How Each Zodiac Sign's Life Transforms After The Total Lunar Eclipse The Week Of March 14

Boundaries is the ongoing theme and learning how to respect them will be essential.

zodiac signs life transforms lunar eclipse march 14 2025 Photo: Oscar Ramirez | Design: YourTango

After the total lunar eclipse takes place the week of March 14, 2025, each zodiac sign's life transforms. This powerful lunar event is followed by Mercury stationing retrograde in the sign of Aries on the 15th. We are now breaking free from the storyline that the Aries/Libra Nodal transits had in store for us until last year. 

Now, in 2025, we are preparing ourselves for a new chapter in our lives that is currently in the works. The eclipse will bring to light how we balance responsibilities with our relationships. Boundaries are the ongoing theme this year, and learning how to respect them will be essential.


How each zodiac sign's life transforms after the total lunar eclipse the week of March 14, 2025: 


aries how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango

Mercury is stationing retrograde in your sign on the 15th, which means you will revisit your relationships and consider what needs to be changed with your communication style. With Venus also retrograde, relationship energy is magnified as the lessons from the past and present begin to manifest. 


Learning to embrace your boundaries and be more of a diplomat will work in your favor during this transit. Remember not to be combative; focus on working well with others and preserving the peace.

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taurus how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


The Full Moon is part of the eclipse cycle, which can reflect an ending in a new beginning regarding how you collaborate with others. The South Node in a fellow Earth sign will show you that releasing and not holding onto the past is OK. You will be able to uncover many things about yourself during this period and learn how you show up in partnerships. 

The transit is showing you how to be a more present partner, and this period helps you identify what needs to be changed and how to be more open with your present or future partner. You can also expect a shift in your friendships.

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gemini how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


This week, there will be a flurry of energy as your ruler, Mercury, takes center stage during this eclipse era. But first, the Leo Moon will bring to light what drives and motivates you. Expect to focus on your to-do list and learn how to balance your responsibilities because the eclipse will continue these themes. 

The Full Moon eclipse in Virgo and Mercury will station retrograde on the 14th and 15th. You will have to analyze the connections you have at home and learn how to balance your work routine because the themes of this Moon will continue in the next several years.

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cancer how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


This week's transit-impacting Cardinal signs will be the Mercury retrograde in Aries, which sheds a light on the highest point in your chart. Learning how to be a better leader and collaborating with others will be themes of this transit. 

These traits are all about helping you level up for the next several years, and Mercury can also show you how to be a mentor to those who seek your guidance. This will be a moment for you to also focus on how to grow a current skill, a project, or be a better communicator with those around you.

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leo how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


As a fire sign, the Mercury retrograde will bring much potent energy regarding your dreams, connection to others, and higher education. If you’re planning on a vacation overseas or abroad, this might bring temporary setbacks with your plans because of Mercury delays. 

Any issues may resolve themselves once Mercury stations direct. Be prepared to tackle these obstacles with patience and calm. During these transits, you are here to learn and not be impulsive, so prepare and focus without rushing through.

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virgo how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


Your ruler, Mercury, is in the spotlight this week. The Full Moon eclipse in your sign will kickstart a new chapter for the collective now that the Nodes are in aspect to your sign. You’re going to consider how you network with others, how you embrace being in the spotlight, and how much you trust yourself. 

Mercury will have you moving and embracing your connections with others and how you see yourself as a leader. This is a time to believe in yourself, to believe in the work that you’ve done. Also, focus on editing, especially with Mercury and Aries bringing much energy from the past.

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libra how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


One of the beautiful things about this aspect is that Mercury will continue the story of the Venus transit, impacting your partnership house. Mercury this year seems to be very much intertwined with a story regarding love and communication, and this will impact you the most as a Venus-ruled sign. 

There is a lot of reflection now regarding your relationship with yourself and those around you. Aries energy has your independent side shining brightly and strongly. This sets the tone for the Saturn transit and Aries that will impact us in the next several months.

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scorpio how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


The Full Moon eclipse in the sign of Virgo will be a game changer for you this week. This is your moment to take notes and see what needs to be changed regarding your friendships, your work habits, and how you tackle responsibilities. 

Mercury will also station retrograde, and it will be the ruler of this eclipse. Mercury in Aries is very impulsive, and this is one of the lessons you need to learn. Be smart, be a tactician, and take your time because things will clear up when Mercury stations direct.

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sagittarius how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


This week, a double dose of important transits will impact you as a Mutable and Fire sign. We begin with the Full Moon eclipse in the sign of Virgo, which will happen at the highest point of your chart. This energy might impact your career or your academic life. 

There could be changes here that will manifest in the next several years because this eclipse cycle will continue, and we are entering a new storyline. Aries energy adds an element of chaos, so any drastic changes you want to make should be on hold until Mercury stations direct.

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capricorn how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango


The Mercury retrograde transit will impact Cardinal placements, but you also have a lot of energy with this Full Moon in Virgo, making its presence known and lighting up your chart. This is an energy that is going to have you tackle and understand your confidence levels. 

The eclipse energy will repeat over several years, showing you how to find a balance. It is your moment to explore your ideas, nourish them, and connect with like-minded individuals who inspire you.

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aquarius how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango

This Mercurial eclipse will positively influence you since it will help you solidify and fill in any gaps in your routines and career goals. This is all the planning phase as we prepare for Mercury to station retrograde on the 15th. 

You are prepared to make plans now, but do not start anything new until Venus and Mercury's station is directly connected. The Full Moon will help you establish a solid blueprint that will continue to grow and transform over the next several years.


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pisces how zodiac signs life transforms total lunar eclipse week march 14, 2025 Design: YourTango

A major focus now will be on your romantic relationships. The Full Moon eclipse in Virgo will occur in your partnership house, and with Saturn aspecting your sign, this is the time for you to seek a new approach to connecting with others. 


Those who are codependent will learn how to be more independent in relationships. Since Mercury is the ruler of this eclipse, you will learn how essential it is to be clear with others and not hide your feelings.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
