10 Things Brilliantly Creative People Do That Make Them Impossible To Ignore, According To Psychology

The most brilliantly creative people are a tour de force.

Creative person is impossible to ignore. Good Faces | Unsplash

Neuroscience confirms that highly creative people think and act differently than the average person. Their brains are uniquely hardwired.

Psychologically speaking, brilliantly creative personality types are difficult to pin down, mainly because they’re complex and paradoxical and tend to avoid habit or routine. Research has suggested that creativity involves the combination of a multitude of traits, behaviors, and social influences in a single person.


Here are the things brilliantly creative people do that make them impossible to ignore:

1. They start the day with a 10-minute brain flush

Write down whatever’s on your mind. This is like taking a net to those pesky thoughts that have been keeping you up all night.

Put down everything that comes to mind. Thoughts, worries, and ideas. This is therapy but also gets you into creative momentum, which will flood beautifully into your next task.

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2. They choose to be upbeat

man smiling at table JLco Julia Amaral / Shutterstock


Moving through life lightheartedly has nothing to do with your personality. Stop letting your external circumstances dictate your mood, whether it’s the news or the weather.

Happiness is a choice. Mold the world to your good mood. Walk with a skip in your step, even if you don’t initially feel it. You soon will.

While striving for happiness is a natural human desire, research suggests that a forced or obsessive pursuit of happiness can backfire, potentially leading to decreased well-being. Instead, focusing on building resilience, practicing gratitude, and engaging in activities that bring meaning and purpose may be more effective in promoting long-term happiness.

3. They take regular inspiration walks

Get outside for at least 20 minutes daily without a destination in mind. Walk for exercise, better posture and to clear your thoughts. Movement, sunlight, and nature spark creativity and lift your mood.


4. They create before they consume

Who knew that creating the first thing could seem so revolutionary? Spend the first 30 minutes of your day creating, writing, brainstorming, doodling, or making art before checking emails or social media. This puts you in a more optimistic, creative state and keeps external noise from hijacking your mind.

Engaging in focused, creative work before consuming media or engaging in reactive tasks can lead to increased productivity, better mood, and a more satisfying experience. A 2012 study explained that this Create/Consume approach leverages the inherent satisfaction of focused effort and prioritizes essential tasks.

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5. They adopt a ‘there is always a way’ attitude

Sure, not everything is possible, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep an open mind that’s looking for solutions. There are solutions in the ugliest places.


Those who the world never forget are always those who found a way to make something work. This is pure creativity in motion. Be the person who’s willing to find the way.

6. They reframe stress with gratitude

This isn’t about being unrealistic. It’s about rewiring your mind to return to your natural flow. Gratitude is our default state. It’s just that we fill our minds with so much junk and self-criticism that we believe it takes work to be grateful.

Just bring to mind 3–5 things you’re grateful for today. Develop the gratitude habit, and you’ll be surprised how fun life becomes.

According to a 2023 study, practicing gratitude can reduce stress and improve mental well-being by fostering positive emotions, reducing anxiety and depression, and promoting resilience. Expressing gratitude can strengthen social bonds and lead to a greater sense of connection with others, which can further buffer against stress.


7. They declutter one small thing every day

What’s one thing you can do today to simplify your online and offline environment? This could be a physical item you never use or an unnecessary bill payment. These tiny things seem insignificant, but they slowly add up.

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8. They use the ‘three wins’ technique at night

Things Brilliantly Creative People Do That Make Them Impossible To Ignore, According To Psychology Ground Picture / Shutterstock


As you fall asleep, think of your three main wins for the day before. This trains your mind to be biased toward winning rather than fearing. You become your biggest supporter when you think like this regularly.

9. They stop trying to understand every emotion

We’ve lost our way when it comes to emotions. We view them as things to be scared of, as proof there is something ‘wrong’ with us.

We feel we need to figure out what our emotions tell us. We place too much value on them. But emotions are merely reflections of the thoughts running through our minds. We don’t need to understand our thoughts, just as we don’t need to understand our emotions. If we feel bad, it’s because we’re thinking bad thoughts.

The better way is to know that a good feeling means we’re on the right track. That’s it.


10. They bring boundless joy and humor into their life

Reprogram your mind to see the humor in things most wouldn’t look twice at. There is humor and joy everywhere if you look for it. Also, find ways to laugh every day. This keeps endorphins high. Watch comedy. Make others smile.

Be the guy who keeps it light at the appropriate moment, even if things seem hard. This is an underestimated practice that keeps morale high. Small things to improve your life are often overlooked because people are waiting for that big break. But the small things done consistently will bring you the break you’ve been waiting for.

Suppressing or avoiding understanding emotions, especially negative ones, can have detrimental effects on mental and physical health. A 2023 study explained that this can potentially lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even physical ailments, while accepting and understanding emotions can improve overall well-being.

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Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient. He's the author of the Mastery Den newsletter, which helps people triple their productivity.