10 Creepy Mistakes Women Make That Immediately Push Men Away
There's a fine line between cute and creepy.

Guys can tell you that there is a female version of a Nice Guy. They are Creepy Girls — the women who don’t realize how inappropriate they’re being.
Much like the way that women avoid Nice Guy behavior like the plague, being a Creepy Girl is a surefire way to stay single. This is primarily true because people who act this way are often going through serious issues and are therefore not healthy partners. Worried you’re coming off as creepy rather than cute? Avoid these behaviors that instantly push men away, no matter how well-intentioned you may be.
Here are creepy mistakes women make that immediately push men away:
1. You get grabby
You know how women don’t like random guys grabbing them? Well, believe it or not, a lot of guys won’t take kindly to women randomly grabbing them, either. According to American Psychological Association research on interpersonal touch in close relationships, this is particularly true if he has made it clear he’s not interested.
2. You try to wheedle positive signals out of him
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If he says he’s not interested, then listen to him. Do you know how you can’t stand when guys keep trying to pursue you when you’ve told them to buzz off? Yeah, guys don’t like the awkwardness of rejection, either. So, don’t force them to reject you repeatedly.
3. You keep pursuing him even if he says has a girlfriend
Girls, this is men’s way of letting you down gently. Do not try to make him cheat, and do not try to push the subject. Doing so will just make you look sleazy, desperate, and, if you think about it, downright sad.
"Why would you invest your resources in someone who can’t invest back in you? Your body, time, and attention are your capital. They’re what you have to give in a relationship. You should not be a non-profit," advised dating coach Elizabeth Stone.
4. You demand an explanation when he says he's not interested
Trust me when I say I understand why you want to ask why. We all wish we knew what made us just fall short of “wifey material” in people’s eyes.
But here’s the thing, asking why just doesn’t come off well. It’s cringey. It’s awkward. And it’s one of those things that makes you look like a person who doesn’t take no for an answer. Sadly, it makes this creepy behavior.
6. You 'randomly' show up where he is
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Yes, they can see through that. Just like you can see through the neighbor who always mows the lawn while you’re sunbathing, they can figure out you’re acting a little stalkery. I’ve known a lot of women who have done this, and it never looked good.
7. You post about how lonely and single you are on social media
Yes, we’ve all been there at one point or another. But if you want to find a boyfriend, desperate pleas for pity dates won’t do you much good. If anything, it’s a blistering red flag for any guy to see. If you can’t trust yourself online, get a friend to take over your social media.
8. You get weird in his DMs
Seriously, don’t go all awkward with your language. Adding too many emojis, weird questions that would put a guy on edge, or just putting him on a pedestal will make you look like a female creep.
9. You won't take a hint
When we’re really into someone, it’s common to just go overboard with innuendo. It can almost be like verbal diarrhea. If you notice him not acting interested in talking dirty, or if you notice him delaying sexy time, just drop the subject. He’s probably creeped out and not interested.
"There are all kinds of reasons he just might not be feeling it," explained relationship coach Clayton Olson, "Rejection is never easy, but it's important to try your very best not to take it personally. The reasons he's not into you might not have anything to do with you at all. For example, he might simply be too busy for a relationship. Or maybe he's not certain about what he wants. In these cases, he's doing you a favor and saving you from potential future heartbreak."
10. You sabotage birth control to try to keep him
This is the ultimate creep move women can pull. If you do this, you need to get yourself some professional help.
You can’t force someone to stay with you, and doing this is hurting every single party, including your potential offspring. Seriously, don’t do this unless you want to ruin three people’s lives.
Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, Newtheory Magazine, and others.