Relationships Improve Drastically For 5 Zodiac Signs From Now Until February 16
Embrace the romance of it all.

Relationships improve in a big way for five zodiac signs the week of February 10 to 16. It's time to make your entire life a romantic love story. Fall in love with yourself and find romance in a quiet morning together or an evening in front of the fire. By prioritizing the love and romance that you share with your partner, you can use the energy of Venus in Aries aligning with Pluto in Aquarius on Monday, February 10 to forge a deeper connection all week.
Valentine’s Day is especially romantic this year as Mercury returns to Pisces on Friday, February 14. Mercury rules over your inner thoughts and how you speak to your partner. In Pisces, the energy is as romantic as it can get. This should help you be able to celebrate the day of love and feel the certainty that this relationship is the one that you are meant to be in. With Mercury in Pisces, love letters, or conversations about your future will be of greater significance, as well as increasing the likelihood of a proposal.
As the week comes to an end, asteroid Pallas will shift into Aquarius on Sunday, February 16, helping you to take an unconventional view of romance and the life that you hope to share. With so much energy around romance, this may be the final piece you need to choose the relationship that fits your needs — regardless of what opinions others may have.
Romance isn’t only about enjoying each moment to its fullest, but also about giving yourself permission to follow your heart and create the relationship that aligns with your dreams. The most romantic choice you can make is to be loved for who you truly are. Now on to the zodiac signs who see a big boost in their romantic relationships this week.
Relationships improve for five zodiac signs the week of February 10 - 16, 2025:
1. Libra
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Create the relationship you’ve always desired, Libra. You’ve been through a lot of lessons in the past year and because of that, there have been moments that led you to question this connection. It was never an issue of a lack of love, but if this connection was going to be able to grow with you — instead of preventing you from evolving into your best self. What you’ve learned is though that you must become what it is you are seeking. While you aren’t normally known for your assertiveness, you have taken an active role in your romantic life.
On Monday, February 10, Venus in Aries will align with Pluto in Aquarius bringing a profound connection and greater depth to your relationship. Venus in Aries is currently moving through your house of love, so you are feeling its energy especially strongly. Yet, as Venus aligns with Pluto, you will be overcome with emotion. This depth of feeling helps bring confirmation into your romantic life, along with allowing you to be fully open to your partner.
2. Aquarius
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Celebrate how far you have come, Aquarius. This is your zodiac season and because of that, you are experiencing a renewal and opportunity for a new beginning. Whatever occurred last year doesn’t have to affect your current relationship, if you make that choice. But forgiving, or forgiving and letting go, isn’t something that happens but must be a conscious choice that you make.
You were recently triggered in your connection, and although it was more about your past wounds than your partner, it still served to make you take a pause. Allow yourself to celebrate all you’ve been through with your partner and give yourself the ability to have a fresh start in love. Whatever it has taken you to arrive at this moment will be worth it once you allow yourself to enjoy it.
The Full Moon in Leo rises on Thursday, February 12 highlighting your house of love and bringing to fruition a theme that began on August 4, 2024. Since the New Moon in Leo, you have gone through the lessons of Mars retrograde in Leo which made you reflect on your triggers as well as how to express your feelings authentically.
Now as the Full Moon in Leo occurs, you will feel like you received permission to fully be present in this relationship. You will be able to let go of what has occurred in the past and trust in this connection to be everything you have ever dreamed.
3. Virgo
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva
Soak up all the love you can, Virgo. You are a sign that prefers to have two feet on the ground. You don’t let yourself get carried away by love easily, yet that doesn’t mean you don’t crave it. It’s healthy to have a logical approach to romance, but you also don’t want to cut yourself short on all that you can experience. Try to trust what you have invested in this connection, as well as your partner’s ability to step up in reciprocal energy. While you naturally will have a practical approach to relationships, it doesn’t mean it’s also not a trauma response from thinking you have to do everything on your own. You have to believe in your partner’s ability to step up and support you.
Valentine’s Day is especially romantic for you this year as Mercury will shift into Pisces on Friday, February 14, lighting up your house of relationships. In Pisces, Mercury becomes incredibly romantic. Pisces already is the most romantic sign of the zodiac, as it represents the divine and magical romance that novels are written about. With Mercury in Pisces, you and your partner will speak love into one another. You will be the recipient of romantic gestures or proposals — and you will want to do the same for your partner.
4. Leo
Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva
Love should help you and your partner become your most authentic selves, Leo. You have a deep intuition, although you tend to have to learn to use this type of inner guidance. Not only are you a zodiac sign known for following your heart, but you also form deep and intimate bonds with those you love. You become the center of their world, just like you prefer.
The last few months have been rocky though as you have been asked to move through a great deal of personal growth and healing. This has tested your relationship, especially as you have needed space and time for yourself. In any relationship, there are ebbs and flows, and you are about to move into an immensely powerful time of reconnection — and deepening the intuitive bond you have with your partner.
As Pallas moves into Aquarius on Sunday, February 16, it will activate your romantic sector, helping you to tune into that unique bond you share with your partner. Pallas in Aquarius will give you an understanding of what you can and must do to restore your connection and resolve any recent challenges. Yet it also gives you a unique approach to love, which means you may find yourself drawn to untraditional arrangements during this time.
5. Aries
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It’s essential to fall in love with yourself first, Aries. This has been your primary focus recently as you’ve realized that you can’t expect your partner to provide you with feelings or experiences that you haven’t yet given yourself. While learning to self-validate and accept yourself fully as you are hasn’t always been easy, it is already starting to pay off.
When you are in a relationship that truly honors who you are and the experiences that have made you that person, then there is no reason to hold back. Your feelings surface for a reason and loving yourself is what allows you to take action so that you can have the relationship you have always envisioned.
On Wednesday, February 12, the Full Moon in Leo will bring to fruition a cycle that began with the New Moon on August 4, 2024. This cycle has been helping you to commit to expressing yourself authentically — but has also allowed you to understand what it means to genuinely love yourself. This has led you to explore distinct aspects of your creativity, as well as prioritize what brings you happiness.
Now, as the Full Moon in Leo rises, there will be a significant development in your romantic life. Leo rules over your house of marriage, and so a proposal or significant encounter could result in changing your romantic status for the rest of your life. Just continue to honor your true self and embrace all of your feelings because the person meant for you will want to see all of you.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.