9 Signs You’re In The ‘Hermit Phase’ Of Your Life After Going Through An Awakening
Have you been keeping to yourself lately?

Spiritual awakenings can be challenging to define since everyone experiences them differently. Social worker Dan Mager described spiritual awakenings as a shift in someone’s conscious awareness. He noted that having a spiritual awakening rarely happens how we might expect it would.
While some people experience a spiritual awakening as an abrupt jolt to their system, they often present themselves subtly, showing up gradually. The transformation might occur over an extended timeline, meaning you might not notice it initially. Yet as more time passes, the signs that you’re in the hermit phase of your life after going through an awakening will reveal themselves.
Here are 9 signs you’re in the ‘hermit phase’ of your life after going through a spiritual awakening:
1.You spend more time alone.
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A sign you’re in the hermit phase of your life after a spiritual awakening is feeling a desire to spend more time alone. Your need to be alone doesn’t have anything to do with how introverted or extroverted you are. You’re not avoiding people because you don’t like being around them; instead, you’re prioritizing time spent with yourself to explore your spirituality.
A research article from Frontiers in Psychology described spiritual awakenings as “A subjective experience in which an individual's ego transcends their ordinary, finite sense of self to encompass a wider, infinite sense of truth or reality.”
Having a spiritual awakening often occurs after prolonged psychological distress or trauma, such as loss, addiction, or being in mourning. The researchers noted that spirituality is frequently used to counteract stress. Spirituality helps people cope with depression and anxiety by offering a sense of “Positivity, equanimity, optimism, peace, and resilience.”
Being in your hermit phase might mean turning down invitations to go out and see friends. It might mean curling up with a mug of tea, writing in your journal, or listening to music that feeds your soul. While taking time away from crowds can help you hone in on your spiritual side, it’s important to note that being too socially isolated can lead to an acute sense of loneliness, which could lead to depression.
Part of being connected to your spirituality means tuning into what you need at any given moment and honoring those needs. If you need more time alone while in your hermit phase, you shouldn’t hesitate to give yourself that gift.
2.You experience heightened sensitivity.
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Experiencing heightened sensitivity is a sign you’re in the hermit phase of your life after going through an awakening. You might feel an increased sensitivity to other people, being in particular places, or even eating certain foods. You might be sensitive to the energies surrounding you, as well.
A research study titled “Spiritual Awakening and Transformation in Scientists and Academics” described spiritual awakening as “a subjective experience in which an individual's ego transcends their ordinary, finite sense of self to encompass a wider, infinite sense of truth or reality.”
The researchers noted that people with spiritual awakenings often experience “An intensified and expanded awareness, with intensifications of perception, feelings of connection and well-being.” They explained that some people feel they’ve transcended time and space, which can lead to “ an increase in physical and mental sensitivity to internal and external stimuli, including sensitivity to color, light, touch, sounds, and smells.”
A spiritual awakening changes your consciousness and how you relate to the world. It might be jarring to see everything from such a different perspective, which is why it’s so important to hold space for your experience and treat yourself gently as you learn this new way of being.
3.You feel like you don’t belong.
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Another sign you're in the hermit phase of your life after going through an awakening is feeling like you don’t belong. You’ve been pushed to the edges of what you knew about yourself, so it makes sense that you might feel disconnected from the people around you. Feeling like you don’t belong is often accompanied by a deep desire to discover your roots, where you came from, and where you’re going next.
Spiritual coach Polly Wirum shared a series of questions to ask to connect more deeply with your spirituality. The first step is to ask yourself which parts of your life you need help with. Next, she recommended asking how you can help others.
“Share your joy,” she declared. “Sometimes we also support others in difficult times, and though this also is important, remember to maintain a balance of giving and receiving.”
Wirum noted where you're thriving, what you need to release, what you’re calling into your life, what you can change, and what to celebrate.
After any foundational transformation, there’s a period of dissonance between where you once were and where you’re heading. You might feel tender like you’ve bared the raw edges of your soul. This time can be uncomfortable, but it’s just one part of the journey. Remember, you’re on the precipice, ready to dive into something new and beautiful.
4.You lose interest in things that used to excite you.
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A sign that you’re in the hermit phase of your life after going through an awakening is losing interest in activities that used to excite you. It can feel destabilizing to no longer find joy in familiar places, so it’s important to remind yourself that this part of the phase won’t last forever.
If you’ve lost passion for things you cared about in the past, it’s probably because you’re clearing space for the new era of your existence. Your interests might shift away from materialistic things and lean towards being in nature, meditating, doing breathwork, or any other activity that gently nurtures your body and mind.
The Berkeley Well-Being Institute explained that having a spiritual awakening means connecting to the universe in a way you didn’t know was possible. The force and power of this connection are usually experienced as a form of love or positive energy. You might have a stronger awareness of what’s happening in your environment. You might feel like you’re stitched into the world’s fabric, feeling everything simultaneously.
