9 Traits Of A Truly Good Woman, According To Psychology

These traits make her worthy of all the affection and devotion in the world.

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An ultimate life goal should be to become the best version of yourself. But getting to that point isn't always easy.

To be a good person can mean many things, but above all, it's having good morals that others lack. And for women, especially, there are specific indicators of being a good person.

Here are 9 traits of a truly good woman, according to psychology

1. She cheers other people on

woman being congratulated by peers fizkes | Shutterstock

Women have been taught to always compete with each other rather than rooting for one another's successes. This is a mindset that most (unfortunately) have fallen victim to at one point. But this can change.

Licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Shuman admits, "This is difficult, and it's something that most of us have struggled with at one time or another." But if a woman truly wants to root for another's success, it starts with self-reflection.

Truly good women reflect on what others have gone through and how most people aren't happy all the time. Then, they use their success as inspiration. Adds Shuman, "Feeling happy for the successes and joys of others can remind us that circumstances change."

Through this mindset, it's a reminder that things will get better and that it's best to keep moving forward.

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2. She's kind to those around her

woman comforting other woman Josep Suria | Shutterstock

Kindness is contagious, infecting people around us. But just as easily as kindness and joy spread, so does negativity. And being unkind is the worst thing women can do for themselves and others.

According to one study, negative rumination correlates to an increase in depression and anxiety. But when a woman chooses to be kind to others (even when they're not the kindest to her), she takes back her power.

Kindness can alleviate depression, and even increase our happiness. With that being said, most people actively choose not to engage in being kind. And, according to research, people might limit their kindness because they underestimate the value of it.

This is why it's important to do that one small act of kindness, because it might have a bigger impact than most people think. 


3. She not afraid to get vulnerable

older woman comforting crying younger woman Halfpoint | Shutterstock

Truly good women don't shy away from vulnerability. When they're afraid of opening up, they unintentionally damage the relationships around them. And by not expressing herself, a woman can create room for misunderstandings and miscommunication.

Yet, the biggest downfall of not embracing vulnerability is the unexpected consequences that come along with it. Research has shown that emotional suppression prevents closeness, decreases life satisfaction, and lessens our social support. Understandably, this destroys a woman's mental health in the long run.


4. She's honest, even when it's hard

woman explaining something to other woman Pheelings media | Shutterstock

They say that honesty is the best policy, but being honest is hard. To be honest is to possibly hurt other people's feelings and be seen as the bad guy, even if that isn't the intention.

But a truly good woman — a truly good person, in general — will be honest, no matter what. Despite how harsh the truth can be, no deception or lies are told. There's no betrayal of trust or false expectations. Everything is out on the table.

As one study notes, "The effects of betrayal include shock, loss and grief, morbid preoccupation, damaged self-esteem, self-doubting, anger," which is not a kind or good thing to do. But for a good woman, she's fully transparent in all areas of life.

5. She doesn't judge

woman hugging other woman Carlo Prearo | Pexels

As women, it's easy to judge others for their mistakes. And it's easy to look down at another woman and think, "I would never do that." But this mindset is not only insensitive to that other person's experience, but it's also unkind.

It's never good to bring down other women or judge them for the decisions they make. And there's a huge difference between hating someone for their decisions versus holding them accountable. Plus, speaking negatively might just get someone in trouble.

Research shows that high-frequency gossipers are perceived as less powerful and are less liked overall. So, being non-judgmental is the correct way to act. And, for women, it makes them look better.

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6. She stands up for others

woman touching other woman's shoulder comfortingly LightField Studios | Shutterstock

If women want to be seen as good, it's important to get into the habit of standing up for others. Because most people are afraid to do so due to their people-pleasing ways.

According to one survey, 49% of Americans self-identify as people-pleasers, with 56% of women identifying as such, compared to men at 42%. Knowing this, women should stand up for others who can't stand up for themselves. This not only makes them a better woman, but a good person with honorable morals.

7. She's there for the ones she loves most

woman comforting other woman outside Mental Health America (MHA) | Pexels

Any good woman will be there for her friends or family whenever they need it. Good women can't help but have sympathy for others, and want to listen and help out to the best of their abilities.

Research shows that helping others has great benefits. Prosocial behavior affects helpers, increasing their happiness and decreasing their stress. It's also been shown to increase resilience, social connectedness, and solidarity. 


8. She tries her best to understand others

woman listening and smiling at other woman Josep Suria | Shutterstock

Being a good woman means attempting to understand others, meaning they must learn to connect more. It's easy to forget, but feeling heard and seen is crucial to human beings. As the International Center for Compassionate Organizations says, "The need to be heard is one of the most powerful motivating forces in human nature."

And yet, some women dismiss the importance of this, assuming that it's best to suck it up or not talk about it because it's unimportant or "the same old nonsense." However, choosing to not hear friends out can hurt them in ways people would probably never imagine.

According to one study, invalidating other people's emotions actually escalates those emotions, making them worse. So, as hard as it may be, good women hear their loved ones out. It's not just good, but is the right thing to do.

9. She keeps things positive

woman smiling with eyes closed Matthias Cooper | Pexels

Good women should ask themselves one question: Are they keeping things positive? That means taking into account the way she talks to others, as well as herself. Does her mind jump to the worst conclusions, or is she optimistic?

Good people are likely this way because they have a big heart filled with kindness. But when women choose to be negative, they are actively hurting themselves and possibly those around them.

Besides the obvious, there are reasons women should keep things positive. Research has concluded important benefits about positivity. One study found that those who prioritize happiness have better well-being outcomes and resources, another determined that happy and healthy adult relationships predict well-being, and yet another study shows that healthy friendships can protect against mental illnesses.

So, for women, it's not enough to just act positive; she should surround herself with positivity as well.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
