3 Zodiac Signs Become Unstoppable Despite Previous Hardships The Week Beginning February 10
We can expect to see major events play out in the world at this time, and these zodiac signs rise above.

Three zodiac signs are poised to become unstoppable the week of February 10 - 16, 2025, thanks to a few transits affecting their weekly horoscopes. Uranus is now direct and hooks up with the full moon in Leo on February 12th. There is no way this moon is not going to shake things up.
This astrological turbulence doesn’t mean things will be bad for all of us on a personal level, but we will need to be self-aware and cautious about what we say and do while knowing things may not go exactly as planned. We can also expect to see major events play out in the world at this time.
Be flexible about Valentine's Day. While Leo rules the 5th house of love, certain things may be changeable about any Valentine’s Day plans you have. Alternatively, you could opt for something different. Either way, things can still go well.
On February 11th, the Sun squares Uranus on the eve of the Full Moon, which is also a very changeable transit. Unexpected things can happen, plans can change or we could feel nervous and on edge.
While Mercury is in Pisces on February 14, we can expect communication to become flakier and miscommunication to be a common theme. We tend to operate more on intuition, and dreams and fantasies can become more vivid and remain in our minds — or we may spend more time thinking about these things.
With Mercury in Pisces, we can become more aware of our feelings and those of others. Compassion can be given and received during Mercury in Pisces. We are more attuned to others' pain or problems at this time than we normally are and are generally willing to help. The downside is that we may be more forgetful, experience brain fog, or show up late at work or meetings as we are not so focused on details.
Three zodiac signs become unstoppable despite previous hardships the week of February 10 - 16, 2025:
1. Leo
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
It’s a challenging Valentine’s week, Leo, with the Full Moon square Uranus in Taurus and the Sun and Mercury square Uranus. You'll overcome anything that comes your way, but you will want to know what is on the table.
You can experience some turbulent moments with a partner or a friend this week that may seem to come out of nowhere. It could end if you are in a volatile relationship, but if things are stable overall, you will experience difficulties; however, it’s doubtful the relationship will end.
If a relationship does end and it is toxic, to begin with, Uranus transits often end things. While it might be difficult, it opens the door to someone more suitable. First of all, pay attention to any nagging feelings you may have, and if you think something needs to be discussed, discuss it. Even still, there will likely be unexpected issues you have to address.
Leo is the most dramatic of signs, and I am sure you are familiar with this. However, don’t add more drama to the picture when things get tense because now is the time for a cool head. The issue could deal with an unexpected remark from a partner that doesn’t go over well or a criticism of unexpected changes that can’t be avoided. Alternatively, it could have to do with spending more time at work, or it could be something else.
Don’t buy into this Full Moon's changeable and overly excitable energies. An argument will likely hit your ego, but if you want to continue the relationship, you must deal with it.
All you can do is deal with whatever unexpected issue comes up. Don’t react; give yourself time to think things through. There is only one answer, and this is honest communication about your feelings.
Once things have cooled down, use your warmth and charm to get your point across. I expect things will soon return to normal, and maybe you'll overcome all of these challenges and still have a great Valentine’s Day!
2. Aquarius
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
The Full Moon may present you with unique challenges that will help you feel unstoppable by the end of the week. With the Full Moon in Leo square Uranus screaming for freedom, you may have to balance your need for individuality and alone time with your desire to be with a partner or part of an important group. You could experience anxiety or total indecisiveness in terms of this issue that could cause hurt feelings with others if you aren’t aware of your actions.
You aren’t the type to always stay in one place for long, but on the other hand, you have a deep desire to connect with others powerfully. There is a good chance that the transits this week will highlight these issues.
The only answer if you want to keep your relationships and not be a total loner is to compromise. You will have to find a way to allow time for your own needs and the needs of others this week.
The Full Moon and other transits involve Uranus this week. Of course, you are ruled by Uranus, so you probably understand it better than most people. If you feel an inordinate need for freedom, it concerns the Full Moon and other transits. If this is the case, give yourself some freedom without disrupting your relationships or getting agitated at spending time with others.
In about a week, all of this will pass. If you can compromise and be aware of how the planets may affect you, you can keep things under control. Of course, unexpected events can and likely will occur; all we can do is roll with the flow when this happens. Awareness is the key to keeping things calm, and things will return to normal shortly.
3. Scorpio
Tais Bernabe | Canva Pro
You can blame the Full Moon if you want to, but this week, Scorpio, you seem to have an issue with maintaining a balance in relationships and getting stressed out. You may experience deep tension due to your expectations of others not panning out how you think they should. This could occur in the form of an argument, a comment someone makes, changing plans, or something else.
Scorpio, you like control, but not everyone appreciates or desires this. When upset, this can become your mode of operation, and I would advise against this. Expectations are a funny thing and can set you up for disappointment, so it is important not to overly idealize people.
The only answer this week is prioritizing clear communication and a certain amount of self-care if you are getting too stressed.
Some things happen and can’t be helped, and there is no point in getting upset over something you have no control over.
Outside of this, don’t obsessively wonder and try to figure out what happened, as you can get too deep in your head and may never get the correct answer anyway. Be flexible this week, and if someone disappoints you, try and look at their motivations and emotions before you get upset.
Chances are good they didn’t mean to hurt you. If they did, then you may want to reconsider the relationship. If it is time to break away, you will know it. Otherwise, relax, let this Full Moon pass, and things will soon be back to normal.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.