Healing Energy Surrounds 3 Zodiac Signs On December 7, 2024
We need not look back any longer. The future is bright and we are there for it all.
Zodiac signs, can you feel it? That nice, warm sensation of healing energy, enveloping us? Yes, it's real. We can trust that it's the real deal simply because during the Sun opposite Jupiter, we get healing. Our aching hearts can finally rest.
It's true that to heal an old wound, we must go at our own pace. Healing isn't something that happens because we demand it to be. We take our time and work with what we've got at hand. Healing is something we trust will occur at some point, and fortunately, for three zodiac signs, the transit of the Sun opposite Jupiter helps speed up the process.
And so, for those of us who have been trying very hard to heal, we can rest assured that the wondrous feeling of freedom that pervades our every breath on this day is the feeling of true healing taking place. We need not look back any longer. The future is bright, and we are there for it all.
Healing energy surrounds three zodiac signs on December 7, 2024:
1. Taurus
cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro
It's such a good day for you, Taurus, that just reading this should lift your mood. It's not that you aren't ready for the healing energy that is about to rule your world on this day, December 7; it's that you feel like this is all you get these days: healing energy and more of it. You are beside yourself with gratitude.
Because of the transit Sun opposite Jupiter, you get to remind yourself that this isn't just a random healing; you made this happen and did it with the power of your belief. You believe in yourself, and you never let up on that self-trust. Now, you get to bask in that energy like pure sunlight.
Sun opposite Jupiter brings you the idea that you can keep on going on this positive track and that history has taught you the finest of all lessons: stay positive. If you can manage this, your life will continue to heal, and you will continue to grow as a person of abundant love and joy.
2. Sagittarius
cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro
For you, Sagittarius, the Sun opposite of Jupiter, brings you the power of detachment in the way that only a Sagittarius can experience Jupiter's transits. The highs are not as high as they once were for you, but the lows are no longer devastating, either. You have reached equilibrium.
You feel as though healing energy is the only fuel you allow in at this point. It's not that you're invulnerable or can't be hurt; you aren't a slave to your emotions anymore, and that's because during the Sun opposite Jupiter, you get to see the big picture, and the big picture provides you with hope and peace.
So, it will be on December 7 that you let go of the little things that once took over your entire world. What's the point in letting these things get to you? There is no point, and you are smart enough to flow with it; the days only get better from here on in. Healing energy does its job on you, and you love it.
3. Capricorn
cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro
Not only are you ready to heal and move on, but you've also gotten a jump start on it, as you've recently dedicated your time to this. Now that it's December, you want to complete the year on a high note, and the Sun opposite Jupiter has your back on this one, Capricorn.
There aren't many issues that need to be cleared up, which is a good thing, but the ones that do exist are the ones you will confront on this day, December 7. During the transit, Sun opposite Jupiter, you'll find that healing that wounded heart of yours is a lot easier than expected, and that is because ... you're ready.
Much like Sagittarius, you've got the power of detachment on your side. This doesn't mean apathy or denial; you are quite aware of what's happening. It's just that you aren't letting things eat you alive anymore. You are the one in control now, Capricorn. You are allowing that healing energy to do its work ... and it does, very successfully.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.