4 Signs Of A Highly Intuitive Person Who Can Read People Like A Book, According To Psychology
Nothing gets past a highly intuitive person.

Does it seem like some people know more about the world than others? And it's not something they were taught or learned, but rather just another part of themselves, like their arm or leg.
How can someone tell if someone is a highly intuitive person who can read people extremely well? If you want to know if you are intuitive, here are the signs that you can read people like a book, and often know more about the world around you than others.
Here are the signs of a highly intuitive person who can read people:
1. You have the urge to call friends or family members for no reason at all
We have all been here! You either call or decide not to call and find out that there was a reason for the feeling.
Most of the time, it is because your loved one needed some support from us or maybe they had something to offer that was exactly what you needed to hear. Maybe you didn’t call and regretted it later.
2. You've stepped into a room and noticed it has a certain energetic vibe
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You know that feeling you get when you enter a room where a couple has just had a fight or when someone is doing everything to make you feel welcome but there is this weird vibe telling you that they have something else on their mind? It is the same feeling we get when we walk into a room that feels great and instantly puts our nervous system at ease.
Highly sensitive people notice energetic vibes by being acutely attuned to subtle cues in their environment, particularly in the emotions and body language of others. A 2018 study from the Neuroscience Research Institute found they effectively pick up on the underlying energy of a situation or person, often feeling it as if it were their own emotion due to their heightened sensory processing and strong empathic abilities.
3. You have gut feelings
Have you ever been in a situation where you leave with an uneasy feeling about someone? That is a feeling deep within the visceral tissue of the gut and it is 100 percent connected to your instinctual response system. It is just like the feeling of your heart softening when you are in a safe environment.
4. You instinctually know when someone isn't a good match for you
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Have you ever found yourself saying, "I don’t know what it is but they're just not for me" and you literally cannot think of any good reason why? That is your intuitive wisdom steering you away from a tempting situation.
Highly intuitive people can sense if someone isn't a good match for them despite finding them physically attractive by picking up on subtle cues like inconsistent behavior, a lack of emotional depth, discomfort during conversations, negative vibes, or a feeling of not quite right in their gut, even if the person seems outwardly charming or appealing.
A 2012 study found that your intuition might signal a mismatch by making you uneasy during conversations, making you uncomfortable with eye contact, feeling judged, and creating disjointed energy.
When we listen to our intuition, the path is clear. When we talk ourselves out of our gut feeling and take actions that are the result of self-doubt and relying on advice and demands of others, our path is blurred, and the feeling of being lost floods in.
That is our intuition. That feeling is our highest soul-self telling us that we have lost our path.
Most of us have been living cut off from our intuition and highly reliant on our rational minds. Yes, rational thought processes will keep us safe and things in our life will be fairly stable for the most part.
The question then becomes: did you come here to live a safe, stable life or is there something more that is urging you to be born? What if that something more has to do with tapping into the innate ability to align your choices to the life you came here to live?
What if, where you are being nudged on a soul level, is so much more than this rational shade of grey self could ever imagine, and only by trusting and taking leaps will you ever truly feel the flow that life has to offer?
Stacey Huard is a registered psychotherapist and the creator and co-owner of Santosha Yoga and Wellness Therapies.