Single Woman's Friends Throw Her A Party ‘Just Because’ — ‘Their Lives Look Different, Yet They Still Celebrated My Milestones’
“Women supporting women will always be my fuel and fire.”

Navigating your late twenties can be a confusing time. Filled with endless wedding invites, baby announcements, and housewarming parties, if your choices don't align with the majority of your peers, it can leave you feeling underappreciated.
If you’re not prioritizing societal expectations of weddings, babies, and homes (which are great, by the way), then you’re undervalued in some way. If you’re single, childless, or living nomadically, you’re far less likely to get a gift in the mail, a handwritten letter, or even a celebratory party just for you.
Cheyenne Stone and her thoughtful friends are trying to change that mindset, however.
Stone's friends threw her a party ‘just because,’ and it's proof that we all need to feel celebrated in life.
“One of my favorite things to do is to celebrate my friends and their milestones,” Stone wrote in the caption of a recent TikTok post.
Complete with food, drinks, and decorations, the video captured Stone’s friends leading her into the party space as she looked around, confused. “What did you do? Who did this?” she questioned until her friends revealed that it was a celebration “just for her!"
Tearing up, she thanked her friends, admitting how “nice” and kind it was of them to think of her, even amid their busy and chaotic lives. “My own personal milestones at this time are different from theirs (weddings, etc),” she wrote in the caption, “but they still wanted to make sure I felt celebrated and loved.”
Stone said her friends and other women in her life are her ‘fuel and fire,’ thanking them for celebrating her amidst their own weddings, kids, and plans.
“To say that I’m grateful is an understatement,” she said.
While this heartwarming party seems worlds beyond what many of the commenters have experienced — with one writing, “[they’d] ball if someone thought to celebrate them in this capacity” — advocates are creating a push to make this the new normal.
If it’s become a tradition to celebrate women getting married, friends graduating from college, or buying a home, why can’t we make other life accomplishments a big deal? Whether it’s defending a thesis or decorating a new space, why not celebrate?
Jacob Lund /
With over a third of people admitting they feel a sense of loneliness in their daily lives — with single people being twice as likely to report these feelings than married ones — it’s essential to make space for everyone’s unique identities and accomplishments.
Make any excuse you can to celebrate someone, even if it’s just their presence over a coffee or a quick chat on the phone.
Her heartwarming surprise party serves as a reminder that single people deserve to be celebrated for their life accomplishments.
So, the next time you meet a single friend, remember to give them flowers — maybe figuratively — maybe not. It’s an important norm to restructure, especially amidst the loneliness epidemic.
Creator Rachel Lovely on TikTok shared her unique take on fair celebrations, regardless of whether you’re single or not — sending out gift registries.
Typically, people have a registry after buying a new home, getting engaged, or having a baby, but Lovely said that people should do it “just because” or simply as a celebration of any life achievement.
“When are our single girls getting their days in the sun?” she said. “If they don’t want to get married, they don’t want to have children; there’s a surplus of other reasons why we should be celebrating them.”
So, consider throwing a party for one of your single friends or sending them a quick message about how proud you are of them. Everyone deserves to be appreciated, loved, and valued, even if your goals don’t completely align.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.