Bride Furious After Her Family Orders Pizzas Instead Of Eating Her $15,000 Vegan Wedding Catering
Her mother-in-law accused her of trying make to her guests eat "rabbit food."

For a newly married couple, the wedding reception is supposed to be a celebration of love with their nearest and dearest. One unhappy bride took to Reddit to rant that her family showered in her very little love on her special day and basically ruined her party.
After her guests had been served their meals at her wedding reception, the bride was surprised to see her brother carrying in 20 boxes of pizzas, claiming that he was saving the day with “real food” for any interested guests.
Apparently, the bride and groom chose to serve a variety of vegan dishes at their reception. However, they were accused by some of their guests of pushing an agenda and letting everyone go hungry by only giving them “rabbit food.”
The bride was mortified after her family ordered pizzas instead of eating the vegan catering that cost $15,000.
Sharing her story to Reddit, the 28-year-old bride revealed that she and her now-husband have been sticking to a vegan diet for three years.
When it came to deciding what meals to serve their wedding guests, the couple opted to have an all-vegan reception dinner. It was their wedding, after all.
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The bride and groom spent months creating the perfect gourmet vegan menu.
“We spent months working with an amazing chef to create a gourmet five-course meal that just happened to be vegan. Think mushroom Wellington, truffle risotto, roasted vegetable tarts, etc,” the bride wrote. “We spent nearly $15,000 on the food alone.”
However, the bride and groom decided to keep the wedding menu a secret from their guests so they could “enjoy it without prejudice.”
“Every dish was designed to be delicious and satisfying, regardless of dietary preference,” she wrote.
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While the woman happily reported that her wedding ceremony went according to plan, she noticed that her brother Tom, was not in his assigned seat during the reception.
20 minutes later, he returned with his cousins bearing 20 boxes of pizza. They began distributing slices to guests, advertising it as “real food.”
“I was mortified. The caterers looked so embarrassed, and several guests hadn't even tried our carefully planned menu yet,” the woman shared. “When I confronted Tom, he said my aunt had texted him that ‘all the food is just vegetables’ and they ‘couldn't let people go hungry at a wedding.’”
The bride said that the pizzas 'completely upstaged' her vegan meal platters.
“People were taking photos and treating it like a joke,” she wrote. “My mother-in-law posted on Facebook about how her son's wedding was ‘saved by pizza’ because the bride tried to ‘force everyone to eat rabbit food.’”
The devastated bride spent the rest of her wedding night crying in the bathroom, and the groom asked her brother and cousins to leave.
“This caused a scene, and now half the family is calling us stuck-up and saying we ruined our own wedding by ‘pushing our beliefs’ on everyone. They're saying we should have warned people about the vegan menu,” the bride wrote.
However, now she is wondering if she should have been upfront from the beginning about what kind of food she planned on serving at her wedding.
While people believed that the bride had the right to serve what she wanted at her wedding, they argued that she had an obligation to alert guests so they could plan accordingly.
Some even accused the bride of deliberately hiding the menu, aware that some guests would not like the option of just vegan foods.
“I mean ordering pizzas was out of line but you hid it on purpose knowing people wouldn't like the idea of it. Yes it's your special day but being deceptive doesn't help anyone,” one Redditor commented.
“When you're catering to a crowd you actually have to cater to them. You don't treat it like some kind of gastronomic lecture. It was a [expletive] move of your brother to do that, but I am not surprised at all,” another user wrote.
“People could have eaten beforehand if they knew the menus weren’t to their liking,” another user noted.
When planning your wedding, you should consider the comfort of your guests, but that doesn't mean you need to sacrifice your beliefs.
If you’re going to have an outdoor ceremony, make sure there is a backup plan in case it rains. If you’re going to serve alcohol, consider making it 21-plus. If you’re going to serve only vegan food, accept the fact that your guests may order pizza if they do not eat vegan dishes.
Some couples opt to send their guests a menu card along with the invitations to give guests an idea of what they’ll be eating.
This way, they can also inform guests of what will be in the food in case they have any allergies or dietary restrictions that need to be addressed.
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And while giving guests a heads up on the food for allergy purposes is a good idea, serving meat if it goes against your beliefs is not a requirement. Doron Petersan, owner of Sticky Fingers Bakery, told the knot, "Your guests should support you and who you are. It's not about the guests' dietary preferences."
Petersan certainly has a point. The people celebrating your big day should care about your morals even if those beliefs don't perfectly align with theirs. They can pick up a pizza after the reception if they choose to.
While it is important to consider your guests' enjoyment, nothing about this couple's wedding indicates they didn't. They worked hard to come up with a gourmet meal with a renowned chef, and the food was probably tastier than the pizza.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.