A Long Struggle Comes To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs On March 18, 2025
When hard times end and we are ready for the next chapter, we don't look back.

Here's an interesting day for us to contemplate. On March 18, 2025, a long struggle comes to an end for three zodiac signs. Due to the astrological presence of the Moon in Scorpio, we will be able to know where we should place our energy, and what we should withhold.
What this means is that we've been concentrating way too hard on the things that continue to keep us struggling and that during the Moon in Scorpio, it comes to us that we have been focusing on the wrong thing all this time.
This revelation is the key to how we can release ourselves from the extraordinary burden we've been holding on to for way too long. Knowledge of what we've done to ourselves creates an immediate open door to freedom. The struggle is over, and we will ensure it stays that way.
A long struggle comes to an end for three zodiac signs on March 18, 2025:
1. Gemini
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You've been handed the keys to the kingdom, Gemini, and what this essentially means is that on March 18, you will learn some important information that will free you from any struggle. It's time to set it aside once and for all.
During the Moon in Scorpio, the energy that accompanies you is the kind that gives you insight while it allows you to reflect properly. Choices are easy to abide by during this transit; you feel smart. You know you're making the right moves.
Knowledge is power in this case, and you've always known it. That is why taking in this new information is exactly what sets you free during the Moon in Scorpio. You will find that there is no more need to continue to struggle. You have the keys now. It's time to end it.
2. Virgo
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During the Moon in Scorpio, you may feel the sensation of relief as something in your life has now become lighter. There's a certain lack of heaviness, and it is palpable; something is missing, and in this case, it's a very good loss.
What's going on is that struggle will end. You've been upholding all these years suddenly doesn't seem as urgent as it once did. Perhaps this is just you, growing in character. What used to cause you such pain is now simply ... unimportant to you.
You have matured, Virgo, and the Moon's energy allows you to go with it, rather than fight against it. You don't feel any attachment to your old ways any longer and this may end up being the most freeing thing you've ever done.
3. Scorpio
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The very interesting thing about you, Scorpio, is that when you make up your mind, it's law. There is no budging you, and so on March 18, when you decide that struggle must end, it does. You come into the presence of the Moon in Scorpio, you'll know once again that the law is now in session.
What you have discovered is that you no longer need something in your life, something that has caused you so much distress that you've wondered why you've kept it hanging around. This is knowledge, Scorpio, revelation.
This sudden gut punch of realization has you knowing that the idea of struggle is no longer an option for you. Why bother going back to a way of life that only causes you pain? No brainer! Don't go back. The struggle is over and the Moon in Scorpio puts it all into perspective for you.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.