8 Subtle Traits Of Women Who Are Emotionally Strongest, According To Psychology

Embrace your imperfect perfections.

Emotionally strong woman. cottonbro studio | Pexels

We are blessed to be surrounded by strong women. Women who don't let anyone stop them from doing what is right and who persist through their struggles.

But when the strong women we see in the media are powerhouses, it's easy to forget what strength means for the average woman. We need to remember how amazing we are, even in our everyday lives, and regain confidence in ourselves to see how truly strong we are.


Here are 8 subtle traits of emotionally strongest women, according to psychology:

1. She is a survivor

Survivors aren't just women who have endured physical or emotional abuse, assault, child abuse, or anything equally serious. Strong women aren't limited to cancer survivors and those who struggle to overcome physical or mental illness.

These women certainly are strong, but being a strong woman and a survivor also includes thriving when you have little support. Or, as supported by a review in American Psychologist, Journal, when pushing through a negative situation to rise to the top and make it out alive and better for it.


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2. She is successful in the ways that matter to her

A strong woman is not afraid to take the risks needed to succeed. Whether it's in her love life or work life, she puts herself out there and is willing to make mistakes to get what she wants.

Professor Madeline E. Heilman's studies on penalties women incur for success in traditionally male areas help show it doesn't matter if society thinks she's "made it" — she will define success for herself.

She smiles proudly blvdone via Shutterstock


3. She may be physically strong, too

Sometimes, strength means she has the physical strength to climb the stairs instead of the escalator, and sometimes, strength means she can lift more than most men. She may even bring home Olympic gold, as shown in an analysis by Rita Amaral Nunes.

Physical strength is great, but it's measured differently for all women, and it's certainly not a necessity to be considered a strong woman.

Navigating the world in a wheelchair or adapting to the changing physicality of a condition like multiple sclerosis is another way women may be physically strong, too.

4. She isn't afraid to be herself

It's not that strong women don't care about others. Quite the opposite! She no longer cares if everyone will like her when she is being true to who she is. 


She realizes most people don't know who they are, so why should she let herself be bothered by what others think?

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5. She keeps an open mind and listens to others

She might not care what people think about her, but a strong woman isn't afraid to hear an opinion that differs from hers.

6. She is willing to carve her path

An article published in the Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology helps demonstrate how a strong woman realizes she doesn't have to follow any path but the one she chooses for herself. She is brave enough, strong enough, and smart enough to know what is right — and what isn't right for her.


7. She strives to see the good

A strong woman works on seeing the good in others and tries to keep that in mind — even when she feels surrounded by the bad of the world. When something unpleasant comes up, she tries to find ways to fix it instead of giving up, as suggested by Psychologist Coert F. Visser. While it might not be easy (is it ever?), she does her best.

She gives a warm smile Andrii Nekrasov via Shutterstock

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8. She knows who she is

She won't let anything get in her way of getting what she wants or stopping the things she doesn't. She knows what she likes and doesn't like and embraces her perfections.

Every woman has something different that makes them strong. Whether you're a corporate CEO, a stay-at-home mother, or single and finding your way in the world, the strength is inside you. You are brilliant. You are strong. You just have to discover it for yourself.

Senior VP of YourTango Experts, Melanie Gorman, asked a group of Experts what defines a strong woman, check the video above for more. Our big-name Experts — including author Ellyn Roberts Bell, self-love mystic and mentor Pernilla Lillarose, relationships coach Barb Boschetto, and John Gray of Mars and Venus fame — all agreed that every woman has the makings of a strong woman.


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