The hermit phase of your spiritual awakening encompasses motion. It’s a change in action, the shedding of one version of you so that you can bloom into your most authentic self.
5.You’re seeking out your soul’s purpose.
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Wondering about your life’s purpose signifies that you’re in the hermit phase after an awakening. Asking yourself why you’re here and how you want to exist in the world is a crucial part of the awakening process. Seeking your soul’s purpose indicates moving closer to where you should be.
Steve Taylor, a psychology lecturer at Leeds Beckett University, revealed that going through a spiritual awakening occurs across four domains: Perceptual, subjective, intersubjective, and conceptual.
Perceptual awareness leads to “a state of expansive and intensified awareness” where the world appears more vivid and alive. As Taylor explained, “It's as if a veil falls away, and suddenly, an extra dimension of reality is added to the world.”
After perceptual awareness comes subjective awareness; you notice energy and potential you never felt before as you’ve been made aware of the depths you have inside yourself. Next, intersubjective awareness arrives, which intensifies your sense of empathy. At this stage of awakening, the connection between you, other people, and the natural world gets even more robust. Finally, there’s an expansion of conceptual awareness. Taylor described this as when “We transcend a narrow egocentric perception… [and] we attain a world-centric awareness.”
During the soul-seeking part of your hermit phase, you might discover that old ways of defining your identity no longer fit. Dig into how you want to show up for yourself and others, and you might find that you’re ready to travel into uncharted territory to be the real you.
6.You’re hesitant to tell others about your awakening.
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Another sign you’re in the hermit phase of your life after an awakening is that you’re hesitant to tell others about what you’ve gone through. You might worry that they’ll think you’re weird or unstable if you open up and let them see how far you’ve come. Yet research shows that more people than you might think have had the same experience as you.
The study from Frontiers in Psychology referenced data collected by a 2002 Gallup survey. American participants were asked to identify or disregard the statement, “I have had a profound religious experience or awakening that changed the direction of my life.” 41% of participants fully identified with the statement, which reached 80 million people, 25% of which reported no religious preferences.
Those numbers reveal that even though spiritual awakenings might not be openly discussed, many people have experienced them, which should ease your mind about sharing yours. A support system after an awakening can help you stay balanced after such a big life change.
7.Your appetite for spiritual topics is insatiable.
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Another sign that you’re in the hermit phase of your life after a spiritual awakening is that your appetite for spiritual information feels insatiable. You’re driven to read every article and listen to every podcast. You look for healers and intuitive teachers and pore over their teachings. You dive into the spiritual side of social media, spending hours on WitchTok.
During this part of your hermit phase, your quest for knowledge pushes all boundaries. You leave no stone unturned when it comes to learning more about spirituality. In your educational journey, you might find that some perspectives resonate with you over others. Keeping an open mind and letting yourself try different practices can help you find your spiritual home.
8.You feel more compassionate.
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Another sign you’re in the hermit phase of your life after going through an awakening is that your capacity for compassion has expanded. You no longer think only about yourself and what you want and start considering other people on a deeper level.
Social worker Dan Mager explained that our compassion expands through shared experiences. Part of having a spiritual awakening means becoming more aware of how your existence, suffering, and imperfections connect to everyone else’s. Truly feeling the universality of the human experience allows you to practice compassion for yourself and others.
9.You have a deep sense of inner peace.
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Having a deep sense of inner peace is a sign you’re in the hermit phase of your life after going through an awakening. You no longer need to focus on the things that no longer serve you, whether it’s people who drag you down or unhealthy coping mechanisms. You feel more at peace than ever because you’re learning to listen to your intuition and meet your needs.
The research study in Frontiers in Psychology revealed that spiritual awakenings “evoke an ineffable sense of deep inner knowing, understanding, ‘remembering,’ or ‘unveiling’ of one's true nature.”
Spiritually awake people also feel a strong sense of “Peace and equanimity, bliss, ecstasy and aliveness, feelings of awe, sacredness, gratitude and reverence, and of abundant, unconditional love.”
As Intuitive Coach Ronnie Ann Ryan explained, “Finding inner peace is a state of being that millions of people hope to achieve.”
“With so much chaos in the world today, knowing you can go within to find serenity is such a blessing,” she continued. “Calming your nervous system is essential to lower stress levels and maintain good health.”
A spiritual awakening and the inner peace it results in can’t be forced, yet staying open to the process and connected to a spiritual practice can help you get there.
A spiritual awakening is a deeply embodied experience that peels back the layers of who you thought you were so that you can shine in a whole new way. It’s not always easy to be in your hermit phase, but it's a necessary part of growing into who you’re meant to be.
Alexandra Blogier, MFA, is a staff writer who covers psychology, social issues, relationships, self-help topics, and human interest stories.