6 Effortless Things Women With High Social Intelligence Often Do, According To Research

Be the type of highly intelligent woman who effortlessly makes others melt.

Effortless woman with high social intelligence Kaboompics.com | Canva

Ever wonder what makes a guy differentiate a woman who is always on his mind from someone “who’s just alright”? The truth is guys can get hung up over the weirdest things at times, and gestures you may think are really small actually can mean the world to them.

Don’t believe it? There are some effortless things that women with high social intelligence do differently — and they're often the simplest little things that make men melt in all the right ways.


Here are the effortless things women with high social intelligence often do:

1. Give genuine compliments

Forget just telling him he’s hot. Tell him how much you love his musical talent or the way his hugs make you feel safe. Guys so rarely get complimented that it will stand out and keep them glowing for days afterward, according to research from The American Psychological Association (APA).

2. Say, 'I appreciate you'

Smiling couple look at each other lovingly WinnieVinzence via Shutterstock


The truth is that it’s easy for men these days to feel unappreciated. Hearing these three words is the quickest, simplest way to make a man feel like a man.

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3. Look deeply into a person's eyes

2009 research helped show eye contact is one of the few scientifically proven ways to increase bonding between two people. By mastering a good “bedroom gaze,” you can have him turn into putty in your hands.

4. Have a signature scent or look

When people notice you always smell a certain way or wear a certain lip gloss, the Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology explains they’ll start associating the smell with you, and it will become an aphrodisiac. Signature scents and looks are so rare that guys naturally just pick up on them.


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5. Make the first move

Fun couple play at the beach Oneinchpunch va Shutterstock

If a guy feels shy or a bit intimidated around you, there’s one way to make sure you’ll keep a special place in his heart. The APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology suggested to make the first move, and if he likes what he’s seeing, just start kissing him and see where it goes.


Most guys, particularly shy guys, really get into it. And since he probably has never had it happen before, it’ll be a huge ego booster, too.

6. Be a little stand-offish to gain the respect you deserve

Is he the kind of guy who can have any woman he wants? Throw him for a loop by being standoffish. Studies in The Personality and Social Psychology Journal demonstrated how setting boundaries with guys who are used to women being “done deals” makes them get a little loopy and makes them respect you more. It’s a good thing, long — and short-term.

The bottom line is most men don’t feel appreciated by the women in their lives. If you offer appreciation and positivity, they’ll remember you for years to come. It’s just that simple.


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Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, New Theory Magazine, and others.