9 Things That Are Easy For The Highly Intuitive, But Closed-Off People Just Can't Handle
These skills are more than just a gift, they're a talent you can develop.

If you are a highly intuitive person, congratulations! You have a huge advantage in how you handle your life and the world, especially compared to others who might not be as open.
There is an abundance of skills and tools available to you that those who are shut down or less aware can’t tap into. Using your intuition gives you deeper access to loads of information around you, because you know how to look for it. Your sixth sense allows you to gather and process data, emotions, and inspiration many people wouldn’t consider giving the time of day.
Nine valuable skills that are easier for people who are highly intuitive
1. Reading between the lines
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Life can be confusing and situations that crop up are often tangled and complicated. Yet, since you’re intuitive, you excel at picking up details and subtle cues. These bits of information might stem from noticing body language, facial expressions or even tone of voice. These details are rich in unspoken messages and have great meaning when you can read between the lines.
For example, this ability is essential when negotiating in business. You pick up clues telling you there is still wiggle room in the deal, or you’ve hit the wall and need to close. An article in Nature Reviews Neuroscience showed that being attuned to body language is truly a massive advantage in business and life.
2. Solving problems creatively
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Your way of looking at a situation is not limited to the conventional viewpoint. Instead, you have this uncanny way of thinking outside the box about unique possibilities. Your intuition encourages you to be open to inspiration and offers a creative spark and innovative ideas you wouldn’t come upon any other way.
For example, Albert Einstein would access his intuitive abilities by thinking of a problem he was working on before taking a nap. He intended to dream of creative new solutions. You might not nap, but your sense of inner knowing serves up brilliant ideas that seem to come out of nowhere.
3. Recognizing patterns
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Being highly intuitive, you’re prone to recognizing patterns in different situations. This incredible skill allows you to use your experience in similar new situations, as supported by a study from The Academy of Management Perspectives. The ability to see patterns offers a faster response to determine the best way to handle the circumstance that requires your attention.
Other less intuitive people might struggle to see the connections that would help them apply what they already know. That’s why this innate gift is so valuable for the intuitive soul.
4. Trusting your gut
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Research in Annual Review of Medicine helps show how your gut is your second brain, connecting gray matter to the digestive tract with 100-500 million neurons! Being tuned into your inner wisdom, you know how true this is, which is why you do trust your gut. You may choose to also do the necessary research and talk to experts, but ultimately you believe in your instincts.
What a powerful advantage this is versus the person who believes only in facts and cannot access their inner knowing. While you feel a strong degree of certainty, a closed off person might end up in analysis paralysis, unable to decide or move forward.
5. Seeing possibilities
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Highly intuitive people also tend to anticipate the future with a positive outlook. This tendency to future-focused thinking allows you to see unique possibilities.
Leaning into positive outcomes creates opportunities that aren’t available to closed off types who can only handle what is in front of them. Thankfully, this doesn’t apply to you as your creativity and openness to inspiration work strongly in your favor.
6. Understanding others
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Most intuitive people are also highly empathic. You masterfully apply this ability to understand other people’s thoughts and emotions. This often happens without verbal communication or confirmation. That’s why your connections with people are so deep and you can provide support even when not requested. You just know what is needed and it can be a game changer for solid relationship building. Empathy may be one of your superpowers.
On the other hand, people who are unaware often miss these subtleties. They may be oblivious to problems and strain their relationships because they are unaware of issues.
7. Picking up clues from the environment
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Since you are highly aware, you naturally tend to use all of your senses. This is why you seem to “sense things” about life, people, and situations. It’s like you have a special antenna to notice when everything is either aligning or not syncing up. Knowing how the energy flows provides an incredible advantage since you can ward off problems before they fully manifest.
You have an inborn gift for spotting clues in your environment, whether it means from people, animals, or other natural elements. There are signs and symbols everywhere and you pay attention to them.
Those who are closed off just go about their business, not noticing how anything feels off and they are not in touch with these sometimes vital clues.
8. Handling uncertainty
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There’s no question that uncertainty in life, which is always prevalent, is not easy to deal with. It causes stress since what is going to happen next is unknown. However, when you think about it, this is true for every moment even if it doesn’t look that way.
The intuitive person is more comfortable with the unknown because they trust themselves, as supported by an APA study. You believe in yourself and are certain you can build on what you have already learned and experienced to face whatever comes your way. You rely on your inner knowing to pick up on clues, see patterns, and come up with creative solutions. This helps you handle stress with more ease and grace.
Too bad uncertainty can be a huge stressor for others who are not in touch with or don’t use their intuition. Closed off Individuals can only focus on concrete information and sometimes, there just isn’t enough to calm fears and provide hope.
9. Living authentically
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When you are a sensitive and intuitive person, you have a strong connection to your inner voice. You are more self-aware and understand yourself, your reactions, and feelings.
These natural abilities create a robust foundation for living a more authentic life. With this powerful sense of inner knowledge, it’s easier to remain true to yourself, fend off distractions, and move past roadblocks.
As a person who trusts and believes in yourself, you feel more aligned with the Universe and empowered to follow your dreams. This leads to a great sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
Of course, the unaware person can still accomplish great feats and feel totally satisfied. That goes without saying. But they will miss a lot of nuances and subtleties that offer help along the way.
Simply said, being highly intuitive provides a wealth of valuable tools and skills to provide insider information. You have an innate ability to perceive and interpret the world in a unique way unavailable to everyone. With this knowledge comes a wide range of benefits to generously enrich your life path.
Ronnie Ann Ryan is an Intuitive Coach and Wise Woman who is the author of six books. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, and creator of the free audio course How to Ask the Universe for a Sign and Get an Answer Within 24 Hours. Ronnie’s been published on ABC, BBC, and NPR.