments of happiness.

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sagittarius zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


The potent Pisces and Aries energy this week is welcoming since you are acquiring more knowledge. The solar eclipse in Aries brings back old friends or romantic partners from the past. You may be considering starting the process of re-entering school or you may complete a current discipline or major. 

Retrograde season is still happening, so starting anything new should wait until Mercury is direct. However, don’t be afraid to edit, review and go back to those old projects because you could surprise yourself with all the new creative ideas you receive right now.

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capricorn zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango


You’re focused on what you can bring to the table in your relationships. This is also a time for you to reconnect with others. Find grounding and make space for the things that bring you healing because Mars is the ruler of this eclipse and it is currently in your partnership house.

This eclipse also brings a message from the universe about moving on and breaking away from memories linked to old partners. You’re also learning how to embrace this new side of yourself that you’ve uncovered through the Mars retrograde cycle. Be more compassionate, understanding, and willing to show your heart to those you care about.

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aquarius zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango

The solar eclipse in Aries is motivational and inspiring, helping you express yourself the way you truly want to. This is a moment of honesty and self-reflection. With Mars in Cancer ruling the eclipse, you’re learning a lot about how that connects with your everyday life. 

This is a moment of your personal evolution. Embrace coming out of this new shell because your metamorphosis is still ongoing. Open yourself up to new experiences and be willing to learn from others who are also teaching you how to be more selfless.


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pisces zodiac signs solar eclipse march 29 2025 Design: YourTango

Pisces energy returns during this impactful solar eclipse. Expect to feel confident because you are learning to love and embrace yourself. Venus retrograde is back in your sign,  pushing you to be bolder through this potent Aries transit. 


The ruler of the eclipse is Mars in Cancer, which gives you more strength and courage to speak your mind, protect your boundaries, and feel valuable, appreciated, and loved. We are all benefiting from this confidence-boosting transit with the Sun and Venus giving us reasons to shine, so don’t settle for less or dim your light while Venus is in your sign.

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Aria Gmitter is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She graduated from the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a practical astrologer.
