Man Shares The 2 Ways His Therapist Taught Him To Turn Anxiety Into Confidence

Transform your feelings of anxiety by adopting this wise perspective.

business man combats feelings of anxiety at work Prostock-studio / Canva Pro

Everyone experiences anxiety in some shape or form, and it’s certainly not a pleasant experience. But anxiety is just that — a temporary experience. It’s important to recognize that anxiety is not a permanent state; it’s a feeling that can be managed and even transformed into confidence. 

While overcoming anxiety may feel daunting or impractical, content creator Nicky Reardon shared the life-changing way his therapist opened his eyes to the reality behind anxiety, and it’s less intimidating than you might think.




It’s important to note that there are varying levels of anxiety. While some people only experience fleeting moments of the emotion, others struggle with more serious disorders that can cause panic attacks. In these cases, it may not be as simple to combat its intrusion, but fostering awareness of how to navigate the emotion can certainly lead to substantial changes in regaining control of our minds. 


Here are 2 ways to turn anxiety into confidence:

1. Realize that anxiety is only a symptom of your desire for success

Reardon suggested how anxiety is actually not always rooted in negativity. Rather, anxious feelings typically occur in reaction to something that we care deeply about — a work presentation, the first day of a new job, or a first date. 



RELATED: 3 Ways To Keep Anxiety From Sabotaging Your Best Relationships

In many cases, the feeling of anxiety is prompted by our inherent desire to succeed, which signifies how much you truly care about something, and this is worthy of being proud of yourself. 


Rather than feeling ashamed of or paralyzed by the anxiety, experiment with embracing the discomfort and letting it fuel your confidence. It's not exactly easy to embrace anxiety, and most of us would rather it go away altogether. However, this is not the nature of life, and there are ways to reduce our anxiety. The first step is recognizing it for what it is, which is a temporary symptom of our desire for achievement and happiness. 

2. Understand that it’s better to overcome feelings of uncertainty and take action rather than limit yourself to misery. 

Reardon explained that the key to using your anticipation to succeed to your advantage is through understanding the principle — “Uncertainty is always better than certain misery.”

In essence, this perspective emphasizes the opportunities we can gain from taking risks, even when they cause debilitating feelings of anxiety.

By having the strength to push through the uneasiness, you have a reason to be proud of yourself and thus amplify your self-confidence, especially if that risk ends up working out in your favor.




RELATED: The Scariest Symptom Of Anxiety, According To 5,000 People

Reardon used the example of how distressing it feels to ask for a raise at work. “If you don't take the chance of uncertainty, you are going to live in certain misery,” he stated. “Even if it’s only a 10% chance you get the raise, it’s better than the 100% chance of not getting it because you never asked, and you’ll just be miserable about it.”

In fact, avoiding taking certain risks that can lead to growth and improvement can actually enhance your feelings of anxiety, causing you to feel even more ashamed.


“No matter what you do, you will always be happier with taking a chance on yourself, with pursuing this uncertainty, and believing you have a chance to get there,” Reardon emphasized. 

Reardon’s advice from therapy offers a motivational approach for those feeling immobilized by their anxiety. You never know what you might gain by taking that risk that terrifies you. You will likely be pleased by the results of your initiative, and if it doesn't end up working in your favor, at least you can commend yourself for trying. You’ll find that you can reach further in life when you confront what scares you about success.

While this theory can certainly work in our favor when it comes to taking risks, it does not apply to every situation that involves intense feelings of anxiety. 

According to Healthline, there can be various triggers of anxiety, and it’s important to learn how to identify what your triggers are so you can better manage your emotions.



A mental health expert on TikTok, Dr. Kojo Sarfo, shared some ways for individuals to stay in the present moment when these feelings come up, such as practicing gratitude and taking action through small steps toward a goal.


Sometimes, anxiety can be caused by situations other than taking a risk, and many times, people aren’t even sure why they experience it. It’s important to seek out therapy when these feelings seem to take over.

Overall, you are never alone, and therapy can help you observe your thoughts and feelings with more clarity and understanding, leading to substantial changes in your mental health. 

RELATED: 5 Things You're Doing To 'Fix' Your Anxiety That Might Be Making It Worse


Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.