7 Strategies Regular People Always Use To Get Noticed — Without Being The Loudest In The Room
Attract someone who treats you how you want to be treated.

Do you keep attracting partners who don't treat you well? Or who doesn't seem to want to be in a relationship?
Does it seem like no matter how often you find someone new, you keep encountering the same problems?
The issue might start with you rather than them. You must learn to attract quality partners to stop settling for less than you deserve.
Here are 7 strategies people use to get noticed without being the loudest person in the room:
1. Say 'no' to anything that doesn't serve you
Obligation will always attract more things you don't want into your life. Your choices create your life, so by doing something out of obligation, you're telling the universe that's what you want, and more of that will come to you.
Say "no" when you don't want to do something. Value what you want and others will, as well.
2. Make time for yourself
Be sure you are making time for just you. When you make time for yourself and prioritize your time, others will see it’s valuable and begin to respect it, too.
One study published in the American Psychological Association’s Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that when you make time to pursue things you're passionate about, you can attract people with those same interests — allowing you to build deeper, more meaningful relationships with a potential future partner.
Your time is important, so make choices that reflect that.
3. Take your physical, emotional, and mental health seriously
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Take care of yourself—physically and emotionally. If you neglect yourself by not caring for your body, health, or emotional wellness, you will attract others who neglect you, too.
If you want someone who treats you like gold, you must first set an example.
So, look deeply into how you are treating yourself and others. Are you neglecting yourself? Are you neglecting anyone in your life? Look deep into that.
Changing those choices will make a huge difference in who you attract into your life.
4. Know your worth
Know that you deserve only the best. Show that through your choices – especially in who you let around you.
By eliminating someone at the first sign of not treating you right, you show the universe what you want (and what you don’t), and it will stop attracting people who don’t meet those standards.
5. Confidently speak up and make yourself heard
Don't keep things in, or refrain from expressing your feelings. Doing so will only attract those who may not listen to you or value your opinion.
Research conducted by psychologists at the University of California, Davis, and the University of Bern shows that regularly boosting self-esteem and confidence can have long-term benefits in all areas of life, including your relationships.
Feel free to say how you feel. Holding it in only causes worse problems down the line.
6. Learn from past relationships (and partners)
Look back on those in your life with qualities you didn't like. Take note of how you treated yourself or others at that time. See what caused you to attract them so you can change that going forward.
Being clear on what caused you to attract the wrong people in the past makes it so much easier to stop.
7. Make yourself the priority.
If you put yourself last, the person you attract will do the same. Putting yourself first gives you more strength and energy to give to others.
If you have depleted your energy on things that don’t serve you and your happiness, you won’t be able to use that energy on anyone else. Put yourself at the top of the list to attract someone who will put you first.
Overall, examine how you treat yourself and others. Make yourself a priority and attract someone who treats you right this time.
Kristine Carlson is a psychic medium, advanced soul-realignment practitioner, life coach, and author.