What The Universe Is Trying To Tell You When You Keep Losing Things, According To A Spiritual Coach
Maybe losing stuff is a good thing after all.

We all lose things from time to time. It’s only natural. But, if you keep losing things repeatedly, it may actually be a sign from the universe.
This is according to Mariya, the woman behind This Is Mariya. On her website, Mariya said she “is a spiritual teacher, channeler, intuitive, energy alchemist, podcast host, entrepreneur and author of ‘72 Keys To Manifestation — An Ancient Path of a Modern Day Alchemist.’”
Mariya shares her wisdom on her social media pages, including her Facebook account, where she shared why losing things may not be just random, but could actually be a nudge from the universe.
Here are five things the universe is trying to tell you if you keep losing things:
1. 'The universe is trying to slow [you] down'
According to Mariya, losing things you think you need, like your phone, is a sign it’s time to be more present.
“Take a moment to pause, collect your energy, and become in sync with the present moment,” she said.
Tucson Spiritual Direction said that losing things can make your life feel chaotic. When things are chaotic, we seek a sense of peace.
They said, “The physical act of losing objects can mirror a chaotic state of mind or an imbalance in our emotions. This erratic energy can manifest externally, causing us to misplace things and struggle to find them.”
By losing things, you’ll be forced to come back to the present moment and find some of that peace, something we don’t often do.
2. 'Something is out of alignment'
Gracious Minds said, “Spiritual alignment is achieved when your thoughts, feelings, and actions are all geared toward achieving the same goal or higher purpose … When you’ve achieved spiritual alignment, you live a more meaningful and abundant life.”
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Being out of alignment means that all parts of you are not focused on the same thing. Getting back into alignment is important because it helps you live your purpose in all areas of life.
If you are constantly losing things, it’s a sign that you’re out of alignment, and, as Mariya said, you need to pay better attention.
3. 'You need to pay attention to your thought patterns'
Losing things could be directly connected to your thoughts. Thought patterns are powerful and can play a role in what is physically happening in your life.
Santa Rosa Junior College noted that what you “habitually think” affects who you are and what you do.
If you’re getting stuck in the same problematic thought patterns, it could be causing you to lose things. Mariya said that these patterns need “rewiring.”
4. You have 'karmic debt'
Numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart told Mind Body Green that “karmic debt describes something that occurred in a past life that you’re now making amends for in this lifetime.”
Mariya said, “When you don’t follow the universal laws of energy exchange, the universe can balance this by taking material possessions.”
If you owe the universe, you will always have to pay. Maybe the things you lost were not really meant to be yours. That’s okay — it means you’ve settled your debt.
5. 'You are on the brink of a spiritual upgrade'
There is some good news to be had. It’s possible that karma is not your reason for losing things. Instead, you may be headed towards bigger and better things.
“If you aren’t losing things due to karma, it is a sure sign that the universe is taking things to gather energy for your quantum leap!” Mariya said.
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Wondering how to tell if you’re having a spiritual upgrade? Spiritual coach Brenda MacIntyre, known as the Medicine Strong Woman, said, “A lot of times spiritual upgrades are incredibly subtle, like our little tiny intuitive voice, so pay close attention. Get to know your body, and you’ll know when these happen.”
While spiritual upgrades can be hard to recognize because of their subtlety, you’ll definitely notice if you’re losing everyday things you need. This can be an easy way to tell that your upgrade is coming.
While losing things is inconvenient, it isn’t always necessarily bad.
No one likes to lose things, but doing so could mean more than just forgetting where you set something down. Losing things repeatedly can actually be a sign from the universe.
So don’t get discouraged. Things might just be looking up or balancing out. After all, the universe has your back.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.