7 Ways To Use Aries Season Energy To Drastically Improve Your Life
Aries season energy lasts from March 19 to April 20.

A new zodiac cycle begins now with the beautiful and bold Aries season. Can you feel the change in the wind? Officially, Aries season is between March 21 - April 19, but the actual dates can vary by one to two days on either end. Nevertheless, all you need to know is that Aries season always begins on the vernal equinox.
7 ways to use Aries season energy to live with courage, move with purpose and show everyone what you're made of.
1. Be true to yourself.
As the first zodiac sign, Aries energy is all about the self and how we interact with the world around us. It's also about carving out a path that's unique to you and asserting your presence with confidence. So the best thing you can do during Aries season is embrace this dynamic mindset and be 100% true to yourself.
You will meet all kinds of people when you live this way — from naysayers to bullies to competitors to friends. Just remember: everyone has the right to express their opinion, but you don't need to change your boundaries or destination if those opinions don't feel right to you.
2. Pick up a new hobby.
There's an ongoing joke that Aries is always good at starting things (and starting them in a bold way!), but they rarely finish what they begin. So, in the fun-loving spirit of Aries, adopt this attitude and try your hand at a new hobby this Aries season. Whether it's something super secret or something that gets your friends on social media all hyped up, pick something that you have always wanted to try but kept postponing for later.
Fun tip: if you don't want to spend a ton of money on new hobby supplies, try hobby cafes that allow you to experience the same without the hassle of planning and prep. Besides, some hobbies have zones of their own, like escape rooms, axe throwing, arcade games, and more. *wink*
3. Go on an adventure.
Aries in astrology is ruled by the planet Mars. And if there's one thing that red-blooded Mars is all about, it's exploration and adventures. So sign yourself up for an adventure this Aries season and go discover yourself! Whether it's a hiking adventure in Machu Pichu or simply trying a new cuisine in your hometown, you are only restricted by your own imagination. Go big or go home!
4. Stand up for yourself.
If there's one thing Aries energy does not lack, it's courage. Aries is always the first to say what people are thinking but too scared to say out loud. So unlock your courageous side this Aries season and don't take anything from anyone.
Just remember: being bold and being brave are two different things. So it's alright if you are scared at first to take a stand for yourself or take a stand for what is right. The ones with courage do what must be done despite their fear.
Photo: D GraPX and graphixmania / Canva
5. Be active.
As a fire sign, Aries is one of the most active and athletic signs of the zodiac — it's Mars-ruled, after all. So if you want to honor the spirit of Aries during Aries season, one of the best things you can do is become more active yourself. Nope, spectator sports don't count — although, Aries will never complain if you cheer your team on maniacally from the sidelines — you have to get your hands and feet dirty and get your blood roaring to the max.
6. Nurture your intuitive intelligence.
Aries' impulsiveness is another ongoing joke in astrology. But the joke's on the ones who are too slow, because what many think is impulsiveness is often just speedy intuition. So give yourself permission to be intuitively intelligent this Aries season and let your inner spirit guide you to the best outcomes. Your reflexes will definitely benefit from this exercise, but so will your life in general as you learn to be faster, stronger and fiercer than them all. It's the pioneer's advantage!
7. Be the change you want to see in the world.
One cannot speak about pioneering without thinking about Aries. It's the zodiac sign of leadership and being the first. After all, one needs immense courage and conviction to create the path that others follow just because they know in their heart and soul that it is the path they must be on.
So find your inner conviction this Aries season and be the change you want to see in the world. Whether you do that as an advocate for green energy and a cleaner planet or with the determination to make schools safer, let your inner changemaker take the reins. Then watch the magic unfold!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.