The Best Time To Ask For Guidance From Spirits, According To An Intuitive Coach
Find the closest day when the veil is thinnest.

As an intuitive coach, people often ask me what is the best time to ask for guidance. My straight answer is this: when you need their help! If you are struggling with something in your life, why should you wait until the perfect time of the year or a specific day?
Putting that aside, there are specific times throughout the year when the veil (the space or energy barrier between everyday life or what you know as reality and the spirit world) thins and it’s easier to access the other side.
Let’s look at the specific times during the year when connecting with spirit and getting guidance is often the easiest.
Here are the best times to ask for guidance from spirits, according to an intuitive coach
1. Halloween/Samhain
Of course, All Hallow’s Eve, the Christian name for the ancient Pagan holiday of Samhain, is the perfect time to speak to the spirit. The holiday was about the harvest and end of summer and was a time of remembrance for those souls who had crossed over.
Many experts agree the weeks before and after Halloween are the best time all year to connect with the spirit world and your ancestors. If you have questions you want to ask loved ones who have departed, this is the time to reach out and get your answers.
2. May Day/Beltane
In my research, I discovered that May 1st, which is the ancient Pagan holiday of Beltane, is another potent time for connecting with spirit. The veil thins here too, but what’s fascinating is that this is a time to talk to the faery world, vs. your ancestors (unless they’re faeries LOL).
Beltane is about rebirth, fertility, and welcoming the spring growing season. Many believe the Fae or faeries, also called the “Good Folk,” are the guardians of nature and the regal group from the realm of nature spirits. That’s why this holiday is perfect for connecting with nature spirits, elementals, and even faeries, should they deign to reveal themselves to you.
3. Birthdays
Your birthday is a great time to ask your spirit guides for help or to get clarity on important issues. It’s also a perfect time for self-reflection and to recap what you learned in the previous year. You might ask about a particular situation happening in your life now or ask for insights on the year to come and what you can learn and work on.
The birthdays of your ancestors are also appropriate for reaching out to them. If you want to simply know how they are doing, go for it. Or if you seek guidance about a big life decision such as switching jobs, or starting or ending a relationship, this day strengthens your ability to connect.
4. Anniversaries of passing
In the same way, the anniversary of a loved one’s passing is another time when the veil thins for this personal connection. It’s a natural time to honor and remember family members who no longer walk the earth in a physical body.
Your ancestors watch over you and want to help. Feel free to ask for their guidance about little or big things. Whatever is on your mind, for the most part your loved ones are there for you.
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5. New and full moon
These two phases of the moon offer times when your intuition is likely more powerful than on other days. Combine this with a slight thinning of the veil, and you’ve discovered two more times when you can ask for guidance and feel more likely to get it.
How spirit guidance shows up
This is where spirit and your higher self get creative. There are many ways you can receive information and get answers to the questions on your mind.
1. You see the signs
if you tend to see signs, get in the habit of asking for them. I encourage clients to be specific in this endeavor. What works best is to choose the sign you want to see as a “Yes” answer to the question you pose. Be sure to ask a Yes/No question for the best results.
Also set the time frame. In this way, if you don’t see a heart, rose, or robin (whatever your sign is), by the deadline, that means the answer is “No”. Keep it simple to get solid answers.
2. Guidance shows up during automatic writing
To write with spirit, simply get out a piece of paper and a pen and start writing! You might want to light a candle, play meditation music, or even meditate before you begin to tune into spirit or call in your ancestors. Then, begin writing and don't stop until there is nothing left to write.
You’ll be amazed at the wisdom and messages that flow from your pen. When you first read it, you may scoff at the guidance, which is why I recommend not reading it for a few hours or even wait until the next day. This helps you take in the message with less resistance.
3. One or more of the common clairs
Seeing guidance: You might see symbols or pictures in your mind’s eye when you meditate or tune into spirit. The gift of clairvoyance is the most common way to receive guidance. It can take a little work to understand the symbolic meaning, but it’s also a lot of fun. Spirit loves a good pun- just keep that in mind.
Hearing guidance: Perhaps you hear a voice that shares a few words or entire sentences. Some people hear music or lyrics as well. Clairaudience is another typical way that spirit might converse with you.
Feeling guided: After asking your question, you get a feeling about the answer you seek. This is clairsentience and easily shows up for empaths who are reaching out to the spirit world.
Knowing guidance is there Sometimes you suddenly just know the answer you’re looking for. Claircognizance is this sense of knowing what you need to do and another way to spirit provides guidance.
Plan for guidance to show up
Now that you know the best times to seek guidance from spirit and have several ways to gather the information, get going! Set calendar event notifications for the moon phases, Halloween and Beltane in your calendar as well as all birthdays and anniversaries. This way you’ll easily find the closest day when the veil is thinnest for you.
However, if something is on your mind and you want help, just ask! Spirit and the angels are there to assist you but won’t interfere unless you ask.
Ronnie Ann Ryan is an Intuitive Coach and Past Life Reader. Get her Free audio course – How to Ask the Universe for a Sign to get the answers you need from a higher source within 24 hours.