10 Simple Ways To Invite The Universe's Wisdom Into Your Everyday Life
There's more to attracting what you want than simply wishing for it.

The universe is an enigmatic marvel of consciousness, whose hand of assistance is forever stretched toward humans, wanting to share wisdom with you and me. After all, if we are created from this mysterious whirlpool of intelligence, cut from the same energetic fabric of existence, it is only logical to assume that we are inextricably connected.
So how do we keep the channel of connection open and the universal broadcast of wisdom clear? It's simple: by using our mind and body as an antenna. We are, after all, equal participants in the dance of creation.
10 ways to invite the wisdom of the universe into your daily life
1. When you first wake up, set an intention
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When you first open your eyes in the morning, and right before the issues of the day take over, connect to the signal of universal wisdom by first acknowledging that it exists.
Then say something that you believe is true, such as: "The universe and I are one, and I trust that she has my back."
2. While you brush your teeth, acknowledge yourself as a creation of nature
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When you brush your teeth, look in the mirror and acknowledge that you are a wondrous creation of nature. Even your circulatory system, with its web of veins and arteries, is a reflection of the infinite galactic network of star systems.
Send your marvelous body positive thoughts of appreciation for its ability to self-maintain. These thoughts translate into helper cells, aiding your immune system to work effectively.
3. Pause and listen for wisdom throughout your day
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Between the tasks of your day, take a moment to inhale a deep breath and slowly let it out. Pause and listen. Beneath the static of your mind, there is stillness. There is a sense of calm at the core of your mind.
Relax your muscles, let go of tension, and sink into the universal grid of safety, where you and she merge. Keep your mind open and receive the universe's messages as thoughts, images, ideas, and intuitive hits.
4. Find ways to move your body joyfully
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The Universe exists in motion. Move your body daily in ways that you enjoy. Walk, garden, swim, squeeze your muscles against dumbbells, freeze in a yoga pose. Open your arms wide and feel the universe's energy pulsing through you freely.
5. Enjoy foods from nature, embracing the universe's wisdom
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Eat an apple or something simple — a carrot or salad — something earth-grown and not processed. Embrace that it is pure like nature. Coffee counts, but drink some water as a reminder that the human body is 60 percent water and that immense amounts of water exist in the stellar clusters of our universe.
6. Do one thing that makes you feel alive every day
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Every day, do something fun and exciting. Look for and find things that make you burst into laughter. The universal energy is one of aliveness. When we feel positively stimulated, we are one with the pulse of life.
7. Make a habit of learning and growing every single day
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Read a book or article, listen to a podcast or TED talk, watch the Discovery Channel. Find and investigate something new that grabs your interest.
Push your human mind into the shadows of the unknown. Fascinate yourself by blowing your mind into expansion. This is how the Universe attains her wisdom: by expanding.
8. Play a positive game of cause and effect with the universe
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It is a scientifically validated fact that our mindsets matter. Our thoughts discharge a signal, echoing through the universe and coming back to us in the form of manifestations. There is a modern term for it: The Law of Attraction.
Use your thoughts wisely, broadcasting hope, gratitude, and love for yourself and life and expect a stream of blessings to boomerang back to you!
9. Make a point to accept both good and evil as part of life
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There are storms in space, galactic mayhem, just like there are devastating heartbreaks in life. But knowing that life is both light and dark, joy and suffering and accepting the duality of our experience helps us to survive the storms.
The universe always returns to its state of harmony and well-being.
10. Fall asleep mindfully, asking the universe for what you need
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As you close your eyes, ready to dissolve into the collective unknown, ask for specific answers and solutions to come to you in your sleep. Let the universal wisdom navigate you through the minefields of your life. After all, you’re a worthy player in the game of life, totally eligible to receive her help and guidance.
Where does the universe's wisdom come from?
Just like the sun is at the core of our solar system, and everything in space revolves around it, so do we humans — reflections of nature — possess a light core at the center of our psyche with our human conditioning (thoughts, perceptions, behaviors, and attitudes) swirling around it, tucking it securely in. When we establish a conscious connection with that light within, we begin receiving from the universal core of wisdom.
The universe is an energetic being, and her wisdom transmits to us, materializing in our brains through our thoughts and emotions. And since it originates from the very source of light, her communication is positive in nature.
If it’s not kind and reassuring, it’s not from the universe.
it’s your mother’s voice of reprimand or another source of negativity echoing from the chambers of the past. Trust me.
Instead of those echoes, listen to her tender whispers in the rustling of the trees. Catch a glimpse of her laughter in the giggly smiles of a baby, embrace her kisses in the gentle breeze caressing your skin, and melt into her delight in the soothing warmth of a glorious summer sunset. For she is a part of you, revealing the glistering jewels of her wisdom in both the tiny and giant nuances of your life, brightening your human path through the dark matter of the universe.
Katherine Agranovich, Ph.D., is a Medical Hypnotherapist and Holistic Consultant. She is the author of Tales of My Large, Loud, Spiritual Family.