Mom Claims That Teen Babysitters Don't Need To Be Paid $20 Because It's 'Unskilled Labor'

It seems everyone has different definitions of unskilled labor.

Teen babysitter watching baby Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

For teen girls especially, babysitting is often the first job they experience. That doesn't make it an easy job, however. Age and experience do not change the fact that providing childcare is a huge responsibility that is often underappreciated. Just because a teen is doing the job does not negate the fact that it has value. That means they should be paid fairly. One mom sees it differently, however.


Mom and small business owner Alissa said that babysitters shouldn't be paid $20 per hour for unskilled labor.

A mom argued that teen babysitters don't need to be paid $20 because it's 'unskilled labor.' 

"All of you parents, you're just screwing me up, and please stop it," Alissa opened up her video. She explained that her daughter informed her that she had just booked her first babysitting job and was going to charge them $20, which she found absurd.

@alefbetofficial What the rate of babysitters charging today is outrageous!! I am so guilty and this is crazy!! What are you paying? 😱 #smallbusinessowner #babysittertiktok #handmodel #momof3 ♬ if you ask me to - charli d'amelio

"You're not even legal to work, you don't have a college degree, you don't even have a high school degree, you can't drive, so the parents have to come and pick you up, and you have never babysat before, and you have no certificate of CPR, and you wanna charge $20?" she asked her daughter. To which she replied, "Yeah, that's the going rate."


Alissa reiterated to viewers that she found $20 a ridiculous price, saying, "$20? Nurses don't even make $20." According to Parents, babysitting rates vary wildly based on multiple factors, including the number of kids and level of experience. However, where you live, and the cost of living in your state is a major factor. The outlet noted that the national average in 2024 was $23.61 for one child and $26.57 for two kids. That being said, Alissa's daughter wasn't off in her pay estimations.

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The mom blamed other parents for these high prices.

Alissa pulled from another experience she had with her daughter when she wanted the teen to model jewelry for her small business. Her daughter would only do it if Alissa paid for her nails to be done. "What are we doing to our kids there?" she asked. "I pay your rent. I pay [for] your food. I clothe you, and in order for you to model, you need new nails?"

Ultimately, she gave in to her daughter's request and declared herself guilty of enabling kids to believe they deserve what they ask for, no matter how exorbitant.


Most commenters did not agree with the mom's sentiments.

"I charge $20 [per hour], if people don't like it, they don't have to hire me. Gotta make that money somehow," one commenter said. "'Unskilled labor' — I'm sorry you don't value the people who keep your children alive," another commenter said.

Others were a bit more understanding of her point, "These days to have someone watch your kid who will not intentionally bring harm to your child and you feel you can trust $12 to $20 is worth it. Mind you, years ago I would never pay this for someone to watch my son but in this day and is what is...," a third commenter said.

While $20 may seem like a lot to some, as a third commenter explained, in today's world, you can never be too careful about who you let watch your children. If the price is a bit higher than you want, that's tough luck because, unfortunately, childcare is expensive.


RELATED: Mom Introduces Idea Of Refusing To Pay Babysitters By The Hour — Instead Of Sitting On Their Phones, They Get Paid By Activity

This isn't about giving in to the uppity demands of kids.

This is about paying the people who are watching your children the money they deserve. People aren't asking for $20 out of selfishness. That is the actual cost of the service.

teen babysitter hugging little girl LightFieldStudios | Canva Pro


And just to set the record straight, caring for a child is not unskilled labor, considering you are assuming full responsibility for somebody else's child and all aspects of their well-being for a set period of time. According to Investopedia, "unskilled labor" is also an outdated term used to describe members of the workforce with limited skill sets, usually associated with low pay. The term to use now in 2025 is low-wage labor. 

So maybe labeling babysitting as unskilled labor is a larger indicator of how you view the work of babysitters rather than a reflection of what it really is, regardless of whether or not it's being done by a teenager. 

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Sahlah Syeda is a writer who covers relationships, culture, and human interest topics.