11 Powerful Astrology Transits Bringing Major Changes In November 2024
November's astrology is far more forgiving than recent months, bringing positive change and transformation along with it.

The astrology transits in November 2024 promise a month full of transformation and momentum. There will be some intense energies to contend with throughout the month, including the end of Saturn retrograde in the middle of the month and Mercury retrograde beginning near the end of it — and let's not forget Pluto transiting out of Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime.
Though intense, these transits are nothing we can't handle — so long as we know what to prepare for.
11 powerful astrology transits in November 2024
1. New Moon in Scorpio on November 1
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We begin November on a powerful note with a New Moon in Scorpio on November 1. That's waxing moon energy, so if you have any hopes and wishes you wish to manifest, this is the time to set those intentions so the lunar magic can bring them to life.
Since the Moon in Scorpio deals with hidden and occult knowledge and themes, you can also set the intention to discover aspects of yourself that you don't know yet but which are hidden treasures. The same applies to truths that may be hidden from you.
2. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 2
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November is not pulling any punches in the cosmic arena since we have another transit to deal with on November 2 when Mercury enters Sagittarius. Following the New Moon on the first, this energy will bring out the collective need to find answers, expand one's self, seek higher education, learn more about their spirituality, and choose to explore the world more. Cultural diversity and conversations that bring truth and nuances to the table will thrive under Mercury in Sagittarius.
3. Juno enters Scorpio on November 3
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November 3 is action-packed too with two significant astrological transits, one being Juno leaving Libra to enter Scorpio. Since this asteroid tends to do better in Libra, this shift to Scorpio may create some friction in the collective experience in romance and marriages as hidden truths will come to light.
Juno in Scorpio's commitment style is a lot more intense than other placements, so make sure you align with this energy only for the partner who truly deserves such loyalty and lifetime partnership.
4. Mars enters Leo on November 3
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The second astrology transit on November 3 is that of Mars entering Leo. Since Mars thrives in fire signs, its shift to Leo will be extremely potent! We will suddenly feel the inner drive to achieve big things in life and go after our dreams with everything we have. Settling for second-best will not do!
Mars in Leo is also great for boosting one's self-esteem and working on the inner self to bring out more confidence while setting solid boundaries.
5. Venus enters Capricorn on November 11
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After the transit bonanza at the beginning of the month, November will quiet down until we hit November 11 when Venus enters Capricorn. This shift significantly influences our love lives and the way we think about commitment. Practical matters and the need for your partner's recognition rule supreme under this energy. Unsupportive relationships will not do!
If you feel called to, perform a love ritual on this day if you feel the need to bring true (and lasting) love to your life.
6. Saturn retrograde ends on November 15
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On November 15, the collective will experience a big shift when Saturn retrograde ends. Those with strong Pisces placements in their birth chart may not cheer as much for this since Saturn will continue looking heavily in the sign, pulling strings to bring about growth and maturity which can be painful sometimes.
Overall, this energy is a welcome reprieve because Saturn direct brings to light positive mentor figures in society who are a direct antidote to those who may try to lead the collective down the path of manipulation and cult-like behavior.
7. Full Moon in Taurus on November 15
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November 15 will be extra potent because it is also the day of the month's Full Moon in Taurus. Expect only good things at this time because the Moon is exalted in Taurus. This is the perfect time to do a manifestation ritual before the moon enters the waning phase, so gather your candles and make plans! A Taurus Full Moon is great for manifesting love, abundance, outright wealth, and beauty.
8. Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19
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On November 19, the collective will experience another major shift as Pluto enters Aquarius. Since Pluto is so far off in our solar system, its orbit takes a really long time around the Sun compared to Earth. Therefore, even though Pluto will be in Aquarius, the energy will be more cuspal in expression with a blend of Capricorn and Aquarius for many more months or even a year to come.
With this in mind, remember that Aquarius is jointly ruled by Saturn and Uranus. So Pluto in Aquarius' gifts of power and fame can be harnessed if you tread the middle ground between conventional and unconventional. Keep what benefits the community but change what's toxic.
Pluto in Aquarius will also make us aware of any power plays and shenanigans in the arena of technology and humanitarianism where one thing is projected while something nasty occurs behind the scenes.
9. Sagittarius season begins on November 21
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On November 21, we will officially shift out of Scorpio season into Sagittarius season when the Sun moves into Sagittarius. Powerful changes will be at play and the collective will be hyped! This is great energy for Thanksgiving and other cultural festivals throughout the rest of the month. You can look forward to good fun and great times!
10. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius begins on November 25
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All things fun and sunshine may come to a pause on November 25 when Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius. You will continue on as usual as long as you know how to make the most of Mercury retrograde. You are encouraged to be more introspective during this retrograde phase as that's one of the biggest gifts of any retrograde, especially one of the mercurial kind. Mercury retrograde will bring out things from deep within your psyche that you may not have realized before.
11. Pallas enters Capricorn on November 30
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Finally, we end November on a good note with Pallas entering Capricorn on November 30. As an asteroid representing art, culture, strategy, and balanced thinking, this energy gives serious light academia vibes (although other academia aesthetics may flourish under this influence too!). So throw on some tweed and houndstooth and plan a trip to the museum. Any place of culture, history, and intellectual rarification will positively impact you during this period.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.