Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On January 26 — The Moon Enters Capricorn

While love is magical, it needs practical plans and intentions to keep growing.

love horoscope January 26 2025 Design: YourTango

The love horoscope for January 26, 2025 brings insight into each zodiac sign's relationships this Sunday. As the Moon enters the grounded sign of Capricorn, use this energy to become thoughtful in your romantic approach and make plans that will allow your dreams to come true.

The Moon represents your emotional world. This is the part of you that often isn’t shown to the rest of the world but which embodies your truth. Yet your emotions can often run wild, either getting swept up in romantic moments or fixating on the feelings of chemistry. To understand your emotions, you must allow them to become grounded, which the Moon in Capricorn will allow you to do. 


To ground your feelings means that you are focusing on how your partner and relationship are showing up at this moment. Without the excuses that you might have, it allows you to take an honest look at yourself, your partner and your romantic life. This can help you understand your feelings better and recognize what action of love needs to be taken to progress the connection.

The Capricorn Moon often brings about a sense of new beginnings through a practical approach. Although this is based on what is true, there is no lack of magic. It’s just about understanding that in relationships, it’s not the overly romantic moments that matter most – but how you and your partner support one another through life’s ups and downs.


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Love horoscopes for Sunday, January 26, 2025:


aries love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Love is a choice, dear Aries. Although you often get caught up in exciting new prospects, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. 

Rather than thinking that you need to end a connection or would be better off with someone new, you will be motivated to put the work into your existing relationship. 

This may also be a connection that you thought was finished but that you’re having second thoughts about. 

While you must be mindful of balance so you can receive what you need as well, this is an excellent time to ground yourself in what must be done to improve your relationship.

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taurus love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

There is no need to rush what you want to last forever, sweet Taurus. You will feel at ease with the energy today as it allows you time to reflect on your feelings and understand what they mean. 

There is a slowness today that can help you make sense of recent events and where it feels like you’re being directed. Though you may be called to embrace your independence today, it doesn’t necessarily mean a breakup is in store. 

By giving yourself the time and experiences you need to trust your feelings, you can finally progress in this new chapter of your life.

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gemini love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Embrace the moments of sudden awareness, Gemini. The Capricorn Moon provides a time of rebirth for you and your relationship. By focusing on the deep connection you crave with your partner, you can confront what has been blocking you from receiving it. 

You may need to take an honest look at your fears, especially those involving abandonment. You can’t ignore your wounds and expect to be able to have the love you’ve always dreamed of. 

By facing your inner blocks to love, you will realize you already have the relationship you’ve always dreamed of. Allow yourself to transform so you can continue growing with your partner.

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cancer love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Love is all about balance, dear Cancer. As much as you’ve been urged to take a chance on love and embrace a beautiful new beginning, you’re now focusing on the foundation of this connection. 

The Capricorn Moon grounds you with practical feelings and conversations so you can take that exciting new love and make it into the stable relationship you desire. 

Don’t settle for what is easy; allow yourself to honor your feelings and discuss the future. When you and your partner are clear on your intentions, it creates the space for your relationship to grow.

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leo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

It's not your job to get over an issue, Leo. While your partner should never feel like they have to prove something to you, you still need logical evidence that your heart is safe with this person. 

Themes of loyalty will become emphasized today and may require that you ground yourself in what is real rather than what you wish. Challenges occur in every relationship, but forgetting and moving on never works. 

Express how you feel and what you need to trust in this connection again. You also may need to be ready to do the same, as loyalty is a two-way street.

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virgo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Love with your whole heart, beautiful Virgo. The Capricorn Moon will intensify your romantic feelings, not just toward your partner. but life in general. 

Use this energy to create some moments of quality time if you’re in a relationship or for yourself if you’re single. 

While you will be guided to embrace any inner creativity during this time, you will also have a magnetic aura to draw others to you. 

This is a fantastic time to plan an exciting date and let go of that overly analytical nature. Let love become beautiful today as you give yourself over to all you feel.

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libra love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Make sure to ground yourself in the present moment, dearest Libra. Progressing your relationship will become the main focus today. 

This will allow you to think about how you want to set up your life with your partner and may involve themes of moving in together or the home. 

While you will be feeling cooperative and accommodating to your partner’s wishes, you do want to make sure you’re not just agreeing for the sake of agreeing. 

While you are being swept up in all the positive changes, stay connected to your life rather than becoming detached. You deserve to have this stage of your relationship represent you and all you desire for your life.

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scorpio love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Face what you are afraid of, sweet Scorpio. While you often let your feelings lead you, it’s important to communicate all you need. 

There will be a need for an important conversation in your relationship today to help bring the clarity you’ve sought. While actions speak louder than words, you must also ensure they are backed up by yourself and your partner. 

Be honest about your feelings and create a space where you and your partner can honestly discuss your connection. There is no need to fear this conversation, especially as it will help you see how real it is.

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sagittarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You can’t buy love, dearest Sagittarius. You deserve to be financially abundant and thriving, but you can’t delude yourself into thinking that’s all that matters to you. Your heart craves love and connection, which will never be found in solely pursuing romantic interludes. 

Although you may be focused on finances or the value of the person you have in your life, don’t underestimate the importance of love. The importance of a connection isn’t determined by what someone brings to your life but by your feelings.

Focus on your emotions today and honor your desire for love because, with great wealth, you’ll still want someone to enjoy it with.

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capricorn love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Allow your partner to be there for you, Capricorn. You can often be rigid in the emotional space you create with your partner. 

While focusing on the practical acts of love is necessary, so is simply declaring your feelings to your partner. 

You don’t have to carry the weight of being strong in your connection or feel like you must always have it together. It’s OK to break down and show your vulnerable side. 

Allow your partner to support you today, and stop thinking you must keep your feelings inside.

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aquarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be generous with your time, beautiful Aquarius. You will be guided to become introspective while the Moon is in Capricorn. This will heighten your intuition but also provide moments of healing and release. 

While you need time to process everything you’re feeling, you want to ensure you’re not isolating yourself. All your partner wants is your time and to be included. 

You may have gotten so used to living independently that you’ve forgotten how to include someone in your process. Let your partner in on everything you’re processing, and make time for them in your life.

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pisces love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Open yourself up to positive connections, sweet Pisces. You can tend to be a bit of a loner and then wonder why it feels like you’re alone so often. Try to become aware of the effort you put into your relationship and your friendships. 

Accept an offer to get together with friends or plan with your loved one. With the desire to focus on the connections in your life today, you may realize that someone you thought was solely a friend is so much. 

You realize what it takes to find balance in your life because your space to dream is much sweeter when you have someone to share it with.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
