Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs From March 17 - 23, 2025
Everything always has a way of working out — eventually.

Five zodiac signs will experience significant improvements in their relationships the week of March 17 - 23, 2025. For your relationship to improve, you must believe that everything meant for you will work out. The only guarantee is that it never occurs when or in the manner you were expecting.
The journey to improving your romantic life begins with having faith that everything is happening for your highest good, which also means having patience and surrendering to where the journey brings you, which will be crucial as Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19.
Juno is the asteroid that governs marriages and long-term relationships, and when it is retrograde, it means that a review period in your romantic life is taking place. Juno retrograde helps you to understand what is meant for you, finally addressing long-standing issues and improving your relationship or romantic life.
While Juno retrograde is always significant in your relationships, with Venus and Mercury currently retrograde intensifying the experience, you can trust that this process is meant to help matters work out the way they are meant to.
Aries Season will begin on Thursday, March 20, offering you energy and stamina for the process of Venus and Mercury retrograde, also occurring in Aries. Normally, Aries Season brings the desire to start something new.
However, that will be delayed until after April 1,2 once Venus and Mercury are direct. Instead, this season is about tapping into the wisdom that Venus retrograde is trying to offer you in your relationship so that you can make a plan for improving your connection in the future.
Juno isn’t the only asteroid stationing retrograde, as Vesta stations retrograde in Scorpio on Friday, March 21. Vesta rules your internal fire and the relationship you have with yourself. Scorpio focuses on discovering the truth about yourself and your romantic life while also helping pinpoint what needs to change.
This is part of a divine plan to give you the wisdom to improve your relationship — or prepare for the love you’ve always desired. You must surrender to this process rather than trying to force anything.
The week will end with a grounding Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn on Saturday, March 22. Last Quarter Moons represent a time of reflection and release, where you let go of the thoughts, beliefs, or actions that aren’t serving your highest good.
While you are amid retrograde and eclipse season, you can use this period to your advantage, as sudden insights and epiphanies are possible. This can help you see the truth, make a change plan, and realize that everything does work out — precisely when it’s meant to.
Relationships improve for five zodiac signs from March 17 - 23, 2025:
1. Gemini
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There is always a way to make your relationship better, dear Gemini. You can’t ignore issues or hope they will go away. You must approach your relationship and what has recently transpired with transparency and honesty. Venus is currently retrograde in your house of partnerships and future plans, which means there is already a focus on evaluating the state of your relationship.
This will help you understand how to work better as a team, which will help you improve your relationship. To do that, you must be willing to talk about how to restructure your lives together, including aspirations and finances.
Your current period of learning to work better together will be intensified as Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19. Because Juno represents marriages and committed relationships, this is a very personal period of review in your romantic life.
While Venus retrograde may help you understand what needs to change, Juno retrograde will allow you to do that. You can hold space for the process and don’t need to feel like you must rush anything. However, you also want to ensure you address any issues as they arise. This is your chance to create the strong, loving partnership you’ve always wanted.
2. Libra
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You must find the courage to face the truth of your relationship, sweet Libra. You are seeing an incredibly powerful burst of energy in your romantic life with Venus and Mercury retrograde in your house of relationships.
Yet, on Thursday, March 20, the Sun slides into Aries, beginning a new zodiac season — and the new astrological year. While this Aries Season will feel different than others due to it being retrograde season, it doesn’t mean that you still won’t see benefits in your romantic life.
You are meant to be questioning everything right now. Embrace the questions, honor your truth, and challenge your previous beliefs about love and your relationship. Aries Season will begin on Thursday, March 20, and will help you become focused and assertive in dealing with what Venus retrograde brings up.
While you may have to work through certain issues or the reality of seeing your relationship for what it is rather than what you had wished it was, the energy of the Sun in Aries will help you have the stamina and focus to address what needs to be repaired. The most important aspect this week is to ensure you are speaking your truth and not choosing silence for the sake of comfort.
3. Taurus
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The best relationships encourage you and your partner to grow together, Taurus. Growth isn’t always easy, though. Not only do you need to create the space for you and your partner to have independence and space through the process, but you also need to face how your relationship must change because of what you go through. While this may feel daunting, it’s better to grow together than apart, especially if you feel this relationship is meant for you in your heart.
On Friday, March 21, asteroid Vesta will station retrograde in Scorpio, highlighting your house of relationships and helping you make authentic choices regarding love. This can help you and your partner determine what needs to shift in your connection to align with your growth.
Yet, Vesta retrograde in Scorpio will also help you to reflect on how you are showing up for your relationship, and where you can embrace your inner power and best self more so. This is not the time to leave your relationship on autopilot, but instead to be honest about the personal growth you and your partner have gone through so you can figure out how to not only improve your relationship — but strengthen it as well.
4. Cancer
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You have to make peace with the past, dear Cancer. You have been through a great deal in the last few years, but that doesn’t mean you can rush the healing process. As much as you’ve tried moving forward, you still find yourself replaying certain aspects of the past, hanging onto regret, and romanticizing how good your ex is doing in their current life. While normal, none of this is helping you.
You couldn’t have changed the outcome of the relationship in your past, no matter what you did differently. if you choose to stay together, it doesn’t mean you would have. Rather than replaying these thoughts, you must energetically let go of the past.
The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn will rise on Saturday, March 22, helping you let go of the past and find the peace you need to move forward into a new romantic beginning. You do need to be mindful of how you process what has occurred, as you may be prone to trying to get matters settled perfectly or being too hard on yourself.
There is no perfect way to get over a past relationship, like there is no perfect way to start a new one. The only thing you can do is let yourself find peace with the current state of your life. You can’t change the past, but you can heal from it so that it no longer affects your romantic future.
5. Sagittarius
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You can turn it all around, Sagittarius. It’s been a hard year for you romantically, with many changes and opportunities to grow. Some you have taken, and some you haven’t. Yet, none of that matters now, as you are here now. You can’t continue to hide from love, especially when that is exactly what you most want in your life.
You’ve been through a great deal, but you can turn it all around – and reconcile a past relationship you regret walking away from. To do that, you must first believe that you can and then be honest with yourself about what needs to change to have the love you’ve always wanted.
You are in for an opportune week, as Juno stations retrograde in your sign of Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, and then Aries Season starts on Thursday, March 20. Juno retrograde in your sign helps you to evaluate your commitment to love.
This can also help you determine whether you want to marry or live with your partner. Try to embrace the wisdom and guidance that Juno retrograde can give you — because it may help you reunite with someone you love as Aries Season starts.
Aries rules over your house of marriage and committed relationship, while Venus and Mercury are retrograde here, helping you to realize the truth of your feelings, the Sun in this fire sign will help you do something about them. It’s never too late to say how you feel or to turn it all around. If you have regrets, it is for a reason; in your case, it’s not too late to get that special person back.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.