Leadership Consultant Says Your Answer To This Simple Question Reveals A Lot About Your Personality
Carefully consider the two options presented to you before choosing one.

Have you ever found yourself running through scenarios over what superpowers you would like to have? Come on, we've all done it. Every time you watch a Marvel movie, you probably get into that very discussion with your friends!
Sure, pondering the best supernatural abilities is all in good fun, but what if your choice was actually a glimpse into your personality? It certainly makes sense. A leadership consultant took to TikTok to share his take on superpowers and personality traits. He said your choice between a preference for the ability to read minds or time travel was a clear indication of your true self.
A leadership consultant said your choice between time travel and mind-reading abilities was a glimpse into your personality.
Leadership consultant Walter Nusbaum said that deciding whether to choose the ability to time travel or mind read could help you learn more about yourself.
1. Time travel
Nusbaum shared that if you choose time travel, it means you have a natural instinct to be a learner. Being a learner is an important quality to have because it can open you up to so many new experiences and help you grow as a person. According to Learnerbly, learning is an essential part of humanity and is crucial to the success of organizations and the personal pursuit of happiness. All in all, being a learner is a key part of being able to move through life.
Picking time travel also means you're a risk taker, which makes sense because time travel means you can go back in the past or future at any moment, and if you change one thing, you change everything. No event happens in isolation; everything is connected. So, to desire the ability that can cause so much chaos is a definitive sign of being a risk-taker.
Adventurousness is another quality you may have since you would rather explore the possibilities of different timelines than be able to definitively read people's minds. This trait can help open new doors for you since you are willing to try new things and not just content with what you know.
2. Mind-reading
While the time travelers are adventurous, mind readers are a bit more cautious. They desire psychological safety above all else and will do their best to pursue it. That's not a bad thing by any means; it just means they have different priorities from those who value taking risks and trying new things.
They are often suspicious of people and things that happen to them because their ultimate goal is safety. They try to watch out for things that may impede that. Whether new people come into their lives or new things happen to them, they operate with a cautious mindset.
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It makes sense since mind-reading is the ultimate form of control for attaining psychological safety. Often, we worry about what other people think or how they will respond to things we say or do, but with mindreading, you can know exactly what other people are thinking without them knowing you are. You would also have much more assurance in how you act because you know how others perceive you.
Ultimately, the real difference between those who choose time travel and those who choose mind reading is whether they operate with an adventurous mindset or a cautious mindset. The possibility of time traveling creates so many different experiences and an exhilarating possibility of risk, while mind-reading would make it so that you could act with more assurance. But let's be real, wouldn't it be great if you could choose both?!
Sahlah Syeda is a writer who covers relationships, culture, and human interest topics.