8 Skills Spiritually Gifted People Use To 'Hear' The Universe's Messages
Enjoyable ways to connect with the universal vibe.

The Universe constantly provides signs, symbols, and synchronicities to guide you on your life’s path. Whether you are spiritually gifted or not, there are powerful messages all around you that give you the insights you need to live well and succeed.
Let’s take a moment to dig in to understand some proven methods spiritually minded people use to interpret helpful signs and work with the messages provided. Some of these options might be familiar, while others could be a novel approach you haven’t heard about or tried yet.
Eight unique skills used by spiritually gifted people so they can 'hear' the universe's message
1. Regularly connecting with nature
What is time spent in nature about? A study published in Progress in Brain Research explains that when you’re out in nature, you immediately feel calmer and connect with the natural environment. This gets you out of your head and into your body, and the shift opens you to receive messages from yourself or your spirit.
How does it work? Walking in a park, the forest, a meadow, in the mountains, or even by the beach offers you a way to feel closer to the earth. Even just sitting in nature gets in touch with the higher realm energetically. The natural world has a healing effect, and trees offer a great deal of energetic healing and soothing. Connecting in this way allows you to feel like there is more to this life and opens you to the signs that are often available to guide you.
How to try it? Set aside at least 20 minutes to an hour and simply take a walk. Leave the headphones at home so you can tune in to the sounds of nature. This also helps you stay open to any messages that might come your way. You are a part of nature and the Universe, so when you connect, you remember this fact.
2. A breathwork practice
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What is Breathwork? This is a technique of breathing, often conducted by a skilled practitioner. It’s so simple: you just breathe deeply and sometimes in short bursts in order to relax your body, as shown in the Journal of Mental Health Counseling. It’s a powerful yet calming experience.
How does it work? As you breathe in the particular patterns, this activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which causes a relaxing effect. Deep breathing lets your body know you feel safe, decreasing stress hormones and your fight-or-flight response. That’s the perfect opening to hear your inner wisdom!
How to try it? Search for a practitioner near you, or you can find videos to guide you through the process. However, the safest way is to work with a professional until you know how it works and can do this on your own.
3. Exploring the communication of meditation
What is meditation? The American Psychological Association helps explain how meditation is the practice of quieting your mind for deep relaxation. It's also a powerful way to connect with messages and inspiration from your inner wisdom or the higher realms.
There are several diverse ways you can meditate. For example, you might use a mantra (a Sanskrit phrase) and repeat it consistently during the time you sit quietly. By focusing on the mantra, you reduce your inner mind chatter and minimize your thinking. Another method is to simply quiet your mind, and when a thought pops in, you notice it and allow it to float away.
How does it work? Whether you work with a mantra or just quiet your mind, this slowing of mental activity gives you a chance to listen to your inner wisdom. You might get insight from your higher self or your guides, angels, ancestors, or even God. They say prayer is best for talking to God, while meditation is best for listening.
The information may come to you as a visual impression (clairvoyance), an audio message (clairaudience), a feeling (clairsentience), or a sense of knowing (claircognizance). These four “clairs” are the same for any kind of meditation.
How to try it? You can find lots of guided meditations on YouTube, and if you want to find mantras, look for Deepak Chopra videos. Or you can play yoga music and sit quietly with your spine straight for 10-20 minutes.
4. Regular sound baths
What is a sound bath? A sound healer will play several instruments like crystal or metal bowls, chimes, and drums to produce a relaxation response for your body, as supported by a review in Healthcare Journal. You will be lying flat on the floor, often on yoga mats with a blanket, as the sound washes over your body. To me, this is sheer bliss.
How does it work? Your body is 60-70% water, and the sound reverberates through all of your cells. The rhythmic, soothing music puts you into a calm and often state of mind, making it possible to receive input from the Universe.
How to try it? A sound bath is best experienced in person. Many yoga studios hold these events today, sometimes even with yoga nidra practice with limited poses, which is super relaxing.
