Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On January 25 — Venus Aligns With Mars

Try to tune into your inner voice to understand what you genuinely need.

love horoscopes January 25 2024 Design: YourTango

On January 25, Venus in Pisces aligns with retrograde Mars in Cancer, teaching us to listen to our inner voice. Here's what this means for your zodiac sign's love horoscope on Saturday. 

Venus in Pisces casts a romantic and ethereal glow on your romantic life. This can help you believe in your own great love story but may also make you aware of the connections that don’t measure up. Venus in Pisces helps you to believe in all of your romantic dreams; however, as it aligns with retrograde Mars in Cancer – you may have to face a sudden truth.


Venus and Mars are celestial lovers, often bringing motivation and romance to your relationship. Yet that will be a bit different as Mars is retrograde in emotional and sensitive Cancer. Mars retrograde means that you will be focused on the past or what has occurred rather than on the present moment. 

This can make you reminisce about a past love or realize how you’ve previously ignored your intuition. The energy of Venus in Pisces and retrograde Mars in Cancer can help bring about deeper understanding and love, but only if you’re willing to listen to your inner voice.


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Love horoscopes for Saturday, January 25, 2025:



aries love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

There is nowhere you need to be other than where you are now, sweet Aries. You deserve incredible love, but you’re being guided to focus on your healing and matters of the home. If you’re single, this can help put you in a better place to attract a grounded and consistent love. 

However, if you are in an existing connection, this is your sign to focus energy on embracing the simple moments with your partner. Life isn’t always about the next big adventure or conquest but enjoying the small moments of love with that special person in your life.

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taurus love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Don’t be afraid to use your voice, dear Taurus. You often are much deeper than others may give you credit for. This is because you tend to keep a great deal within yourself. Yet, when you do, you end up in romantic situations that aren’t aligned or harbor resentment toward your partner. 

Try to open up today, as the stars are creating a safe space to share your feelings. To understand the steps you are meant to take next in your life, be upfront with your feelings and needs. Don’t leave room for assumptions; instead, allow yourself to speak up and honor your inner voice.

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gemini love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Make space for love, dearest Gemini. Although you may feel pulled in multiple directions today, making still space to connect with your partner is important. 

You are on track to fulfill many of your big dreams for life, yet you also want to make sure you will have that person beside you when you do. 

Try to be conscious of the time you are investing in your relationship. Any challenges aren’t always the fault of your partner. Be open to understanding the situation from their perspective so that you cannot just win in life, but in love as well.

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cancer love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Dreams are meant to come true, beautiful Cancer. Listen to your inner self regarding decisions in your romantic life. But you also must be able to discern your inner voice from fears or conditioning. 

Not every thought you have is true, learn to test the voice of your intuition. Use this knowledge to take a chance on new love today. Break out of your comfort zone, say yes to that date, or book that trip you’ve been dreaming of. 

The love you dream of is out there, but you must listen to yourself to attract it and be in the place to meet it.

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leo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

It takes two to make a relationship work, Leo. You may still be processing some recent inner shifts, causing you to see your relationship differently. 

This will be an ongoing process, so give yourself plenty of grace. Yet, amid inner changes, improving your romantic life is still possible. 

See this new phase as one in which you can experiment with how you approach your current partner or new romantic prospects. Try different perspectives. 

Change how you communicate and what you choose to focus on. You don’t have to be perfect to deserve love; in a transformation phase, you are still worthy.

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virgo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Embrace the moments when everything is going your way, dear Virgo. Fearing that the proverbial other shoe will drop isn’t always your intuition but a trauma response. Just because everything is going so well doesn’t mean it’s destined to all ends. 

Focus on positive affirmations today that can help you embrace the positive energy in your relationship. Plan time with your partner and friends, as you are currently surrounded by love. 

When you can let go of the fear that the good times never last, then you will be able to surrender to the divine course of this relationship.

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libra love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

How you care for yourself matters, beautiful Libra. The current energy directs you towards being introverted as you reflect on how you care for yourself. 

This also may invite you to pursue counseling to help you process what you’ve recently been through. When you can tend to yourself unapologetically, you vibrate differently. 

You attract healthy people into your life and change the course of any existing connections. Be sure to communicate your needs to your partner, but take this time for yourself. It will help you improve your romantic life and learn to genuinely enjoy love.

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scorpio love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

If you want something, Scorpio, you must work for it. This work doesn’t mean you sacrifice yourself or your needs, especially as you’ve done enough of that in the past. 

But it does mean that you choose yourself first. This entails knowing that you deserve all you dream of, especially that committed relationship and forever love. 

Focus your energy on choosing yourself and start to move in the direction of your dreams. Be willing to let go of what isn’t part of the life you want to live so that each choice you make will get you closer to your dreams and the love that is meant for you.

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sagittarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Healing is a delicate dance, dearest Sagittarius. You’ve felt lighter recently and hoped you’d overcome the most difficult parts of your healing journey. 

Yet, today offers you another chance to understand yourself deeply, which will help attract the healthy love you desire. Focus your energy on the wounds of your inner child or the generational beliefs you’ve inherited from your family. 

By healing the deepest part of yourself, you will understand precisely what you must do to have the love you want. If you’re in an existing relationship, create plenty of space for reflection and conversations because a profound breakthrough moment could arrive.

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capricorn love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Say what you feel, Capricorn. You don’t need always to have a plan or be able to express yourself perfectly. It’s enough to allow yourself to be vulnerable so that you create the space for deeper emotions to be expressed. 

You’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently about your romantic life and the choices you’ve made. This may lead you to make some hard choices in the future; however, at this moment, you don’t need to know how it will all end. 

For now, it’s enough to share your feelings if you’ve been struggling recently. In your case, sharing your feelings and talking openly may just save your relationship.

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aquarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You deserve all the love you’ve given to others, sweet Aquarius. You’ve done much work to understand healthy love but must create time to receive it. Your partner, or special person in your life, treats you how you’ve always desired. 

They value you and want you in their life. However, you may still have some walls that prevent a deeper connection. Be mindful of using career matters or other aspects of busyness to distract you from surrendering into this relationship. 

You can be busy and still create time for love. You need nothing to protect yourself from in this relationship, so let yourself surrender and receive.

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pisces love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Give yourself space to understand what it all means, Pisces. You crave a love that is better than any dream. Because of this, you’ve often fallen in love with a story in the past instead of the person you were with. 

Just because you drop the storylines, though, doesn’t mean that what you attract won’t be the love of your dreams. 

Give yourself time to process and to heal. Recognize and honor your growth and be willing to share your inner thoughts, especially in a relationship. 

The best connections are based on truth, and though you deserve a beautiful love story, you must make sure it’s with the right person.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
