The Image You See First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Hidden Strengths & Weaknesses

Everyone has positive and negative traits, even if we can't see them ourselves.

visual personality test strengths and weaknesses Oleg Shupliak

Being objective about anything, let alone about yourself, is truly hard for most people. When it comes to figuring out who we really are, a visual personality test can be a great way to learn more about your own hidden strengths and weaknesses. 

It can be tough to face up to various aspects of ourselves. Positive or negative, quirks that seem totally obvious to someone from the outside can be easily missed when we try to look at ourselves. It doesn't matter how smart or insightful you are — being self-aware is rough work.


But if you don't have time to journal for years and you'd rather not join a retreat that's made big promises, there's a solution that can help you figure out these important aspects of your personality and help you realize if you need to make an effort in your own personal development.

Taking this visual personality test can help you identify your hidden strengths and weaknesses.

All you need to do is look at the picture below and make a mental note of the image you see first.

Personality Test Hidden Personal Strengths And Weaknesses Oleg Shupliak


Then, scroll down to reveal what the image you saw in this optical illusion personality test reveals about your hidden strengths and weaknesses.

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1. If you saw the man's face first ...

Strengths: If you looked at the image above and saw the man's face first, your biggest strength is your ability to be objective, even in tough situations. Where most people would fall down and collapse in a pile of tears during a crisis, you're able to pull yourself back together to handle the situation with aplomb. That's why so many people turn to you, particularly when they are going through a rough time themselves. You're a force to be reckoned with, and your friends know it.

Weaknesses: Of course, you're not perfect. No one is. Your biggest weakness is the way in which you cut yourself off from difficult emotions and because of that, you don't have great emotional intelligence. What used to be a coping tactic to help you focus in trying times has become a way of life, and you have a tough time letting down your guard and really connecting with the people you love most. You have plenty of feelings, but if you want to shed your reputation, you need to allow yourself to express them to others more often.


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2. If you saw the table first ...

Strengths: If you looked at the image above and saw the table first, your biggest strength is your ability to listen to and understand others. You're brilliant at communicating, and even people who have a tough time expressing their thoughts and feelings can't help but find it a little bit easier to open up to you. You aren't a licensed therapist per se, but at least eight people have told you that you should go back to school and become one.

Weaknesses: While communication is your forte, action is anathema to you. You delight in helping others talk through their issues, and nothing makes you happier than creating a good old-fashioned pros and cons list, as you dread having to make a decision and take action. It all just seems so final. You must learn to listen to your gut and trust yourself. You give your options all the thought they require and then some, so now it's time to do something.

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3. If you saw the woman first ...

Strengths: If you looked at the image above and saw the woman seated in the chair reading first, your biggest strength is your intellect. You're naturally intelligent and you love spending every chance you get learning new information about the things that you love. This doesn't have to mean you're a total nerd, either. What matters is that once you decide something is important to you, you make it your business to make yourself an expert.

Weaknesses: You may be super smart, but you can be a tad oblivious and even a bit careless when it comes to stuff that doesn't interest you. And yeah, that could be anything from your relationship to your day job. If you want to maintain a happy and harmonious balance, try giving every area of your life some of the attention you give to your penchant for learning.

4. If you saw the chair first ...

Strengths: If you looked at the image above and saw the chair first, your biggest strength is your unique outlook on life. Sometimes you're a problem-solver because of it, and other times you're the clown, helping take the pressure off when others get too stressed out. You're the first to change someone's point of view and are generally known for lighting up the lives of the people around you. No one knows what's going to come out of your mouth next.

Weaknesses: Sadly, you aren't perfect. Your biggest weakness is your inability to stay focused on any given thing for long. You have great ideas, and you contribute to everything you touch, but you're known for bailing the second you lose interest, and unfortunately, you can't help but lose interest a little too quickly far too often.


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Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer, editor, former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek, and former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango. She has a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime topics. Her bylines have appeared on Fatherly, Bustle, SheKnows, Jezebel, and many others.