5. Matching the brain to binaural beats
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What are binaural beats? This is a type of music created for deep meditation often referred to as brain wave entrainment, as suggested by a study in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. The music has two separate tracks that must be listened to using headphones or earbuds for the best results.
How does it work? The music is created to match different brainwave patterns such as alpha, beta, and even theta for deep meditation. The binaural beats influence brain activity to match the wave you want. Once in the deeper state, you can more easily access inner wisdom or connect with spirit guides and the Universe to get the insights you seek.
How to try it? You can find lots of this binaural beat music on YouTube or other similar sites.
6. Trance or ritual drumming
Meditating on the sound of a steady drum beat and sometimes chanting has been demonstrated as effective for mental well-being by a study in Social Work with Groups Journal. You can do this on your own or is also in a group.
I’ve had some amazing experiences with drumming and find it to be quite powerful for connecting with spirit and getting messages from the Universe. This is an excellent resource for understanding situations in your life.
How does it work? The beating drum provides another form of entrainment, similar to binaural beats, moving your mind into a deeper state. When calmer, it’s so much easier to hear the guidance of the Universe or your ancestors and guides.
How to try it? You can find drumming on Spotify or YouTube. However, if you can find a local group who do this live, that's the best way to go. When going on a journey with others, the energy is amplified, which is incredibly helpful.
7. Mindfully drink cacao
Said to be inspired by ancient Mayan wisdome, you’ll drink a cup of hot chocolate with a high content of cacao powder that is not sweet. Sometimes, the recipe includes cinnamon and cayenne pepper. When this ceremony is done these days, the group often lies down to meditate while a drum beat plays.
How does it work? Cacao is a nutritous mood elevator. Research published in Nutrients Journal says, "Caffeine and theobromine are the most abundant methylxanthines in cacao and their physiological effects are notable. Their health-promoting benefits are so remarkable that chocolate is explored as a functional food." So, while you are relaxing, your mind is more open to introspection and hearing messages from your inner self or guides. The process is soothing and can be healing as well.
How to try it? You can buy cacao online and try it yourself, but the experience goes deeper when you share it in the presence of a group.
8. Consult with Tarot or Oracle cards
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What are the Tarot and Oracle Cards? Tarot is an incredibly old card deck created for divination. The cards help you understand messages from spirit or gain insights about your spiritual journey.
Research published in the Indian Journal of Astrology and Occult shows Tarot was developed in Renaissance Italy during the mid-1400s and is the basis of today’s regular playing cards. Tarot divides the cards into four suits, plus another group called the Major Arcana, which offers more profound meaning.
Oracle cards are a bit different and vary by creator, but they’re used for the same purpose. The cards help you understand where you are on the journey, what you need to do, and where you might be going. Most Oracle decks have pictures and words just like Tarot cards, but not always with suits.
How do they work? As you shuffle the cards, you put the energy of your question into the deck. When you stop to select your cards for the reading, your choice is based on which cards stand out energetically. This is true even though the cards are face-down. Usually, they are revealed and positioned in a particular pattern to tell a story about where you are in life and what might be coming in the future.
How to try it? There are plenty of people who do card readings today! Or you can purchase a Tarot or Oracle deck in many bookshops, spiritual shops, and online. There are so many options it can be overwhelming, The best thing to do is look at the artwork and see which ones appeal most.
When you are looking for ways to interpret the messages from the Universe, there are countless approaches to this type of reflection. These are just eight techniques, but there are many others. I recommend you try several of these methods to see what you enjoy and what works best for you.
Not only may you encounter profound insights about your life, but these techniques also offer an enjoyable experience and a way to connect with others who have a similar interest in spirituality.
Ronnie Ann Ryan is an Intuitive Coach, Past Life Reader, and author of six books. She’s the creator of the free audio course How to Ask the Universe for a Sign and Get an Answer Within 24 Hours. She's been published on ABC, BBC, and NPR.