9 Unusual Life Commandments That Give You An Unfair Advantage

Follow these laws and watch your world transform.

Creative man giving himself a unfair advantage Dean Drobot | Canva

Life taught me that things get easier when we keep it simple. The road to simplicity is where you focus on fewer things but do them well. Living a simple life doesn’t have to mean shacking up alone in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere. There are many practical and not-so-drastic ways to create a more simplistic lifestyle for yourself that will ultimately give you a life advantage.

Here are 9 unusual life commandments that give you an unfair advantage:

1. Quit chasing and build

professional man looking through papers Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

Chasing women, particularly when social media has done irreversible damage to the mating game when you haven’t acquired any status, resources, or skill, is futile. Build something remarkable first.

Quit pining over Suzy — she’s not the ‘one in a million princess’ you think. Put your energy into crafting brilliance, both in your art and in you. Then, maybe the right ones will sniff you out and come to you.

For men, this is important because it encourages a healthier approach to relationships by shifting focus from the initial thrill of pursuit to actively developing a deeper connection and commitment with a partner, promoting more excellent emotional stability and long-term satisfaction in the relationship, rather than relying solely on the excitement of the chase, a 2017 Huff Post explained


2. Assume all your actions will be made public

young man in glasses gazing up Norbert Kundrak | Pexels

Look at all the men whose lives have been destroyed for doing and saying stupid stuff under the dumb assumption that it would be kept private. They are coming for you, waiting for you to make a slip whether what you did was ‘just’ or not.

Operate ethically, stop being creepy, never lie, and don’t say anything online, even in ‘private,’ unless you’re ok with the entire world seeing it.

Being cautious about what you post online is important because it can have long-lasting consequences on your online reputation and digital footprint. It can also help you avoid negative consequences and maintain a positive online presence.

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3. Master the idea that you can’t lose a piece of you

professional man talking on his phone standing outdoors Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

Your attachment to a concrete image you have of yourself is putting you at risk. We create a ‘reputation’ or persona in our minds. This limits us because we’re now in the position of trying to protect something that doesn’t exist at the psychological level.

This is why men get fearful or do stupid stuff in the heat of the moment. They can’t pause for a second and let go of the need to aggressively protect their fragile and illusory self-concept. You win as soon as you realize there’s nothing of ‘you’ to lose.


4. Rediscover your inner dragon

serious professional young man cottonbro studio | Pexels

Men who possess a frightening level of motivation have befriended the little dragon that sits in their inner psyche. We can call him Drake.

Those who sit around twiddling their thumbs all day have no clue how much better life would be if they channeled a healthy level of aggression into meaningful goals. Find Drake and wake him up.

Understanding motivation gives us many valuable insights into human nature. It explains why we set goals, strive for achievement and power, desire psychological and physical intimacy, and experience emotions like fear, anger, and compassion. 

Learning about motivation is valuable because it helps us understand where motivation comes from, why it changes, what increases and decreases it, and what aspects can and cannot be changed. It also helps us answer why some types of motivation are more beneficial than others, as shown in an article on motivation and goals published by Positive Psychology.

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5. Be insanely creative

man working on a sketch Pavel Danilyuk | Pexels

Our shared purpose on this spinning ball of dust and water is this: to create things to move closer to an experience of pure awareness. Whether it’s a business, a body of art, or to pass on knowledge to children, we’re here to create — and lots of it.

We become enlivened men when we fill our time with more creation and less reaction. Be a creative maniac, and don’t stop until the world watches in awe.


6. Lift others up daily

two professional men shaking hands Tima Miroshnichenko | Pexels

It’s easy to take one look at the world today and want to isolate yourself from everything and everyone. You lose this way because humans live to support their fellow men and women. The world owes you nothing. To lift yourself, continually and creatively do things that improve the lives of the people who matter to you. That’s worth living for.

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7. Don’t take your emotions so seriously

man meditating Ivan Samkov | Pexels

Slow down and listen: billions of us are suffering because we attach too much meaning to how we feel. Feelings represent the state of our thinking — nothing more. If we feel anxious, we are having anxious thoughts.

We don’t have some existential crisis that needs years of ‘healing.’ So, to be resilient, we need to relax in the face of a scary emotion. That’s how it fades, and this is how we stay alive and happy.


8. Stop resisting life

man enjoying his time on a boat cottonbro studio | Pexels

You age yourself fast when you resist, judge, and moan. It may seem masculine to wish things were different, but it only tightens you physically.

Let go of the gentle flow of reality, and you have an immediate advantage. Embrace the suck, and turn all challenges into opportunities. This is how you master life.

It's essential for men, and people in general, to stop resisting life because it can lead to unnecessary stress and unhappiness and hinder personal growth by preventing them from accepting and adapting to changing circumstances, ultimately allowing for a more peaceful and fulfilling life by embracing the natural flow of events instead of fighting against them. Essentially, letting go of the need to control everything allows life to unfold as it may, as explained by life coach Tony Fakry.

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9. Go against the grain

young man with a serious expression YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV | Shutterstock

We live at a time in which most men are influenced to be less masculine, mainly by well-meaning mothers (with little input from absent fathers). We’ve been trained to be less like men and more like women because people are scared of the driving power of masculine energy.

Yeah, that stuff that built the civilized world. Everywhere you look, we see weak, depressed men. Not you, bro. Not you. Stand tall and push back. 

"Going against the grain to avoid a life of pain" means actively choosing a path that is different from the expected or "normal" way of doing things, even if it feels uncomfortable or challenging because following the crowd might lead to a life of unhappiness or dissatisfaction, explains executive coach and author Alison Reid

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Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.
