Love Horoscopes Are Here For Each Zodiac Sign On September 26, 2024

Become the voice of reason.

love horoscopes September 26 2024 evablancophotos, KayDesignsStuff | Canva Pro

The love horoscopes for each zodiac sign reveal how Mercury entering Libra impacts relationships on September 26, 2024. What do the stars have in store for you on Thursday? There is a difference between being the seeker of peace and compromise versus sacrificing what is important to you to avoid conflict. But to be able to understand what choice you are making, you must also understand the non-negotiables in your life

While you will seek peace and compromise in your romantic relationships once Mercury shifts into Libra today, be sure you’re not compromising parts of your truth in that process. Be mindful of why you are seeking peace and also if you are sacrificing your sense of well-being to maintain any relationships. While becoming the voice of reason is essential in romance, you also need to make sure you’re practicing the same with yourself so that you truly feeling connected and supported in all you choose when it comes to love. 


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Here's what the love horoscope for September 26, 2024 has in store for each zodiac sign on Thursday.


aries love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be the voice of peace, Aries, but also advocate for yourself. Conversations will shift to romantic relationships in the coming days, which means that you also have an opportunity to heal a relationship or band-aid it temporarily. 

Try to honor how much you’ve grown this year and even learned about yourself. Don’t be too hard-pressed to stick to your pride or ego during this time, as it won’t have a positive outcome for love. Instead, try to approach your partner or the object of your affection differently. Let yourself become softer and more understanding and make the choice to speak with love.

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taurus love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You may have to articulate your boundaries more definitively, sweet Taurus. Remember that boundaries aren’t only necessary in a relationship, but they are essential for a relationship. You need to ensure that you are protecting and honoring yourself and doing the same for your romantic connection. 

Try to think about things more simplistically, as not everything needs to feel so difficult. Protect your space and your peace, whether it means ending a relationship or not letting others affect the connection between you and your partner.

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gemini love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

This is an incredible time for love and romance, Gemini, you just need to be certain of what it is you want. Spend time reflecting on the type of commitment and life that you feel is a non-negotiable so that when a new offer comes your way, you can feel more confident in your decision. 

You may be getting married or even receiving a proposal around this time, and while everything points to your answer being yes, taking time to understand your choice will provide the confirmation that you need right now.

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cancer love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

There is good news in store for you, dear Cancer. As much as you’ve been wondering when you would finally hear about taking the next steps in moving in together with your partner or see an offer on a new house being accepted, you can rest easy knowing that good news is on its way. 

You have had to practice much patience in this journey, and it is about to pay off. Just be mindful of making sure that any decisions you make are from a place of growth. Be weary of any offers to move back in with exes that you had once moved on from, as it wouldn’t turn out any differently than it has before.

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leo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You can harness an even greater power in your conversations now, Leo. As much as you are known for stealing the attention or commanding a room, often, there is greater power in the quiet of observation and then responding. During this time try to hold off on approaching conversations as you normally would, and instead listen more. 

Be more diplomatic when approaching your partner, and try to see that any issue can be resolved together. While you normally have a clear direction for yourself, remember that it’s about sharing that with your partner in a relationship.

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virgo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You may be seeing a particular story unfolding in your relationship, Virgo, but it seems you’re unsure which way it will go. While being aware and honoring your non-negotiables is essential, so is remembering what you deserve. 

You shouldn’t have to feel like you are constantly asking for what you are worthy of, and oftentimes, in those instances, you are being guided to start doing that for yourself first. If you think that you still have a future with this particular person in your life, then by all means, look for a healthy compromise; just make sure you’re not sacrificing your self-worth in the process.

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libra love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Just because you tend to want to hold space for your partner, sweet Libra, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to take up space yourself. 

While you are enjoying your solar return and birthday season, try to remember to stand up for yourself, take up space and remember that you deserve to be in the leading role of your own life.

Your partner doesn’t need you to agree with them but to be your full, whole self. Any other matters, especially confusion in your relationship, will suddenly be clear when you can do this.

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scorpio love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

While healing isn’t always fun, it always serves a higher benefit, Scorpio. You have made enormous progress in your life, but that doesn’t mean there still isn’t more to do. 

Use this time to reflect again on your childhood wounds and how they are still active in your life in any patterns or even choices you’re making. 

Healing isn’t just realizing what has happened but also allowing yourself to make different choices. You deserve the love and life you’ve always dreamed of, but the only way to achieve that is to make sure you are continually choosing the path of growth.

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sagittarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Having a strong and healthy support system is important to your romantic relationship, Sagittarius, but so is being able to discern what is helpful and what isn’t. You may need to articulate some truths to those in your life with certain opinions about your romantic path. 

While this most often is thought of as others not approving of a particular partner, in your case, it could be trying to rush you to the altar. Remember that a support system assists you with your life, not trying to control the outcome. This is part of a bigger lesson involving those surrounding you, but it seems you’re finally ready to stand up for yourself.

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capricorn love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

When everything is going right, you don’t have to waste time questioning it, Capricorn. During this era, balance has been the major lesson, whether it’s between your home and work life or what you want to accomplish versus what you need to feel your best. 

Balance allows you to feel genuinely fulfilled and also lets you enjoy more of your life. Instead of overthinking right now, embrace this chapter you are in, realizing the work that has gone into creating it and how much you deserve to have everything feel like it’s going right, including your relationship.

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aquarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Let the sparks of newness dance around you today, dear Aquarius. You have a soul that is meant to explore life and embrace all the opportunities and magic it has to offer. Try to infuse new energy into your relationship and talk with your partner about what you crave for your life and future together. 

This is letting yourself dream once again. Whether it’s about a specific holiday or even long-term plans for your life, part of love is being able to dream together. And remember, you are safe to dream because you’ve finally found your true self.

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pisces love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Just because love always seems to come easily, Pisces, doesn’t mean relationships always do. Love is different than relationships, mainly because of the real-life situations that affect and play out when you have decided to be with another. 

During this time, it’s essential to be able to talk through what you need in a relationship, including your non-negotiables and even what you hope for in the future. 

Be open to compromise and even taking a risk, as it may feel like your partner is moving quicker than you are. You already have the love part down; now it’s time to learn what goes into creating a relationship that can last forever.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
