Christian Mom Shows How She ‘Indoctrinates’ Her Young Daughter Before The School Has A Chance To Do It
Other parents raised concerns about the lessons she is teaching her daughter.

"Just indoctrinating my babies before the world indoctrinates them," a Christian mom wrote on TikTok.
She recorded herself asking her young daughter a series of questions she could be asked during the upcoming school year and quizzing her on how she should answer — and some of the responses had other parents raising their eyebrows.
The Christian mom showed how she 'indoctrinates' her young daughter about everything from gender to evolution.
Laura Liz, a mother of two, filmed herself walking hand-in-hand with her young daughter while quizzing her on how she should respond if teachers at school ask her certain questions.
First, the mom asked her daughter how she would answer if somebody asked what her pronouns were. “I’m a female girl,” the girl confidently responded.
Then the questions became a bit controversial.
“If someone tries to tell you their pronouns and it’s different from a boy and a girl, what do we say?” Laura questioned her daughter.
Her daughter said that she would “pronounce the blood of Jesus” over anyone who tried to convince her that they were neither male nor female.
“If the teacher is teaching you that we come from monkeys, what do we say?” Laura asked.
“You’re a liar because we come from Jesus,” her daughter answered.
Most importantly, Laura asked her daughter if she was being bullied or if she saw another one of her classmates being bullied what she would do. The girl said that she would inform her teacher and her parents.
The proud mom gave her daughter a high-five before sending her to school. “Go get ‘em, champ!” she said.
While Laura believes that she is doing right by her daughter, other parents disagree with some of her beliefs and what she is teaching her little girl.
For one, they argued that humans did not come from Jesus but from evolution.
While we did not descend from monkeys, human evolution started around 6 million years ago, and scientific evidence indicates that we originated from apelike ancestors and once shared most of their physical and behavioral traits.
Additionally, instead of teaching her daughter to invalidate one’s gender preferences by “pronouncing the blood of Jesus” onto them, many argued that she should teach her to respect others’ differences, even if she may not agree with them.
Sending your children off to school means that they will likely learn new perspectives and beliefs that they are otherwise not taught at home — and that’s OK!
It opens their minds and expands limited viewpoints, allowing them to form opinions and beliefs of their own.
In fact, experts argue that children who are allowed to form their own opinions on social and moral issues end up better off in the long run.
According to The Ripple Effect, a charitable organization that strives to overcome adversity and injustice through education, parents should actually encourage their kids to think independently, noting, "Children need to have an opportunity to be able to learn about different diverse communities and why they should care about social justice, even if it does not concern their own communities. This allows them to feel interconnected with one another and understand the importance of caring for different communities."
They don't need to agree, but they need to learn to be empathetic and supportive.
While there is certainly nothing wrong with raising your children of a particular faith, parents should always brace themselves for the possibility that as their children get older, they may want to explore beliefs beyond what they were taught growing up.
It is also important to note that you can identify as a Christian but not adopt all of the traditional beliefs they often follow. You can be religious and still respect other people's gender identity. You can believe in scientific facts in tandem with religious beliefs.
However, no matter what your religious beliefs are, we can all agree that the mom’s stance on bullying hits the mark!
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.