Mom Of 3 Urges Wives To Let Their Husbands ‘Golf More’ — ‘Our Kids Are Better Off’

Wives don't hate that their husbands golf. They hate that their husbands use it as an excuse to avoid being a parent.

happy man golfing Liderina | Shutterstock

Golf. It’s every husband’s greatest dream and every wife’s worst nightmare. However, one wife offered a fresh new take on approaching her husband's tee time, which may make some wives initially shudder.

According to the mom of three, your husband's weekly golf outing may just strengthen your marriage.

In a TikTok video that has been viewed over 800,000 times, Meg (@its.mama.meg), addressed one of the most controversial pastimes husbands often participate in on the weekends while their wives are holding down the fort — golf.


Unlike some wives, Meg said she has no problem with her husband's weekend golf outings. In fact, she claimed that it makes him a better husband and father. 

“I've got three kids under the age of 4 and my husband golfs pretty much every single weekend and a lot of my girlfriends are like ‘How, why?’” Meg said.

husband golfing more Latino Life | Canva Pro


“Here's the reality. He loves golf. It is the thing that makes him maybe the happiest on the planet, and I see that,” Meg explained. “So, it's important to find a way for him to do that in a way that works for all of us without me being resentful while at home with the kids by myself.”

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The mom said that on the days her husband goes golfing, he takes over kid duty so that she can have some much-needed time to herself.

“He gets up with the kids. He gets them dressed. He makes breakfast, he'll do a quick tidy on the house and then he takes them out for two beautiful hours,” she said.

While her husband and the kids are out, Meg often gets her nails done, goes to brunch or even just gets some rest at home. Once her husband gets back, he feeds the kids lunch and puts them down for a nap before heading off for a round of golf.


After the kids wake up, Meg takes care of them for a couple of hours before her husband returns home, usually bringing dinner for them so she doesn’t have to cook.

It is important to note that most wives do not despise the fact that their husbands enjoy playing golf. 

They despise the fact that they are spending their weekends taking care of the kids entirely on their own while their husbands get to have fun. However, as Meg and her husband proved, there can be a balance.

“So, if you're a dad who wants to golf more, there's a way to do this in a way that's not leaving your wife in a huge lurch,” she noted. “Here's the thing ladies. If they can take a ball that is this small and put it into a hole that they can't even see, they can do hard things like take care of your kids so that you also have time out of the house.” 

husband golfing more with son Zurijeta | Shutterstock


Meg said being a parent shouldn’t mean you give up on the hobbies you love. You deserve to still have an identity outside of being Mom or Dad. She insisted that it benefits the kids as well. “Our kids are better when we fill our own cups too!” Meg pointed out.

Licensed clinical social worker Claire Lerner agrees with Meg. She put it simply, "Being a present, loving parent AND desperately needing a break are not mutually exclusive." She went on to say, "Wanting some distance from your children just means you're human. In fact, breaks are necessary. If you don’t get the rest you need, you are less likely to be the engaged, responsive, playful parent you want to be and that your child needs."

However, there needs to be a fair division of responsibilities so that one partner isn’t overwhelmed while the other is off having fun. “The next time your husband comes to you and says he wants to golf, tell him what your terms are. Tell him what you need him to do to make it more palatable for you,” Meg advised. 

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Other wives shared their own positive experiences with their husbands golfing.

“My friend put her kids in golf lessons. And now they go with their dad and she has free time,” one TikTok user commented. “I would go [golfing] at like 5:30 in the morning and bring breakfast and coffee home because my round was done by 9:30 and I would go out the rest of the day with the family. My wife loved it,” another user shared.

Golfing should not be an excuse to get out of parenting on the weekends. It should be a pastime, like any other hobby, that allows a mom or dad to blow off some steam and refresh themselves so that once they return home, they can effectively contribute.

As long as your partner isn't using his hobby to avoid the family, there is nothing wrong with letting him golf with his buddies once a week.  


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Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.