The Woman You Choose In This Visual Test Reveals Very Specific Details About Your Personality
It may seem deceptively simple, but people fell like it was dead-on.

It's human nature for all of us to love a "personality test." As much as we know from fields like psychology, anthropology and sociology, so much of our brains' function and what makes us who we are is still a mystery.
Even scientists admit that while the brain's biology is well established, how exactly our noggins actually work is still very much in question. We know how they develop and how their parts interact, but when it comes to how information is actually processed up there, nobody really knows.
It's no wonder, then, that everything from the Myers-Briggs personality test to the Enneagram and even astrology are so wildly popular. They all purport to give insight into these conundrums. But what if the key to who you are is far simpler? Like, say, simply looking at a picture?
The woman you choose in this visual test is said to reveal details about your personality:
Now, to be upfront, we weren't able to find any concrete evidence that this test is scientific. But like many other types of personality tests, it's hard not to feel like this one isn't onto something!
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All you have to do is simply look at a series of illustrations, created by artist Anna Syrovatkina for Bright Side, of five women viewed from the back and think about which woman you imagine would be the most attractive were she to turn around. Which one you choose reveals some key things about your psyche.
Woman #1: The stylish, sexy woman
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Choosing the first woman, who appears to be dressed up for a night on the town, is said to mean that you're a calm and confident type who faces challenges head-on and takes everything a step at a time with an unwavering sense of determination.
In short, you're a Type A sort of person who's decisive, comfortable with risk, outgoing, and quick to make friends. You're also the type who loves a big crowd or a boisterous party — you might even be the life of one.
Woman #2: The casual, relaxed woman
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Like woman #1, you're also a bit of a social butterfly, but it comes with a hint of naivete — you might be just a bit too trusting of others.
Perhaps it's because you aim to please. People who choose this woman are said to be "grin and bear it" types who smile through the pain and hide their true emotions. And despite your sunny disposition, you may be easily wounded by things like cutting remarks.
Woman #3: The prim and proper woman
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If you chose woman #3, you're probably on the modest side and maybe even a bit shy. It takes a while to warm up or open yourself to people when meeting someone new. That said, once you do open up, you're said to form deep and meaningful connections.
You're also a bit more regimented than the others. You prefer order, planning ahead, and paying careful attention to others' feelings. And while harmony is important to you, you're also not afraid to dig deep and truly connect on a soul level in order to understand the thoughts and feelings of those in your life.
Woman #4: The woman in the formal gown
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Think woman #1 with a dash of elegance. If you choose this woman, you are composed, confident, strong, and not easily embarrassed or frazzled. And whereas woman #3 is mostly about the heart, you're mostly about the mind.
Because you're headstrong and know yourself so intimately, others may find you a bit intimidating, but you're far from the domineering type — for all your ambition, connection with others, and well-being still matter to you.
Woman #5: The easy-going woman in a hoodie
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If woman number five most resonates with you, it's said to mean that you're fiercely independent and persistent in working towards your goals and the things you want — and you're not a stranger to achievement.
You're also rather stubborn and opinionated, and this sometimes makes connecting with new people a challenge. But for those with whom you do connect, you tend to become a loyal and reliable rock to them.
So what do you think? Was your choice accurate?
At the end of the day, this is all in good fun — but people on TikTok who took the test definitely felt like it nailed them.
Who knows, maybe one day, neuroscientists will finally figure out those mysterious parts of the brain just from looking at these illustrations!
John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.