3 Zodiac Signs Break Free From Past Struggles On December 7, 2024

These astrological signs have been waiting for this to happen.

zodiac signs break free past struggles December 7 2024 Design: YourTango | CoffeeAndMilk & DNY59 from Getty Images Signature, Canva

If ever there were a time to break free from the past struggles that have created some hard times recently, it's now. During the Pisces Moon on December 7, we get the hint. Not only do we get the hint, but we believe in ourselves enough to trust in the process. Yes, it's been a long time in the making, but there's an arrival date, and this is it, kids.

Three zodiac signs have been waiting for this to happen, and while we know in our hearts that we're the backbone that got us to this place, we are still very grateful for the nudge from the universe that arrives in the form of the Pisces Moon.


The Pisces Moon is a marker of peace within the heart and balance in the mind. A stabling effect occurs during Saturday's Pisces Moon. We feel balance. We have made our way through the rough waters. We have proven to ourselves that we can break free, swim upstream, and let go of the past. Can this abundance continue? Yes, and it will. 

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Three zodiac signs break free from past struggles on December 7, 2024:

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs break free past december 7, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

It's kind of hard for you to deny the wave of positive energy that takes place during the Pisces Moon, and for you, Taurus, it's the kind of vibe that releases you from any prior hang-ups or resentments. You are well on your way to happiness now, feeling it in your bones.

What you've got to work with on December 7, is the idea that you are finally past that point where the past controls your every move. While you might not have thought this way, look over how you react, especially when it comes to love and romance. You're defensive and fearful.


This is where the Pisces Moon does its finest work, setting you free so you can dream again, hope again, and live for yourself rather than the identity that had you slinking into the past. You are finally free from the past, and it shows!

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs break free past december 7, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


The interesting irony here is that for you, Virgo, you weren't even aware that you were living in the past because the identity that you've created for yourself has been active for so long that you've become used to it. On December 7, however, you suddenly see the light.

Because of the Pisces Moon, you feel like giving yourself a break, and while you weren't conscious of the idea that you needed one, the split second you do realize what's going on is the moment it all comes clear for you; you've been attached to the past. It's time to move on.

It's the Pisces Moon that has you feeling as if there's more to your life than what you have right now, and it's not that you are unsatisfied with what you have, but you do sense that there's more out there for you, and you'll be brave enough to go for it, and good for you, Virgo!

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs break free past december 7, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

An interesting feeling has you in its spell, and it is one of courage and nerve. You just aren't feeling all that hesitant on this day, which could lead to a breakthrough regarding love and lifestyle.

Love and lifestyle? Well, yes. What's happening for you is that your Moon is reminding you of what you did in the past that only ended up wasting your time. And the kicker with this day is that you get it. You get what you did wrong, what they did wrong, and just how much you need not to repeat that behavior.


This is you breaking free from the past, once and for all. During the Pisces Moon, you can claim your identity as a person of hope, love, and healthy living. You aren't going backward and aren't content to stay mopey, so you'll use that blessed lunar energy to get you back on track. The next year will be fantastic now that you know what's what.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
