10 Moments In A Man's Life That Change Him Forever

There are certain moments in a man's life that have the capacity to change the entire landscape of his heart.

Moments In A Man's Life That Change Him Forever Krakenimages.com | Shutterstock

We are bound to go through certain experiences that change the trajectories of our lives, and there are some very specific moments in a man’s life that change him as an individual forever. These are experiences men hold near and dear to their hearts, and they often credit these times for getting them to places they’ve always dreamed of, feeling a love they never have before, and discovering parts of themselves they didn’t even know existed.

While men are often expected to maintain a strong exterior and refrain from expressing their emotions as openly as women, they experience profound feelings whenever they reflect on these specific life-changing moments.

Here are 10 moments in a man’s life that change him forever

1. When he first becomes independent

man becoming independent Jacob Lund | Shutterstock

Whether this be going off to college, moving out of his parents, or starting a new job, a man’s first true taste of independence helps him establish an identity outside of his family and all he’s known his entire life before. Being independent gives him a sense of control, increased self-confidence, and the opportunity for his personal growth and development.

“When we’re emotionally independent and have gained some confidence, we know that we can better manage our emotions and problem solve,” Fariha Newaz, a licensed counselor shared with Urban Wellness Counseling.

“When we don’t have to wait for someone else to solve our problem for us, it decreases our own stress.”

Men are often expected to be the breadwinners and providers of themselves and their families. Having independence allows them to feel as if they are able to fulfill that role.

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2. Experiencing a true friendship

men experiencing true friendship PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

While society expects a lot from men as husbands and fathers, little is expected from them to each other as friends. Men often face a pressure to focus on career and material possessions, giving them limited time to interact with one another as friends. When they do, there is often a rivalry that exists between them rather than friendship.

However, having that one genuine friend who will always have your back is crucial in a man’s life. They often have few opportunities to express themselves to others, and having a friend they can rely on allows them this much needed emotional outlet. This can forever alter a man’s understanding of trust and loyalty. 

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3. Realizing that he’s not invincible

man realizing hes not invincible Jacob Lund | Shutterstock

Men often have the idea that they are invincible and able to tackle any problem that may hurdle their way with strength and grace. However, even the strongest men are not invincible.

When he experiences his first moment of vulnerability, whether it be physical or emotional, it brings a new sense of humility and perspective on life. Even though men are expected to depict themselves as strong and fearless, none of them are immune to vulnerability.

This moment is a crucial turning point in their lives, showing them that no matter how strong they believe they are, they are not invincible to everything in life.

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4. Losing a pet

man hugging his pet Maksym Azovtsev | Shutterstock

There’s a reason they say that dog is man’s best friend. Men develop unbreakable bonds with their pet dogs (and even their cats!) and having them in their lives changes the landscape of their hearts forever. Losing their pets is a pain that is capable of changing a man forever, with some admitting that the loss of their pet was more difficult than the loss of some of their human loved ones.

“Our relationships with companion animals can be as significant as our human relationships. Our pets ill our home-life with their presence and in their absence, our homes don’t feel the same; our routines fall apart,” noted Luke D. Smillie, Ph.D.

“It is striking to think that many of our human friends and family members aren’t part of our daily lives in quite this way. As a result, the loss of a pet can affect us in ways we don't expect.”

When men lose a pet, it can show them just how deeply they are able to feel grief.

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5. A health scare or injury

man having health scare Gorodenkoff | Shutterstock

A health scare or injury, whether it be a cancer scare or serious accident that threatens their mobility, often forces a man to reconsider his physical and mental well-being.

He may shift his priorities to other aspects of his life he once neglected, such as exercising and eating healthier after a heart attack. He may quit smoking and spend more time with his loved ones after a lung cancer scare.

Regardless of the specifics, a health scare or injury often makes a man realize that his time on Earth is limited, and that he must prioritize nourishing himself in the best way possible.

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6. His first major failure

man experiencing first failure PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

No matter how dedicated and successful a man may be, failure is an inevitable part of life he is not immune to. Whether it be in his personal life or his career, a man’s first failure will force him to reevaluate his approach, resilience and capacity for growth.

A failure does not mean the end of his life as he knows it. It is just a stepping stone to his final destination.

Executive coach and speaker Dr. Sam Collins, who was also named one of the Top 200 Women to Impact Business & Industry by Her Majesty, the Queen of England, claims that her first real failure of being fired from a dream  job is what launched her into success.

“I highly recommend losing at least one job in your life because it gives you awareness and an aliveness you don't get when you have the same job for life. It forces you to tune in to what you truly want in a career,” she shared with Forbes.

“Failing is an inevitable part of creating your destiny, and it gave me the platform to start my own business and follow my biggest dreams.”

Even though Collins was a woman, men are very much susceptible to experiencing the same kind of failure in their lives that will only help them move forward.

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7. His first heartbreak

man experiencing first heartbreak SB Arts Media | Shutterstock

A man’s first time getting heartbroken, whether it be the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship, will challenge his emotional resilience, as it is never something they fully heal from. One study found that while heartbreak has a more immediate toll on women, men often never fully recover or move on from their first heartbreak.

“Men are more prone to being shocked,” Dr. Gary Brown, a licensed marriage and family therapist told NBC News. “The greater the shock of the loss, the longer it takes to recover.”

Since men may feel more discouraged from openly sharing the feelings of their heartbreak with others, they often suffer in silence and internalize their feelings, preventing them from moving on and convincing themselves that they will never love the same way again.

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8. A life-changing travel experience

man having traveling experience DavideAngelini | Shutterstock

Whether it be embarking to a new place and experiencing their culture or taking a trip that brings them closer with their loved ones, traveling can dramatically expand a man’s worldview and change his perspective on life.

The experience allows him to see things in a different light, promoting him to change certain aspects of his lifestyle.

Social psychologist Adam Galinsky states that travel has a positive impact on the brain, and can change the way we approach the world, leading us to be more flexible, open and tolerant of certain ideals.

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9. Making a selfless sacrifice

man making sacrifices PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

Whether it be something as significant as rescuing a stranger from a burning building or lending a struggling family member money, sacrificing something for the benefit of someone else can deeply impact a man’s sense of purpose and shift his priorities toward others.

Selfless sacrifices help more than just the people a man’s sacrifices for. His selfless actions build trust, increase their empathy and give him a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

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10. Becoming a father

man becoming a father Anna Kraynova | Shutterstock

The moment a man becomes a father, his priorities and sense of responsibility instantly shift, making him more grounded and selfless. Even if they do not physically give birth, men can experience a significant change in their brains the moment they have a child just like their female counterparts.

A study published in the Cerebral Cortex scientific journal found that becoming a parent causes men's brains to experience changes that support their ability to bond with their baby and become sensitive to the baby's needs.

Once they are entrusted with their own little ones to care for, a man’s entire lifestyle undergoes a drastic change, marking the first time he is responsible for something bigger than himself.

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Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.
