The Way Someone Answers This Simple Question Reveals Everything You Need To Know About Their Personality

Which character do you identify with?

Simple Question About Samurai, Cowboy, Or Pirate Reveals Everything You Need To Know About Someone's Personality holgs, Captain Frost, O2O CREATIVE | Design: YourTango

Sometimes, we feel we truly know someone — whether it's a friend or a significant other — only to find out later that there’s more to them than we initially realized. This realization can be surprising and sometimes even a little disorienting. The truth is that understanding someone goes beyond surface-level interactions. The key to truly knowing someone lies in asking the right questions, whether they're deep and serious or light-hearted and fun.


That’s exactly what TikTok content creator Orion Jordan recently suggested in a post, particularly for women in relationships. He recommended asking one simple, fun question. The humor in this question can help ease any tension in the relationship while also allowing you to get to know each other in a more genuine and clever way. After all, what’s life without a little laughter? 

A man shared the simple question that can reveal everything you need to know about someone's personality.

Jordan simply stated, “If you want to truly know who your man is, ask him this question — this works every time: ‘If [you] had to choose, would he rather be a cowboy, a pirate, or a samurai?’ It will tell you everything you need to know.”


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While this question might seem a bit ludicrous at first, it can spark a conversation that uncovers a person's values, personality, and even sense of adventure. The reason it works is simple: People are often drawn to music, characters, movies, and stories that reflect who they are — or who they aspire to be in some way. Or perhaps there’s something about the art that simply just fascinates them. 

Man Says This Simple Question Reveals Everything You Need To Know About Their Personality TikTok Comment TikTok


That’s why asking someone whether they'd prefer to be a samurai, cowboy, or pirate is a great question. These iconic characters have appeared in stories and culture for centuries, and each one represents different personality traits. If you’re still unsure about what each choice reveals, a commenter on Jordan's post described the personality behind each one to offer further insight.

1. Samurai

What choosing the samurai as the answer to the man's simple question reveals about your personality WikiImages | CanvaPro

Emerging in the 12th century, samurai were highly trained warriors who served nobles and later became the ruling military class during Japan’s Edo Period (1603-1867). According to Japan-Guide, a samurai embodies honor, discipline, and loyalty, living by the strict code of bushido — a "lawful good" way of life. More specifically, the outlet described the bushido code as "loyalty to one's master, self-discipline and respectful, ethical behavior." 


The samurai are driven by a sense of right, and they are disciplined to follow that path. If someone chooses a samurai, they likely value strong ethics, loyalty, and personal honor. Likewise, however, that strong sense of right and wrong can create a rigidness to their belief system. For example, this is the friend you absolutely want as a workout buddy because they will hold you accountable and always show up, but if you love a more laid-back lifestyle, having a samurai partner might feel a bit stifling.

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2. Cowboy

What choosing the cowboy as the answer to the man's simple question reveals about your personality O2O CREATIVE | Canva Pro


Originating in Mexico, American cowboys played a key role during U.S. westward expansion and created their own iconic style. A cowboy is rugged, unapologetically himself, and stands firm in his beliefs, embodying a "neutral good" character.  

Often portrayed in Hollywood as a stoic loner who is brave and adventurous, the cowboy differs greatly from the samurai because he needs flexibility in thinking. When moving cattle on horseback for months at a time across dangerous terrain, rigid thinking is not possible, but ultimately, the cowboy always chooses what is the most right in the moment. 

This is also a person who rejects a high-maintenance lifestyle and prefers classic comfort over country club chic. Your cowboy friends are your couch friends. They work hard when they have to but are happy just spending a slow Sunday morning sipping coffee and talking. If your weekend plans are no plans at all, the cowboy is right there with you. However, if you prefer the glitz and glam of a night out on the town, the cowboy as a partner might stifle your fun. 

3. Pirate

What choosing the pirate as the answer to the man's simple question reveals about your personality Denis---S | Shutterstock


Historically, pirates were robbers who targeted ships and cargo on the seas. Somebody who chooses the pirate embodies a "chaotic good" character, doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. The pirate is FUN and flashy but also morally grey. 

As Dr. Robert Blyth, author of "Buried Treasure: A Pirate Miscellany," noted, pirate adventures and trials made sensational news stories in the 18th century, often exaggerated to make pirates appear more violent and dangerous. This sensationalized coverage shaped many modern portrayals of pirates, including "Pirates of the Caribbean," where they’re still mainly viewed as outlaws rather than heroes. Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, perfectly embodies this persona. He lives entirely by his own rules — surprisingly lucky and always managing to escape even the tightest situations. 

Pirate personalities are loyal to their loved ones, and they are always up for an adventure. You will never be bored with a pirate, but you may get exhausted. Unfortunately, a pirate will also be the first person to give you permission to slack off on your responsibilities in favor of anything and everything fun. This is okay once in a while, but it can get frustrating, especially if you need to be productive at your job to fund all those pirate adventures!


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Mina Rose Morales is a writer and photojournalist with a degree in journalism. She covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, self-help, relationships, and the human experience.