4 Zodiac Signs Receive A Powerful Sign From The Universe On March 12, 2025
The universe's signs come in many ways, and today, they are impossible to miss.

On March 12, 2025, four zodiac signs receive a powerful sign from the universe that answers their wishes. Sometimes in a person's life, we need a sign from the universe beyond what we expect. We want an intervention, and we desire it to be undeniably powerful so we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this could only come from the universe itself.
If ever there were an astrological presence worthy of being this intervention, it would be the Virgo Moon. Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn are the four zodiac signs that will react strongly and positively to this lunar position. Their intuition goes up today.
We know that we need change, and we also know that we fear change. However, the Virgo Moon wants nothing to do with excuses. That fear? It means nothing to the Virgo Moon; it wants us to get past it pronto. This astrology forecast pays no attention to our excuses. We are on a mission to lead us into positive productivity and change.
Four zodiac signs receive a powerful sign from the universe on March 12, 2025:
1. Leo
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You feel open to what could be in the ordinary tasks of life, and that's how the universe delivers a powerful sign to you. You could do something the same way forever and always receive the same results. Those results may be great, worthy of attaining, and reliable, but for you, Leo, there's the boredom factor. The truth is, you get bored easily.
During the Virgo Moon, you may find that you are interested in doing the same old thing differently, and the difference here is what interests you. And you feel you need to be interested. You need to be engaged.
With your entire body, mind and soul, you will find that something has grabbed your attention and is worth studying. This is a sign from the universe, Leo; you can alter the path you're on right now and bring something radical and positive into your life.
2. Libra
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As soon as you wake up this morning, Libra, you will receive a powerful sign from the universe. You feel oddly inspired. Perhaps a dream made this happen, which wouldn't be strange, as the Virgo Moon tends to get into our dreams.
It's on March 12 that you feel that whatever you just dreamt about ... it's there to tell you something. It's as if a powerful sign is coming from the universe meant for you. You feel like you are being called to action, and that's a good thing.
The Virgo Moon has you acting, rather than sitting it out, because it's this transit that makes you feel like you're wasting time doing nothing. You don't want to be that person. You want to spend every moment engaged and active. This day and its transit bring that to you.
3. Scorpio
Design: YourTango
Whatever takes place in your mind this morning may be a powerful sign from the universe. You herald what is to come later this week. You feel positive and strong, but it's almost as if you are being possessed by positivity itself, and that's pretty typical of the Virgo Moon, in your case, Scorpio.
The Virgo Moon has you knowing what is right and what is wrong, and while that seems pretty banal, it makes all the sense in the world to you. This is how you bring discretion into your life; you are now ready to choose only good.
And by choosing the good, you accept the powerful signs that the universe hands you, and you run with them. You know a good thing when you see one, and this day is about you bringing more good things into your world.
4. Capricorn
Design: YourTango
This isn't a regular ol' day for you, Capricorn; it's a day you receive a powerful sign from the universe. It contains the Virgo Moon, and in your case, that means something powerful is about to happen. It more than likely refers to a change you need to make that you've been putting off for far too long.
By accepting that you need to make this change and doing it, you open up the floodgates to great fortune and the promise of more where that came from. This could be a business venture, and it likely relates to money.
The Virgo Moon has you knowing when to call the shots and what exactly those shots are. You are smart and decisive during the Virgo Moon, and this is what vaults you up to the level of genius. You are completely on your game on March 12, 2025.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.