Your Weekly Love Horoscope For March 17 - 23, 2025
We are in between two eclipses this week, a changeable energy that can become confusing when paired with the retrogrades.

The weekly love horoscope for March 17 - 23, 2025 reveals how Venus and Mercury retrograde and the start of Aries season influence each zodiac sign's love life and relationships. Venus begins its retrograde in earnest as it finally starts moving backward the latter part of the week. Venus is the planet that rules our love lives, social lives, beauty, values, and money, and this is all up for review this week.
Mercury began its retrograde on March 15th in Aries, creating confusion, lack of clarity, impatience, and fogginess, especially with Venus retrograde as well. The Sun enters Aries March 20, beginning the astrological New Year. The effects of last week’s eclipse will continue to play out this week and for some, this can result in the end of relationships that have served their purpose.
At this point, we are in between two eclipses, a changeable energy that can become confusing when paired with the retrogrades. This week can have a lot of people on edge, so it is important to use patience and your best clarity as we all move through this time. Luckily, the weekend is a good time to express your feelings or delve into difficult topics.
The weekly love horoscope for March 17 - 23, 2025:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
With both Venus and Mercury retrograding in your sign, this is a week for introspection. You're discovering your feelings and figuring out what you are getting from your relationship.
Expect some challenges with communication this week that may even lead to an issue coming back up from the past. You and your partner may be critical of each other’s actions so it is important to be honest with both yourself and your partner in terms of what you both want and desire instead of descending into a fog of confusion.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
With Venus and Mercury retrograde in your 12th house, you will be focusing on and reassessing what you truly desire. Is your partner meeting these needs?
Issues from the past may come back up. Memories and issues from previous relationships could resurface and affect your relationship.
This is a week that you'll need to clear your mind of any lingering relationship baggage so you can focus on the present and your future.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Venus and Mercury are retrograde in your 11th house, giving you an opportunity to reassess what you really want in your relationships and friendships.
You experience some confusion this week in terms of how you really feel about your partner or love interest. By the weekend, you may hit some roadblocks or your partner could disappoint you in some way.
If you aren’t careful, this could actually turn into an argument, so don’t do or say anything you will regret when Venus turns direct again.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You are probably one of the most (if not the most) sensitive signs of the zodiac, and this is one of those weeks you experience some emotional sensitivity. This often stems from feeling insecure, especially when it comes to your relationship or love interest.
This week, it will be easy for communication to break down or be misunderstood. Try to relax — don’t let your sensitivity send you down a rabbit hole.
Instead, communicate with your partner about what the problem is and you will likely find nothing is as bad as you thought.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
It’s a rough week as we're in between two eclipses and both Mercury and Venus are retrograde!
There could be a tendency to prioritize yourself over your partner this week, which could lead to issues. Of course, there are times we have to prioritize ourselves, and if this is the case, you can avoid problems by simply communicating this with your partner.
In all probability, they will understand and you can avoid making them feel like they are not important.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Around mid-week, you may end up feeling drained by your love interest. This stems from being confused about what you really want and whether or not your partner is supplying it.
We are all in a powerful period of reassessing what really makes us happy, so you can go with the flow knowing this mood will quickly pass.
By Saturday, it looks like you are back to wanting companionship again and feeling pretty good, so make the most of this weekend!
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Venus and now Mercury are both retrograde in your seventh house of partners this week. You may experience an issue over communication, which makes it feel like your partner is backing off.
While this can be anxiety-inducing, do your best not to panic. This is most likely an issue concerning their need for a little personal space rather than anything having to do with you.
The best thing you can do is give them their space, and by the weekend, they come bouncing back and in a better mood.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Mercury retrograde can bring challenging communication problems this week that can affect your relationship.
Something unexpected could come up at work that causes you to have to cancel time with your partner, or there could be a miscommunication about your plans. To avoid any arguments, be careful about your communication this week and try to be as clear as possible about your plans.
Fate plays a role in love this week, and it is possible that someone you haven’t seen in a long time suddenly reappears.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Retrograde Venus and Mercury are both affecting your fifth house of love this week. Unresolved issues may come up that cause you to question your involvement with or interest in someone, especially around midweek.
Confusion may take over for a few days, which can also make you super sensitive to everything going on.
Thoughts of someone from your past may become very heavy this week, but it is important to remember that an ex is an ex for a reason.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You're in a fairly social mood this week, Capricorn!
If you have a partner, choose to do things at home. There could be some issues in communication, but they will level out by the end of the week.
If you are single, you may find that you have many options — but be very selective about who you let into your life, because with a retrograde Venus, it may not last.
Socialize or spend quality time with a partner over the weekend.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Some relationship issues and love challenges crop up this week. While you may feel an urgent need to fix the issue, it's actually beneficial to take some time to yourself. Just be clear about your need for some space to avoid causing your partner concern.
If you are single, the potential exists for meeting someone new. The only new relationship you could have interest in would be with someone who understands and fits into your everyday life and is ok with your quirks.
If this is the case, approach the relationship cautiously since there is no guarantee it will last since the planet of love is still retrograde.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Ambiguity is the theme when it comes to love this week.
You are a total romantic, and it seems you just want to let your thoughts and feelings flow and take you where they will. Part of this is a result of retrograde Mercury and Venus in your 12th house.
You may have some vivid dreams connected to love this week. If you do, pay attention because retrograde Venus often relates to fated events.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer with over 30 years of experience specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.