11 Ways Gen Z Is Quietly Reshaping Society Without Boomers Noticing

Gen Z is forging a future that challenges long-held norms.

gen z woman with brown hair is quietly reshaping society without boomers noticing Dragana Gordic | shutterstock

Gen Z has quickly become the generation associated with changing and challenging certain expectations and norms they know no longer serve them. They are quick to stand up against injustices, and their impact will most likely be felt by generations to come, despite older generations, including boomers, not fully recognizing the extent of their influence and power, especially when it comes to creating a more inclusive and sustainable world.

Gen Z is quietly rewriting the rules of society in ways that often fly under the radar of boomers, forging a future that challenges long-held norms. 

Here are 11 ways Gen Z is reshaping society without boomers noticing:

1. They are redefining work culture

young gen z woman sitting in office redefining work culture PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

Gen Zers are not afraid to express their refusal to comply with workplace norms and expectations. Whether advocating for remote work, work/life balance, flexible hours, or better pay, Gen Z adults are making it their mission to change company culture everywhere they go. 

According to a survey conducted by the Harris Poll and Forbes, 46% of Gen Z workers say their employer's values only align with their values "somewhat" or not at all. Young people are unwilling to compromise their values and morals to receive a paycheck and have no problem job-hopping and moving on if they aren't feeling fulfilled.

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2. They are normalizing mental health conversations

black gen z man talking to therapist normalizing mental health conversations Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

One of the most significant ways that Gen Z is changing society is by putting more of an emphasis on mental health awareness. For boomers, talking about mental health was seen as a taboo topic, even if it was just as prominent as it is for Gen Zers. In a survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Psychological Association, 37% of Gen Zers are more likely to report having received treatment or therapy from a mental health professional compared to 22% of boomers.

Because Gen Zers have become more vocal about mental health, now even older generations are being allowed a safe space to open up as well. Gen Zers have normalized talking about issues and problems, not only with the people around them but also with professionals.

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3. They are revolutionizing digital subscriptions

gen z couple watching tv at home with digital subscriptions Pressmaster | Shutterstock

Research from marketing and consulting company Savanta found that the subscription economy has higher usage patterns by Gen Zers compared to older generations, like boomers. From things like Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, and Apple Music, Gen Zers are relying on subscription-based services for all entertainment purposes, so much so that industries have started to accommodate the growing popularity of these subscriptions.

Gen Z's popularity of digital and subscription-based platforms means this has quickly become the norm, and the days of physical CDs, DVDs, and other forms of media ownership are over.

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4. They are reimagining dating and relationships

young gen z couple reimagining dating and relationships Halay Alex | Shutterstock

Unlike boomers, who largely followed the traditional aspects of relationships by meeting their significant others in person, courting, and dating to commit to marriage, Gen Zers have challenged these conventions for a bit more flexibility. From normalizing dating apps to changing their views on marriage and having children, Gen Zers are heavily rejecting certain expectations.

In a survey from the Thriving Center of Psychology, two in five Gen Zers believe marriage is an outdated tradition. Gen Z's influence over the current dating culture has made it a more inclusive space and allows people to date without feeling pressured to conform to certain ideals.

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5. They are reinventing the value of friendship

gen z friends playing jenga reinventing the value of friendship Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

While research has found that Gen Z adults struggle to make friends, they're still among the most prominent generations who have pushed for the importance of platonic love. From pointing out that romantic love is not as fulfilling as having a group of friends that care and support you to normalizing having emotional intimacy with friends, Gen Zers have proven that there's nothing more passionate than being able to love your friends and receive love from them.

Meaningful connections and relationships don't have to be just from your romantic partner, and you don't have to wait to fall in love to experience love in the first place. There's something extremely special about knowing that you'll always have your friends in your corner, and Gen Z has made it their mission to show that.

RELATED: 11 Values Gen Z Thinks Are Important That Seem To Mean Very Little To Older Generations


6. They are bypassing traditional media channels

gen z woman looking at phone on couch bypassing traditional social media channels Ground Picture | Shutterstock

According to Ofcom's annual Media Nations report via BBC, an estimated 48% of young adults were tuning into traditional TV and news compared with 75% just five years prior. Because Gen Zers are used to the digital age where everything is easily accessible on their phones, they're depending on real-life accounts of world events from social media platforms instead of tuning into the nightly news where they've realized the information we're receiving is being warped.

A lot of mainstream news works on fear-mongering, and many Gen Zers would rather seek out information from independent journalists and content creators than get their news from biased sources.

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7. They are engaging in subtle yet powerful activism

group of gen z people engaging in subtle yet powerful activism on the street Ground Picture | Shutterstock

Anytime there's a social justice issue in this country and around the world, Gen Zers are not afraid to educate themselves and advocate for people and communities that aren't given a voice to advocate for themselves. They highlight important issues and have become the generation behind some of the biggest movements, from Black Lives Matter to trans rights; Gen Zers are not afraid to speak up for causes that matter to them.

They are constantly at the forefront of movements and are deeply aware of systemic injustices. Because of their commitment, they've managed to organize various protests on and off social media, which boomers may not be aware of.

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8. They are championing diversity and inclusion

group of diverse gen z friends smiling championing diversity and inclusion Andrea Forlani Stock | Shutterstock

Gen Z is considered one of the most diverse and inclusive generations. This is reflected in their stances on issues like race, gender, and sexual orientation and in their understanding of different cultural identities that exist both in this country and around the world. 

They embrace people from all different walks of life and value the lived experiences of individuals from various marginalized communities. Gen Zers' adamance in recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion is downright empowering.

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9. They are incorporating sustainability into everyday life

two gen z women recycling trash on beach incorporating sustainability into everyday life Rawpixel.com | Shutterstock

Gen Zers have become increasingly educated and concerned about climate change and the future of this planet. While billionaires and billion-dollar corporations can make a difference in our environment, Gen Zers are not opting out of doing everything they can with the tools they have.

Through thrifting, reducing their waste, and supporting sustainable brands and businesses, Gen Zers feel an immense sense of urgency to help bring attention to the fact that our planet is dying. Even by calling out systematic practices that keep climate change from getting better, like capitalism and colonization, they refuse to stop being advocates.

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10. They are challenging traditional beauty standards

young gen z woman looking at camera challenging traditional beauty standards Romanchini | Shutterstock

With Gen Z's presence on social media, they've quickly become a voice for challenging certain beauty standard practices and expectations. They've been actively pushing back against many of the ideals forced upon both men and women in their generation and instead have advocated for self-acceptance and body positivity.

Gen Zers constantly uplift content creators and celebrities who don't fit within the beauty mold that has been forced upon society since the beginning of time. They also call out brands and businesses that don't believe in diversifying their advertising and representation.

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11. They are forging new career paths

gen z man talking to camera and filming video forging new career paths fizkes | Shutterstock

Gen Zers no longer believe that a traditional 9-5 job can provide stability and comfort, as boomers once practiced. Instead, they've cultivated a new career path through social media and influencing. They're about pushing people, especially those within their generation, to follow their passions instead of conforming and being miserable.

Gone are the days when work was just something you had to do, even if it didn't make you happy. Gen Zers are refusing to spend the rest of their lives being unhappy in their career and would rather quit their traditional jobs to pursue their true passions.

RELATED: 12 Phrases That Offend Gen Z But Don't Bother Older Generations At All

Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.
