8 Powerful Ways To Make The Universe Work In Your Favor

The universe works in mysterious ways.

happy woman wearing a hat outdoors Dean Drobot | Shutterstock

Many of us have thought about reshaping our reality, whether it was because of challenging times or a desire for self-improvement. 

But the idea of changing our reality may seem like a distant dream, something that's impossible to accomplish unless you have a magic wand. But what if you can harness the power of the universe to get what you need?

Here are 8 powerful ways to make the universe work in your favor

1. Use positive affirmations

woman staring at mirror smiling Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

Don't underestimate how far the power of belief will take you. For those who think they can, they will. And for those who doubt themselves, they will never reach their goals. Because the way that we perceive ourselves and our experiences does matter, and choosing positivity makes a world of difference.

According to a study, those who prioritize happiness have better well-being outcomes, like positive emotions, compared to those who didn't. It speaks to the importance of putting positivity out into the universe in order to receive the same energy back.

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2. Be grateful

woman tossing leaves in air Melvin Vito | Pexels

It might not seem like a big deal, but finding things to be grateful for, even if you consider them small, really does help the universe work in your favor.

Practicing gratitude allows you to put things into perspective, but it also reminds you of why you're working so hard in the first place. It makes you think about what motivates you and inspires you to do better.

And the best part is that, according to multiple studies, gratitude might help improve our mental health. As one study determined, gratitude helps you release negative emotions, and even has lasting effects on the brain, specifically in the medial prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain associated with decision-making and learning.


3. Visualize what you want most

woman painting on desk Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

Sometimes, you need to see it to believe it, and when it comes to making the universe work in your favor, this is especially true. There's something profound about visualizing your desires that makes them come true.

Maybe it's on an unconscious level, but when we constantly see what we want every day, we are more likely to work towards it. And there are plenty of ways to begin your visualization journey to welcoming in positive change.

The first thing you can do is create a vision boardAccording to Megan Dalla-Camina, founder and CEO of Women Rising, it's a simple process. She suggests gathering your materials, setting the mood (with music or by lighting candles), reflecting on what you want, filling your board with pictures and drawings of your desires, and hanging it where you can see it. 


4. Trust that everything happens for a reason

woman walking and smiling slightly Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

They say that everything happens for a reason, but when you're feeling weak or uninspired, that message might be harder to accept. But if we truly want the universe to work to make our lives better, we need to start changing how we look at our circumstances.

Those bad moments don't always have to be viewed as such. Even the worst moments of our life can be turned into something powerful, but only if we take control.

In fact, research has shown "that some people are able to experience positive emotional and health outcomes from their negative life circumstances by allowing themselves to find benefits within crises or adversity." This means that even if you face upsetting challenges, having resilience and coming out on top has incredible benefits.

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5. Stay positive

woman smiling at coworker Jobwell | Pexels

Finding ways to stay positive is key to making the universe work for you. There's something about keeping a positive mindset that makes the universe attracted to your light, and makes the universe work with you, instead of against you.

However, it isn't surprising. The energy we put out comes back to us 10 times over. So, when we purposely choose to stay positive, we're unconsciously attracting that positive energy towards us, which we can then harness for our benefit.

Research says, "Individuals who seek positivity, as exemplified by how they make decisions about how to organize their day-to-day lives, may be happier." So, even if you don't believe in positive or negative energy, there are still incredible benefits to having a positive mindset. 


6. Let go of negativity

woman turning away while smiling Min An | Pexels

It's easy to let our negative thoughts and experiences weigh us down, but when we hold onto that negativity, we're not doing ourselves any favors. And the universe will notice.

But negative thoughts won't just attract negative energy; in fact, negative rumination is positively correlated with increased depression and anxiety. So, the next time you find yourself ruminating in a pessimistic way, find ways to ground yourself. Meditate or exercise to help release stress. Take a deep breath and let it all go. You'll thank yourself, and the universe will reward you.


7. Show up for yourself

woman meditating outside Vlada Karpovich | Pexels

Remember that you are your biggest supporter. Nobody else will have your back the way you do. And when you show up and advocate for yourself, the universe will surely reward you.

That's because you're putting that positive energy out there. You're reaffirming that you can or will do what you set out to do. And, over time, that translates into the universe working with you, which will get you right where you want to be. 


8. Journal about what you desire

woman journaling sitting outside LinkedIn Sales Navigator | Pexels

Much like visualization, journaling is an incredible way to harness the power of the universe and use it to your advantage. Journaling not only eases our pain when we're facing difficult times, but may even boost our immune system.

So, make it a point to write down what you want to accomplish every single day. Think about your happiness and thoughts around a topic, and write down the different ways you can get there. This will not only attract positive energy your way, but it will give you the strength to set out for what you want to accomplish.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
